Spinning Arrows Club. Thursday night casual racing.Open 

  • Thread starter tarkus1
Crazy thought! :crazy:

What if we create TEAMS?! and race with teams at the 1hr Le Mans?! Example: If i had to team up with "tjger" We could be the Viper TEAM and add our points to see who wins.
tarkus1 would team up with Ole and be the Corvette TEAM.

That way we race with a team member and maybe this way it will be more interesting!! :eek:

I know is late but like i said "Is just an IDEA" :gtpflag:
Really like the team idea
Alright gentlemen here is the Agenda for our June 5th :bowdown:Casual Night :bowdown:

Around 8:00 PM EST U.S. time

All PP races will be 5 laps
505 PP
515 PP
610 PP
---- Silverstone The Stowe Circuit. One Make Racing Kart JR.
565 PP
480 PP
615 PP
---- Monza the '80 circuit. Our BMW GT Vision cars.
660 PP
605 PP
550 PP
---- Chamonix- Main 1 lap Mitsubishi Concept XR-PHEV Evolution Vision Gran Turismo.
You get this vehicle by just entering the seasonal event for it.
Note: you will need to purchase snow tires...4,750 credits

If there's time you guys pick anything.

;) I want EVERYONE to express how sad they are that tarkus1 is missing all this fun.

Again print this out and get ready.

Stockerace will the host.
We will first meet at Trail Mountain. A possible choose for our club track.
I would like to just say that the LeMans event has consumed me...
I have quit acquiring cars, I have quit tuning my garage
I have put 700miles on my Ford GT around Sarthe
It's helped me learn a track that I rarely raced... and a car that now I'm in love with...
at this point if my car doesn't stack up - I won't care... I love how it drives now... I love this track.... I love my confidence on the track with this car now...

With this much time to prep, a set track, and time to get married to a particular vehicle... This has been very enjoyable for me... I hope you are all equally as excited... (not to where you tune me right outta competition...) but just excited for next week.

I like the randomness of our casual nights etc...
but something about this LeMans event has really got me excited about gt6 and a fun night of racing...


I hope you guys can put down a better lap that 6:49!!!!!! that's all I gotta say...
I would like to just say that the LeMans event has consumed me...
I have quit acquiring cars, I have quit tuning my garage
I have put 700miles on my Ford GT around Sarthe
It's helped me learn a track that I rarely raced... and a car that now I'm in love with...
at this point if my car doesn't stack up - I won't care... I love how it drives now... I love this track.... I love my confidence on the track with this car now...

With this much time to prep, a set track, and time to get married to a particular vehicle... This has been very enjoyable for me... I hope you are all equally as excited... (not to where you tune me right outta competition...) but just excited for next week.

I like the randomness of our casual nights etc...
but something about this LeMans event has really got me excited about gt6 and a fun night of racing...


I hope you guys can put down a better lap that 6:49!!!!!! that's all I gotta say...

You are FAST!! Mine is 6:56!! using my Corvette and i feel the same way... Can't Wait to participate at the LeMans with the whole TEAM :gtpflag:
You are FAST!! Mine is 6:56!! using my Corvette and i feel the same way... Can't Wait to participate at the LeMans with the whole TEAM :gtpflag:
Am I driving a different Le Mans track than you guys? I was doing testing with Demon and Mazda last night turning consistant 3.49's with a best of 3.47. Are those times misprints, typo's? (6.56???)
no... we were just trying to get you to post your REAL time ;)

let the gamesmanship begin

(now I feel bad.... so this is for free... my Ford GT is turning 3:50 and 3:48-49s on light fuel levels too ......but you all know I drive with 1 hand on the wheel and vodka in the other)
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700 miles. :lol:
The #91 Viper Oreca has logged at least 3,000 miles. :crazy:
Two trips to the frame shop and six oil changes.

Hopefully my girls can cut that in half as we prep the #51.
My tail pipe is getting sore. :lol:

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009.jpg

Alright Gentlemen the official Announcement Sheet.

:gtpflag::gtpflag:The June 12th S.A.C. Main Event at Lemans Announcement Sheet :gtpflag::gtpflag:

June 12th we travel to Lemans
Track: Circuit de la Sarthe 2013
Time: Thursday Night June 12th 8:00 PM EST U.S. time.

Everyone show up and then decide what you guys want to do.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

print this out.
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:banghead: Hey TEAM i guess i won't be able to participate for tonight's Casual Fun Races :grumpy:... So you guys will have a break (NO GREEN CARS) :sly:

Have fun! :gtpflag:
Why are we changing tire compounds during the race? Is there a need to run on different tires? I don't see any advantage to changing compounds. Opinions from the TEAM????
the testing I did made it so fuel was forcing pit stops never tire wear....
I don't hate switching compounds just so people can have a little "strategy" as to use a HAIR slower (or faster depending how you drive) tire for a portion of the race... and then do you use them early?? do you use those tires late.....

I don't hate it... but seems like tires are only going to be a few seconds of an hour long race - that everyone is going to get hit with so I see your point...
the testing I did made it so fuel was forcing pit stops never tire wear....
I don't hate switching compounds just so people can have a little "strategy" as to use a HAIR slower (or faster depending how you drive) tire for a portion of the race... and then do you use them early?? do you use those tires late.....

I don't hate it... but seems like tires are only going to be a few seconds of an hour long race - that everyone is going to get hit with so I see your point...
I agree, stopping every 6 laps will be for fuel not tires. So, I can't see a need to change compounds. As an example, if I start the race with Race Hards, I would change to Race Soft at the first pit stop (6 laps in) and then continue to use them the rest of the race. Where is the advantage of a compound change?
You could potentially change back ? You need to do 1 change - but you could do 2... You could run soft early then hard late or hard early and race to the finish on soft or medium...
OR you could go soft, do your change to hard / medium, then back to soft as its likely we'll pit 2x

I think a less fuel / no tire change translates into a slight faster pit
so there could be a few seconds between the decision of 1 compound change or 2 and how much you refuel
specially on the last stop...

There are a few seconds here and there - again - my vote is I don't hate it... but its just one other thing for me to screw up, so I'm fine either way......

I say at this stage in the game 1 week out - I say we probably keep it as is and learn from this event as to how to work an advantage or if its completely irrelevant and can be take out of future events...
I could change back to a lesser quality tire but, why would I? There will be 2 pit stops in an hr. It looks like we will do about 15 laps in an hr. 1 pit every 6 laps. 6 on Hards then 9 on Softs. I don't see a need for a compound change as it doesn't change pit stop times and you can't keep the same tires on during a pit stop as there is no option to do so. I guess I'm just rambling now trying to figure out what advantage or disadvantage changing compounds would make. The difference in lap times between the tires breaks out like this Softs are 2 sec. faster than Hards and Softs are only a sec. faster than Mediums.
Oh, oh. So no one read post 525 on page 18?
I posted that tire compound change would be ON.
This time I added the note reminding everyone.
Last time a few of you guys forgot to change tire compounds and lost the race.
If I remember every Main Event has had tire compound change part of the race.

Alright change has been done.
Tire compound will be OFF

Tire/Fuel wear will also change to normal.
There's no sense in leaving it at Fast.
The race will be over in an hour.
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Oh, oh. So no one read post 525 on page 18?
I posted that tire compound change would be ON.
This time I added the note reminding everyone.
Last time a few of you guys forgot to change tire compounds and lost the race.
If I remember every Main Event has had tire compound change part of the race.

Alright change has been done.
Tire compound will be OFF
I did read it Tjger, I was just trying to understand why the need for it as tire wear is not our enemy, it's fuel consumption. Soft tires and Hard tires all wear at the same rate as far as I can tell so you'll get the same amount of use out of any tire choice only your lap times will be different.
I'm open to discuss more tonight... I don't mind 2 pitstops with fuel at fast....
the tires even at fast don't seem to deteriorate but I think there could be some strategy for when you pit for fuel and getting 2 pits in isn't a lot
Hope the Team had a good Casual Night!! :D

:mischievous: Ok i was reading the comments on top and i agree that fuel will be our enemy... as for the tire change requirement i think it will work as a good strategy for us and as a challenge.

EXAMPLE: While i was tuning my Corvette for higher top speed i had to make adjustments to the transmission. When i was done tuning i had good take off and Ok top speed, but the problem was that if i had to stop and make turns the car would loose grip and spin out of control.

SOLUTION: After Hrs of adjustments i finally got my car to HAVE good control on turns!! How i did it? By having Hard Racing Tires up front and Medium Racing Tires at the Back and by having this TIRE SWITCHING ON it would challenge me on how to come up with another settings for my car :mischievous:

Ether way I will Race with the team and learn from ALL OF YOU :D
Just drive slower like us manny!!! :)

Yes - you, tarkus and tjger missed out on some challenging and clean racing for the most part... As always there were equal parts vodka and spinning arrows

We're all excited to get the buzz and excitement level up for next week.... We threw a few scouting laps at Sarthe in to check track condition and can already tell it's going to be a long night concentration wise especially for the controller users.... Do your wrist and finger exercises!!!

Ole Sarthe scouting notes:
they have brought in thick dry slow sand... Bring your sunblock and sandles if you can't stay on the road, you'll be in there a while. But track is in great condition and running fast - I put down my personal fastest lap in the FordGT.

Excited for the trash talking and getting some buzz going this week - I may sell some of the cars I ran last night and use 50cr of that and do a fresh car wash so the fordGt looks good in mannys videos.....

(But I do think that many of us have done some extensive testing/tuning with different tire combinations so if we're going to make changes to tire requirements we should figure that out soon.....)
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Great races last night. Tjger put together a nice line up of races but wasn't able to take part. Those that showed up had a fun night, we went till 12:30am to finish the entire list. Those 5 laps around La Sarthe pushed us back later than normal. All focus now turns to LeMans, as it is closer than you think. There was some talk of locking the tires at Race Mediums as an alternative to changing compounds. I'm sure by Monday morning everything will be set in stone as the cars will be in transit to the track for race day. Fun night, looking forward to next week. See you all soon.
I would like to suggest a potential prize to the winner of our LeMans event....
in fact I'm cool with a list of any random and arbitrary benefits the winner can reap (or last place car for that matter) as a result of their performance next week. Why race with no reward or consequence!!

but my contribution or suggestion would be that:
1. The winner can choose the tune to the car of any 2 racers they want. So lets say Manny wins and wants the tune of my FordGt and Tjger's Viper... We have to fork over our tune sheet for them to benefit in the future of some legwork that we've done.

I would like to suggest a potential prize to the winner of our LeMans event....
in fact I'm cool with a list of any random and arbitrary benefits the winner can reap (or last place car for that matter) as a result of their performance next week. Why race with no reward or consequence!!

but my contribution or suggestion would be that:
1. The winner can choose the tune to the car of any 2 racers they want. So lets say Manny wins and wants the tune of my FordGt and Tjger's Viper... We have to fork over our tune sheet for them to benefit in the future of some legwork that we've done.

If someone wants my tune, all they have to do is ask. I don't think that it is anything secret and I would be happy to help anyone who wants help trying to tune a set up. I would rather get a bottle of Vodka for winning though. I will update my friends list with your new PSN name. Should I discard the previous name or hang on to it?
I Keep trying F1 GTR-Kokusai and with 50/50 weight it make big diffreence
The fast lap I got 3.50.xxx still slow???????:banghead:
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I will prob just run with the_real_OLE for now and not use the other one going forward!
was just talking outloud - but yeah, I'm the same way with the FordGt tune... (you guys would probably want it more for what NOT to do...)
but just trying to have some sort of prize/consequence to add to the nerves!!

I'd be fine if the all the losers wanted to paypal a few bucks to the winner for a nice bottle of their favorite "spinning juice" or something - or let them have some sort of "imaginary crown" until the next event... but there should be some sort of "title" or "honor" given at minimum since shipping on the actual trophy will be a nightmare!

I'm pretty good with photoshop, we could get a trophy image and 'photoshop etch' someones name in it for this event's winner and each of these future events going forward ??