Well, yeah, things moving by themselves in perfect geometric patterns on a hand-drawn Ouija board with 2 friends having their single fingers on the planchette is proof to me. The fact that it started making figure 8's out of nowhere faster and faster where my finger was having a hard time staying on (as was everybody else's) is proof to me, it would suddenly stop it's geometric pattern and sharply move to answer our questions. Scientific proof? Holy hell, no way. I would be thinking that people were screwing with each other for the sake of the data gatherer were this in a controlled environment. But I was there. This...thing...wasn't in my mind.
That will never suffice for you, and why should it? It happened to me, not you.
I think I've seen this in other areas of argument, but I'll answer it again...I am not making one up "to suit" as you put it. I'm not about that and neither are the majority of people who experience these things. But what else would you call these events/entities that can't be proven? Ghosts/spirits/demons?
And speaking in general, you can't have similar stories from all over the world, in a variety of circumstances, from people all across the board financially holding all different types of offices/duties/positions and continue to state that everybody is making it up.
WikipediaAmong reports of supposed alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50 percent in Australia, 43 percent in the United States, 90 percent in Canada, 67 percent in Brazil, 20 percent in Continental Europe, and around 12 percent in Great Britain.
As I've said before and people continue to neglect it in their responses; They are there if you want to go see them. Feel free. Browse around. But YOU have to go to see it.
I actually wish you would because to hear it from a skeptic is one of the sweetest things because you know they aren't lying about it!
There's nothing that says "extraordinary" to me quite like a skeptic seeing something and not knowing what in the world to call it.
Your teapot argument is an argument from ignorance/appeal to ignorance, an informal logical fallacy and therefore invalid. It's curious that you used a teapot though, see "Bertrand Russell's Teapot." I think you'll like the article (if you haven't seen it already, based on your argument).
Hrm...as far as believing in a deity due to personal experience and believing in ghosts, the difference for me would have to lie in that I can go see a ghost pretty much whenever I wanted to at dozens, perhaps hundreds of locations, because I know where they are. I don't know of a place that I can go to to see a god (churches included). Though I have had things happen to me that dictate that something else is beyond, I have yet to hear the word of god gracing my ears.
I would have to say that it's a mess and that every person's personal experiences will be all they're left with in the end.
So what lead you? From your post I gather the following:You used a slippery slope fallacy to argue against me and that part is invalid. I don't go straight to ghost because something happens. Something has to lead me there.
I didn't need any more convincing than to actually be around them
Well, in the interest of not starting a new topic, I'll just point out that I disagree with all of that and that my point wasn't to bring up the validity of the universe, but to bring up limitations in perception.Also, I know I'm living and typing to you. So I am capable of knowing something. I know that you made an argument. I know that I'm responding to you now. To say that one cannot know anything is untrue, really.
Science is the tool. All you need to analyze anything is science.There is no contradiction because science hasn't given us the tools with which to analyze these entities yet.
Well that depends. Did that anybody have proof? If they didn't - and were trying to convince people that germs were 100% real - , they deserved to be pushed aside even if they were right. Because they would only be right by chance.At one time, people didn't even know about germs or gamma rays and if anybody would have told them otherwise they would have been pushed aside.
Scientists already think alternative worlds may exist may that's what research has indicated. We can't interact with these worlds in any way, yet science has no issue with them because there is evidence supporting their ex instance.I would say the spirit world/alternate universes whatever you want to call it, are quite separate from this existence and far beyond any comprehension we have developed thus far. It's quite frustrating. I would definitely like to have those knowledge gaps filled. /nod
I agree that there is one scientific process and it's fantastic. Let me clarify to better put forth my meaning; our tools of the trade for such research are either woefully inadequate or nonexistent due to general lack of caring and/or belief. Who can blame anybody for feeling that way?
To whom it may concern:
It is a very, very bad idea to purchase, construct or attempt to use a Ouija board. This is doubly, triply true if you are young, artistic, imaginative or in any way emotional in personality. The use of this device is tantamount to summoning demons or evil spirits, or other dabblings into the occult such as magic mirrors, animal sacrifice, necromancy, or other "black" arts. It is a very dangerous risk to your mental and emotional health, so please, don't do it.
If, for any reason, you find yourself involved in such a risky practice, always remember to, beforehand, utter aloud or at least mentally think of some variation of a positive affirmation that you want to do good and only be in contact with good individuals.
Respectfully submitted,
Let me slap this one out of the window.
Ouija-bords are BS. MAJOR BS.
StarfirebirdI see people have mixed emotions about this subject.You will always have your believers and skeptics.It just comes with the subject at hand.
I on the other hand am a believer.Ever since i was 8 years old.
I was spending the night at my buddies house.We had just went to bed.I woke up in the middle of the night and seen a tall man standing at my friends bed.I thought it was his dad,since he was tall and pretty big, so i fell back asleep.I asked his dad why where you in his room last night?He said i'm not sure what your talking about as i was asleep all night.You were probably just dreaming, he said.
It freaked me out and i didn't sleep well for nearly a month.After this i've been a believer ever since.
15 years later i decide to get a group together and start doing our own investigations on the subject.Either to debunk or clarify if ghost's do exist.We have had much success and have been doing this for nearly 7 years now.We have caught many EVP's,VP's,shadows that shouldn't be there,intelligent knocks to answer questions and some things that make you say "did that just happen"?
This here is a few photos from one of our most recent investigations.Sorry that it is a photo of a photo,but my PC that had most of our findings motherboard fried and i have yet to fix it.
The place: Cherokee Rd. Graveyard established in 1788
Claims: noises coming from the graveyard and people seeing shadows or black masses moving between the gravestones.
First Picture
If you'll notice something in the left hand top corner seems to be very odd.My fellow investigator was asking questions and i was taking pictures.When i took this photo i immediately said"did you see that"?Something just walked right in front of us,i said.He agreed and right after that it got really cold around us.It was in the middle of summer so there was no way it should have been that cold around us.
It's great to catch something like this on camera.
2nd Photo
On the far left gravestone you will see something poking it's head, or whatever it is, around the back of the gravestone.On my fried PC you could see it much clearer.It is the same exact image from the top photo.To catch the same thing in two photos that were in two different areas is pretty astounding.It was like this ghost/spirit was following us around.
Sorry for the quality on this photo as i spilled coffee on it one morning.👎
I don't have the EVP's on me,yes because of my burned out PC.But i'll tell you what we caught.
1st EVP -"Why are they here"? After reviewing this and cleaning it up a bit we concluded that there were many spirits/ghosts,since it seemed one was communicating with another.
2nd EVP - We asked if any one is listening to us right now answer me this.How did you die? EVP - "Fire"
3rd and last - What _ _ _ Tree? It sounded as if it was asking a question,but we couldn't quite make out what it was trying to say in the middle of the question.
This was a pretty good investigation and since we were talking about sprits/ghosts i thought i would share this with you all.![]()
See, this is the problem with the "evidence" that always comes out. Crappy photos without anything on them. Is it so hard to get some proper equipment to a so called haunted place?
We have caught many EVP's...
"man what is that"?
Dear Starfirebird, I commend your bravery in exploring the paranormal and in subjecting yourself to the scrutiny and scorn of skeptics.
I'm specifically curious about your methods and technique of capturing EVP. Are you aware of, or are you using, the methods as documented by Raynes?
Respectfully yours,
If that's supposed to be someone's response to the photo, then it's not very good evidence for anything.
How to "safely" and "reliably" see a "ghost":
(a link)
I tried to make it clear it's a poor idea to fool around with stuff like this.
How to "safely" and "reliably" see a "ghost":
- Nothing is totally safe.
- Nobody really knows what a ghost really is, or why this method works.
- Key words: "Psychomanteum", "Apparition Chamber"
- This method has been in use for thousands of years.
- If you follow the steps, it is said you have about an 80% chance of seeing a "ghost" on your first trial. But I don't believe this.
- Most importantly: "Need". Do you really need to see a ghost? This method works best if you have a genuine need to see one. By need, I mean you have unfinished business with a departed relative, such as "What is the combination to the vault?", "Where is the will?", or unresolved issues of a psychological or emotional nature.
- If you try this method, with or without genuine need, it will almost always be a relative that you see and have an interactive visit with.
- This method has little to do with science, although it has been investigated in various laboratories. As far we know , it has mostly to do with personal human experience, which is not normally considered to be part of science.
- It is not recommended that you try this at home.
Respectfully submitted,
Okay. No argument. I tried to make it clear it's a poor idea to fool around with stuff like this.
See, this is the problem with the "evidence" that always comes out. Crappy photos without anything on them. Is it so hard to get some proper equipment to a so called haunted place?
Ooh, I read about this recently, but I can't remeber where. There's a rational, scientific explanation as to why people see things if they stare into a mirror long enough. It's something to do with your brain stopping to process the bits that are staying constant, which would be pretty much everything in this case, which then causes these areas to filled in with the brain equivalent of white noise. hence the visions.
It's called something like the trozler effect.
my own strange experience which I cannot explain
I'm not sure people should dig into the paranormal. It's not normal.
In America, Halloween is coming up on the 31st.
It's a good time of year for ghost stories. Thanks for sharing!
I fart ghosts.
I seem to have the same ghosts in my house. Are the invisible, silent, moist, hot and very smelly?![]()