Cant we just take the BOP from the Quickmatch or from a gt3 racing series in the forum. So that the cars are more equal. I think it would be more fun if the cars would be a bit more equal. Nevertheless I will drive a german car if i can make the event. Not sure which though.
This one for example
I did not check the cars yet. Just from what i have heard. That the ford is soo fast etc
nice link, and those specs mentioned in the link looks more even....
I am not sure will it be too late to change all the specs for the Jan race, or we can use that as a reference for future race....
it's up to our racing director.... sir tjger...
Congratulations. Well spoken.
Congratulations Well spoken.
The numbers are from the current Quick Match in Gran Turismo 6.
The Ford GT numbers are from another GT3 thread. I reduced them from 466HP to 460HP.
How many have done a test with Fuel/Tire Wear set to very fast?
Is the Ford GT good on tire wear or will it break down quicker compared to the others?
It's not what you drive that makes you a winner. It's how you drive it.
Accept the challenge or accept last place.
the reduction on the hp for the Ford doesn't really bring down its performance and laptime...
I bought one last night and drove it for about 15 laps...
a testing run means I've only done minimum tuning, set transmission to 300km/h, alcheng-default-setting on camber/toe. didn't touch the aero.
I can feel the difference between the GT40 and the SLS right away!!!
consider I haven't 100% get used to the GT40...
and within 5 laps I've done a laptime faster than the SLS that I've been testing for 3 days!!!
Same driver, different car, 1 sec+ difference at initial test.
it's 2 different cars.
when i first picked the ford i had not even ran it. Then we had a practice room going one night and it was just killing other cars. I said to mazda that night i was not using it because it was to fast(didnt feel good about it). Simply posted the next day i was moving on because car was to fast and i shouldnt drive it. So after it was adjusted i kinda thought good i can go back and use the car because its more fair now, not taking the easy way out at all , just love the car! But all that said looking forward to tunning another ride up!
After the run last night, I compare the specs between the GT40 and the SLS....
it is easy to figure out why the GT40 is the better car.....
FR platform
MR platform
and what surprise me is even the GT40 has more power and lighter weight, it has a lower pp..!!!!
I am not being a whining guy in here, I've said I am staying with the SLS and I am staying with the SLS.
But the Ford GT40 clearly have an advantage in here, both on the book and actual experience.