Spinning Arrows Club. Thursday night casual racing.Open 

  • Thread starter tarkus1
Hey guys!
Long time no see!
First of all I want to apologize for not beeing able to compete with you guys anymore. I did a few unexpected changes in my life and so I wasnt able to compete in GT anymore.
I got a new Job, moved to another town (Münster not that close to the ring than Trier :P) and together with my gf. It took months to get a new ISP. But now im back and I hope I can join you again. It will be more diffucult because of my new work scedule but I try my best to make it happen sometimes.
I may be a bit rusty and i hope you guys push me a bit.
So hopefully we will see eachother on the track
Greetings from Germany

Welcome back. :bowdown:
I thought I lost you forever. So I deleted you from my FR list.
Which is easily fixable.:cool:

Check out my signature. It contains info on what's planned for 2015. It does get changed or updated so click it often.
My work schedule has also changed, but not my desire to give the guys the best enduro events possible.

Great that you're back. Now where did I put that German translation book. I can speak it, but can't spell it.

Oh yeah, before I forget. Check out youtube. Search for Manny' channel. There's a great collection of videos. :cheers: The one we ran at Lemans is classic. Right guys? :bowdown: :cheers: :cool: :crazy: :drool: :eek:
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Just got done running some laps with arveena, holandio60, manny, mazda, and jocke. What a blast! Its confirmed that both arveena and holandio r on the sim warp speed trip, wow! I was shown some better lines around the nurb short track. Used them and got faster in next race. I alwayz say watch n learn boys n girls, It will help!
Just got done running some laps with arveena, holandio60, manny, mazda, and jocke. What a blast! Its confirmed that both arveena and holandio r on the sim warp speed trip, wow! I was shown some better lines around the nurb short track. Used them and got faster in next race. I alwayz say watch n learn boys n girls, It will help!
That German duo is scary!! Let's make sure they don't team up for the next event!!:bowdown:
Yeah the races where pretty intense and a lot of fun! :lol:
Don't watch me those are my lines :P.
It was amazing to see how fast u were after winning the first race with an 8 second gab.:banghead:
If im allowed i would like to join the races next week.
I can go later to work on friday so this shouldnt be a prob.
I also have a mic now so you can hear my lovely german accent.
You did an amazing job while im gone tiger im jealous that i couldnt join you there. All these events look like a lot fun and little sleep for me

Keep on racing!
I saw a room set up for OB vs. MANNY today and was going to join the room and watch...

...but since I figured I knew what the outcome would be I figured why not waste my time making the 9th fastest CRX instead...

Now that i have the proper settings hp and pp on the ford gt i revisited daytona. Started with times of 146.800's and before i left had just broke into the 144range. Some more bugs to work out but im going to stick with it. Def not pulling the 142&143's i had with wrong settings before. So mphile77 has re-upped deal with ford and has sponsorship with R-U Fast Events! But they gave me no stickers for car???
Now that i have the proper settings hp and pp on the ford gt i revisited daytona. Started with times of 146.800's and before i left had just broke into the 144range. Some more bugs to work out but im going to stick with it. Def not pulling the 142&143's i had with wrong settings before. So mphile77 has re-upped deal with ford and has sponsorship with R-U Fast Events! But they gave me no stickers for car???

i will pretty much focus on the SLS...

the Ford, as far as I heard from many people, is a very very good/fast car...

and that makes me want to stick with the SLS and challenge the GT40 even more…!!

also i think it will be interesting(also a challenge) to have an import outrun the domestic in a domestic track.... :P:P

i know there's many fast guys aka aliens out there, i will try my best... :cheers::cheers:
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Cant we just take the BOP from the Quickmatch or from a gt3 racing series in the forum. So that the cars are more equal. I think it would be more fun if the cars would be a bit more equal. Nevertheless I will drive a german car if i can make the event. Not sure which though.


This one for example
I did not check the cars yet. Just from what i have heard. That the ford is soo fast etc
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I will pick another car I'm ok with that, br1 stay in the ford. I will do some tunning tonite again and c what I decide. Tuff crowd haha
and this is the reason why the points championship was taken away ! Everyone wants the big guns and complain about the small ones. I would like to win but trying my best with what I get and learning from you guys is more satisfying.

Congratulations. Well spoken.

Cant we just take the BOP from the Quickmatch or from a gt3 racing series in the forum. So that the cars are more equal. I think it would be more fun if the cars would be a bit more equal. Nevertheless I will drive a german car if i can make the event. Not sure which though.


This one for example
I did not check the cars yet. Just from what i have heard. That the ford is soo fast etc

Congratulations Well spoken.
The numbers are from the current Quick Match in Gran Turismo 6.
The Ford GT numbers are from another GT3 thread. I reduced them from 466HP to 460HP.

How many have done a test with Fuel/Tire Wear set to very fast?
Is the Ford GT good on tire wear or will it break down quicker compared to the others?

It's not what you drive that makes you a winner. It's how you drive it.
Accept the challenge or accept last place.

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