Spinning Arrows Club. Thursday night casual racing.Open 

  • Thread starter tarkus1
I can't work out why. What's baffling you?

guess he didn't click the link

I did read part of that thread, but the timing of the article has me confused. It IS April Fool's day...

New Cizeta confirmed!
Maybe the Sailing Arrows could do a triathlon once a month?
Many of GT’s circuits have large bodies of water – Grand Valley, High Speed Ring, SSRX, Sierra and even the new Midfield. Sierra and SSRX look to have slipways that could be accessible if barriers weren’t there – imagine the potential for a motorised triathlon! Pull your boat to the slipway with a RAM, complete the boat course, then hop onto a Tourist Trophy bike…
:gtpflag: Alright Gentlemen :gtpflag:

Wednesday I will finally be able to decide on this HP adjustment.

The adjustments will be decided on individual performance(s) at the Spa-Francorchamps race.

hold on,,,another email in my inbox​

Alright, the news nobody wants to read.

After watching the Spa race replay.
I noticed drivers falling asleep, running out of fuel, spinning out, pitting at the wrong time, and several who couldn't take the race seriously. There was more, but that's the past.

One driver took the race seriously. No mistakes. A perfect race.

There was only drivers using tire management skills. Some drivers took the wrong amount of fuel.

So a great race nonetheless. A pure classic that ranks up there with the Super GT 500 race at Suzuka.

The performance levels for the GT3 class will remain as posted. Now I'm sure that will upset some of you and it's understandable. So if you can't compete on April 15th. It's ok. The Suzuka and Mt Panorama will each be run that night, one hour in length.

Today I put my final resignation paper work in at S.A.C. For those who want to continue to race with me. Be patient. I'm going to take some time off. :cheers:

I'm sorry guys, I really am. Its been a wild ride, but I don't have anymore E-tickets left.
Why suddenly?
We did how many hours of testing yesterday with 5 People? 4 or 5? Drivers discussion about the cars etc
Was it just a waste of time? 👎👎

You seemed to be motivated to give everyone a fair shot at equal cars. Why the sudden change in a few hours.
Just because someone is salty?
EH put a lot of efford in the Nissan mphile and i tested both the Ford GT so no one can complain about different driving skills. The z4 was also tested by two driver the SLS the same etc

No freaky results like one was going 2 sek faster in the same car than another was.

I think we were on a good way
Alright, the news nobody wants to read.

After watching the Spa race replay.
I noticed drivers falling asleep, running out of fuel, spinning out, pitting at the wrong time, and several who couldn't take the race seriously. There was more, but that's the past.

One driver took the race seriously. No mistakes. A perfect race.

There was only drivers using tire management skills. Some drivers took the wrong amount of fuel.

So a great race nonetheless. A pure classic that ranks up there with the Super GT 500 race at Suzuka.

The performance levels for the GT3 class will remain as posted. Now I'm sure that will upset some of you and it's understandable. So if you can't compete on April 15th. It's ok. The Suzuka and Mt Panorama will each be run that night, one hour in length.

Today I put my final resignation paper work in at S.A.C. For those who want to continue to race with me. Be patient. I'm going to take some time off. :cheers:

I'm sorry guys, I really am. Its been a wild ride, but I don't have anymore E-tickets left.

Are you sick of racing? I find it unlikely.

If it's because of all the hassle & drama then just don't entertain it. Make your rules, say that everyone must follow them, no complaints.
Are you sick of racing? I find it unlikely.

If it's because of all the hassle & drama then just don't entertain it. Make your rules, say that everyone must follow them, no complaints.

This and nothing else 👍. I dont think he is tired of Racing. Yesterday he improved 2 sek on the viper and also watched the progress of the other 4 people with 4 different cars and he seemed to be motivated.

Just in case someone is complaining in the background. This tests are normal even in Reallife. GT3 and GTE Regulations change at least 2 times a season at ACO, FIA and VLN.
Everycar was hit by it and the Result is some of the best racing the world has ever seen. Like Bathurst 2015 were after 12h 5 brands were in the top 5 and 4 were battling for the lead until the end of 12h.
Alright, the news nobody wants to read.

After watching the Spa race replay.
I noticed drivers falling asleep, running out of fuel, spinning out, pitting at the wrong time, and several who couldn't take the race seriously. There was more, but that's the past.

One driver took the race seriously. No mistakes. A perfect race.

There was only drivers using tire management skills. Some drivers took the wrong amount of fuel.

So a great race nonetheless. A pure classic that ranks up there with the Super GT 500 race at Suzuka.

The performance levels for the GT3 class will remain as posted. Now I'm sure that will upset some of you and it's understandable. So if you can't compete on April 15th. It's ok. The Suzuka and Mt Panorama will each be run that night, one hour in length.

Today I put my final resignation paper work in at S.A.C. For those who want to continue to race with me. Be patient. I'm going to take some time off. :cheers:

I'm sorry guys, I really am. Its been a wild ride, but I don't have anymore E-tickets left.

Good news to many, bad news to a few.

but it's racing, same in the real world, same in the virtual world.

When Red Bull was happy couple years ago, the rest of the field was not so happy, last year when Mercedes was happy, Ferrari wasn't happy. This year, when Ferrari is happy, Red Bull is not happy... so on and so on and it never ends.....

yup.... this is racing....
Are you sick of racing? I find it unlikely.

If it's because of all the hassle & drama then just don't entertain it. Make your rules, say that everyone must follow them, no complaints.

Mallet, he's not tired of racing, he'll never be...

he's just tired of.... you know.... what's been going on for the last.... 72 hours..... :boggled:

Why suddenly?
We did how many hours of testing yesterday with 5 People? 4 or 5? Drivers discussion about the cars etc
Was it just a waste of time? 👎👎

You seemed to be motivated to give everyone a fair shot at equal cars. Why the sudden change in a few hours.
Just because someone is salty?
EH put a lot of efford in the Nissan mphile and i tested both the Ford GT so no one can complain about different driving skills. The z4 was also tested by two driver the SLS the same etc

No freaky results like one was going 2 sek faster in the same car than another was.

I think we were on a good way

Aveena, there's nothing wrong with what you guys have done on those testing and trying to find out a "balance point" between all these cars... you guys did an excellent job....

however.... things got detoured a little bit.... or I'll say.. quite a bit...

get to a point... if you read back the last two pages, we lost the direction of where we should head to...

and this is to all of us:

honestly, I am neutual on the whole matter, you can ask Tjger and Manny and Mphile, I am the first one who said I would like to take off some hp from my Ford if that can make people happy, and I've posted that in here too...

so I am not bias to anything outcome.

People started testing different cars @ Suzuka and posted different lap times on each...

get to a point many starts saying "oh... you break under 2 mins mark... but I am still xx sec off..."

then we started talking about increasing hp on some and lowering on some....

then... here's the big thing.....

I notice people starts using the 1:58-59 as the benchmark laptime for Suzuka...

so.. we started to see different drivers saying "oh... I am driving xxx and I need extra xxhp to get into 1:58-59"

driver B " hey, I need an extra xxhp on my xxxx in order to get into 1:58-59... otherwise it's not fair..."

driver C "or we lower that xxxxx by xxhp so it can only do 1:58-1:59...."

we are all different drivers, thus we all have different laptime even with the same car...

do we use the laptime as a benchmark? or using hp? or using pp?

we've lost the direction...

if we have to get everyone into the 1:58-59 bracket, then each of us will need different handicap...

then what will happen if someone break into the 1:56-57 bracket after the handicap was given??? who knows, after some more testing we always find couple tenth here and there....

then should we lower the hp of that person again thus drag him back to 1:58-59?????

then why should we work out to get good laptime?? we just need to reach 1:58-59 that's it...

you can't going faster than that cos then you are "too fast"

the original concept/purpose is good, to make everyone more competitive, but as I've oberved... we lost the direction...

just keep the same....

honestly... I can say for 99% of us, the Spa race was a blast!!!!

tight battle for the whole 90 mins with different groups, we top 3 was battling, the mid field guys were battling until the last lap!!! Tons of action, I've never seen an Tjger Event being so exciting.

even for the last place, although seems he was running by himself at some point, but he has learn alot from the race, and surely he will improve on the next one!!!

And why do we have to change it when we are generally happy about it???


I think we all have passion for trying to improve our group and get what we want out of our racing game - and you can't please all at once...

What we need to realize is that we all have lives and to put the stress on A FEW to magically make things perfect FOR ALL is a tall task...

That's where we all try to step in to help normally!!! But that help and those opinions create equal if not MORE stress as there are now more options to consider...

I'm glad for our constant muse of casual racing...

Im glad for the fun we have all experienced in the events tjger has hosted... And we all have embraced them and looked forward to them as they have grown.... I think we're all surprised he put up with us this long...

Going forward - maybe we strive to stay mindful that with all the variables to consider... The game and its variables, our members and their wants and wishes... We need to be mindful that we have multiple outlets for all types and seriousness of racing... If you aren't happy with an event, sit one out... Race organizers will take that feedback and try to retool and you will have options for what you want eventually...

But to completely try to change an event mid season is unfair to the race creator...

In fairness to the group I think people only wanted to help!!! But we all have to try to use our words better perhaps so wires don't get crossed - helping change can sometimes come across as ungrateful. Which none of us are...

i think for sure we better throw in a dirty race tomorrow and hug it out after.... LOL
I get noone of your points no one was talking about driver performance the last few days i tested it was all about the cars.
I only said a 1:58 for me as a benchmark and that was a PM to tjger and not for the public. It was only affecting me and for me setting up cars to that time.
Tjger said yesterday a lot of time that he doesnt want to punish drivers.
Just make the cars equal and a lot of people are not happy with there choices.

Again its no point to argue about driving skills as you said we are all different drivers.
But lets take mphile or me for example why should we drive our ass of for a 1:58 in the fastest GT3 which had hours of setup put in it or a 1:59 in the Vette if we could step in the Ford and with a Stock Aero etc. we can do 1:56 flat and even 1:58 with 55 hp off.

But to completely try to change an event mid season is unfair to the race creator...

Thats actually quite normal and he is one who knows of the importance of changing the numbers because he actually saw people testing it and did it himself.
Take every GT season in the World and their cars for example. In give you two.

Aco/Le Mans GT Class:

They are driving under a BOP which is changed at least 3 Times. First before the first test Day. The second time before the season and a third time before Le Mans. If a car is too fast for the rest of the season the can change it up to a million times if they want.
We are talking about weight, restrictiors, Wings size, Transmission etc.

I give you one car as an example the Ferrrari 430:

-Is not allowed to use the same wing size as the Front enginged cars.
-Is not allowed to use the Ferrari 7 Gear transmission.
-Is restricted in HP and weight so he actually has less HP than the roadcar.

They do that for every car. The do different setting for Le Mans as a special Track i could go on forever.
But i wont have much fun lapping people in a car i know is 4 sek faster than theirs.
If you have fun in doing that go ahead.

In a perfect world this testing and tuning and evening the car options Woulda happened before... But of the main events that were run, other than some disappointment that people wish they coulda had a better ride - no one was overly complaining...

We all have the option to run stuff the way we want to... Create your own event

The race event coordinator set it up the way it was set up... Nothing is ever going to be fair... Run or don't...

I LOVE endurance racing... And I chose to sit out Suzuka for personal reasons.... I'll live... Why?!? Why are you sitting out Ole?!? - who cares!! Don't change the game for me... And I certainly stand by tigers decision to keep things as is, as Ive said all along...

If you need the fastest car to beat the 5-6 of us granny drivers - then you maybe need to accept reality... If you NEED to win above all - this group is built on different values
In a perfect world this testing and tuning and evening the car options Woulda happened before... But of the main events that were run, other than some disappointment that people wish they coulda had a better ride - no one was overly complaining...

We all have the option to run stuff the way we want to... Create your own event

The race event coordinator set it up the way it was set up... Nothing is ever going to be fair... Run or don't...

I LOVE endurance racing... And I chose to sit out Suzuka for personal reasons.... I'll live... Why?!? Why are you sitting out Ole?!? - who cares!! Don't change the game for me... And I certainly stand by tigers decision to keep things as is, as Ive said all along...

If you need the fastest car to beat the 5-6 of us granny drivers - then you maybe need to accept reality... If you NEED to win above all - this group is built on different values

Okay so tell when this group is made out of people who dont care why:

-Did Manny told me first the GT is faster and likes the idea of having more similar cars.
-6 People testing their ass off to find the right setttings. (EH,mphile,tjger,smc,PTK,me)
-"alex +1 for amore even field"
-Ob hoping the Vette will be competetive the next Race

Actually I dont think anyone is against a more even field

We only did 3 hours and we got quite fair numbers. How can you say its not gonna be fair its just beyond me.

If you want to make such a statement test the cars yourself.

I will join the Race in a German car if the field is somewhat even if it isnt i will wink at everyone in the Ford GT and you will have i promise you a field with a lot of Fords or an empty grid
Okay so tell when this group is made out of people who dont care why:

-Did Manny told me first the GT is faster and likes the idea of having more similar cars.
-6 People testing their ass off to find the right setttings. (EH,mphile,tjger,smc,PTK,me)
-"alex +1 for amore even field"
-Ob hoping the Vette will be competetive the next Race

Actually I dont think anyone is against a more even field

We only did 3 hours and we got quite fair numbers. How can you say its not gonna be fair its just beyond me.

If you want to make such a statement test the cars yourself.

I will join the Race in a German car if the field is somewhat even if it isnt i will wink at everyone in the Ford GT and you will have i promise you a field with a lot of Fords or an empty grid
I get noone of your points no one was talking about driver performance the last few days i tested it was all about the cars.
I only said a 1:58 for me as a benchmark and that was a PM to tjger and not for the public. It was only affecting me and for me setting up cars to that time.
Tjger said yesterday a lot of time that he doesnt want to punish drivers.
Just make the cars equal and a lot of people are not happy with there choices.

Again its no point to argue about driving skills as you said we are all different drivers.
But lets take mphile or me for example why should we drive our ass of for a 1:58 in the fastest GT3 which had hours of setup put in it or a 1:59 in the Vette if we could step in the Ford and with a Stock Aero etc. we can do 1:56 flat and even 1:58 with 55 hp off.

Thats actually quite normal and he is one who knows of the importance of changing the numbers because he actually saw people testing it and did it himself.
Take every GT season in the World and their cars for example. In give you two.

Aco/Le Mans GT Class:

They are driving under a BOP which is changed at least 3 Times. First before the first test Day. The second time before the season and a third time before Le Mans. If a car is too fast for the rest of the season the can change it up to a million times if they want.
We are talking about weight, restrictiors, Wings size, Transmission etc.

I give you one car as an example the Ferrrari 430:

-Is not allowed to use the same wing size as the Front enginged cars.
-Is not allowed to use the Ferrari 7 Gear transmission.
-Is restricted in HP and weight so he actually has less HP than the roadcar.

They do that for every car. The do different setting for Le Mans as a special Track i could go on forever.
But i wont have much fun lapping people in a car i know is 4 sek faster than theirs.
If you have fun in doing that go ahead.

man... you are not getting my point....

let me get it straight to you buddy...

you can have a 1:56 in a stock Ford...

I cannot, I can only manage a 1:57

Manny cannot do a 1:56 in a stock Ford

Ole cannot do a 1:56 in a stock Ford

now do you get my point??? You are a fast driver, so you are 2 secs faster than us in the same car.

we are all doing the same thing!!!

we see you doing a 1:58 in a Z4 and some can only do a 1:59 or even 2:00 in a Ford

if we sit in a Z4 then we are doing 2min+

it's the same thing...

we need faster cars to chase you fast guys in a slower car.

and you say you it's unfair to have someone to drive the Ford because it is too fast

Mphile did a 1:56 in a Ford, but he is not driving a Ford in the race.

We those human/hybrid need the fast car to try to keep up with you guys, or not losing too much.

same as what's happening now people are asking for more hp to keep up with the fast guys!!!

I am really tired of this, you get none of my point because you are not really thinking what I am saying!

You did a 1:56 in a Ford doesn't mean any of us can!!!

you did a 1:57-58 in a Z4, doesn't mean you will lose by 2 laps at the end.

and in a real racing, if I am 0.5 or even 1sec faster than you doesn't mean it'll only cost me a simple "click" to pass you!!!

you did the test in.. a test, open air, alone, of course it could be fast or whatever..

but anything could happen in a race.

don't use your laptime as the benchmark and ask us to do anything.

I am tired of this drama...

Have you even heard Vettel saying "oh.. Mercedes is too fast, they are pulling 2sec/lap... they have to be slower"????

I am a slow driver thus I need a Ford to help me.

if you are not happy, switch to a Ford, nobody cares!!!

You are the first and only person who complain about the Ford is too easy too fast after the Spa race..

the rest of us had so much fun!! I don't know what's wrong with you buddy!!!

Just drive!!!!

Please guys, stop that, I'm getting dizzy and similar to Mazda, I could also need a drink... But I've to race in 20 minutes...
This theme reached such proportions... :boggled:
I'm slightly asking myself if I should feel guilty or not for demanding you a little help for setting my car... :confused: :guilty:

The main thing for me is, when I reached the finish line, to get feeling having fought well. It was the case in Spa and I still enjoy the feedback you gave guys...

May I remember you to have a look again to the page 83 and to think about how much work spent the creators for all these events??? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Personally, I simply must amaze each time!!! :eek: 👍 👍 👍

What are we talking about???? It doesn't concern a kind of league event at all. IMHO, it's a fun event, but a difficult and serious one. Nothing to do with our Casual Races. Not at all!!!

So please guys, try to put a little water in the wine, that we can go one with this wonderful event! :bowdown:


Update 1.18 Is HERE!!

Start up your PS3 guys to get the new version cause it came with a BANG!!!
Course Creator is FINALLY HERE!!!


Happy April fools Day

I call cruel and unusual punishment here :lol: I've been waiting for this for so stinking long and I know it's april fools and all but that's a bit of a low blow :lol:

Quite honestly I jumped up and turned on my PS3 before I scrolled to the bottom of your post so maybe it's a little bit on me :lol::lol::lol:
Okay so tell when this group is made out of people who dont care why:

-Did Manny told me first the GT is faster and likes the idea of having more similar cars.
-6 People testing their ass off to find the right setttings. (EH,mphile,tjger,smc,PTK,me)
-"alex +1 for amore even field"
-Ob hoping the Vette will be competetive the next Race

Actually I dont think anyone is against a more even field

We only did 3 hours and we got quite fair numbers. How can you say its not gonna be fair its just beyond me.

If you want to make such a statement test the cars yourself.

I will join the Race in a German car if the field is somewhat even if it isnt i will wink at everyone in the Ford GT and you will have i promise you a field with a lot of Fords or an empty grid

I agree it is better for us to have an even field...

but in my previous post, I am stating this "even field" thing has lost its direction....

what is "even field"????

1) even field as we all have to same laptime in different car?
2) even field as we all drive the same car?
3) even field as we all drive the same car but different hp thus we can keep up with each other???

what kind of "even field" are you talking about???

even with all those options applied, there's only 1 winner...

so what is "even field"?????
Set the #s then
Seems fairly easy enough...

Until we run brands hatch
Followed by Leguna
Followed by daytona
Followed by redbull

With races being run 1month apart you don't have the time to reset #s for every race... Tjger did the best he could pulling from PD data on the GT3 glass and tried to add a few cars to provide variety...

We all want our cake and eat it too - don't get me wrong arveena - the point is we're not set up to be as fluid with completely redoing all the specs each month...

Tigers goal was to find a car that you like, some tracks you will do good on, some the car may be lacking so make up in prep and solid driving...

Good thing it's only a 4 event series....

We can start all over soon... And if you want to head up setting some cars up for each event - it sounds like tiger is happy to hand off the baton...

Sounds like he thinks it's a lot of work so careful what you wish for