
  • Thread starter KillYouSD
I would really like to believe in ghosts, but lack of evidence prevents me from believing.
Maybe experimenting with funny stuff in a dark forest will change my view on the subject. :D
I would say that I do believe in ghosts. I've never encountered one (thankfully, because it would terrify me), nor do I find these ghost hunting shows convincing. But I believe in the existence of the soul and the afterlife, so I therefore believe that sometimes people can become lost or trapped along the way, for whatever reasons.

I would really like to believe in ghosts, but lack of evidence prevents me from believing.
Maybe experimenting with funny stuff in a dark forest will change my view on the subject. :D

On the physics forum, it is not permitted to express your belief or opinion, but telling anecdotes - ghost stories - is encouraged. Perhaps you have some other related experiences or abilities around which to spin your tale? Pets with, uh, "psychic" abilities, and encounters with unusual lights, sounds or animals are always popular and acceptable substitutes for ghost stories. Meaningful coincidences could work, too. The weirder the story, the better!

I'm specially interested in stories involving precognition, where somebody or something seems to know something ahead of the time it should be known.

Respectfully submitted,
I'm specially interested in stories involving precognition, where somebody or something seems to know something ahead of the time it should be known.

I actually experienced something similar to this. When I was quite a bit younger, I had a dream that my grandfather had to rush my great grandfather to the hospital. In the end of the dream, the surface below the hospital of what you might call the "dream scape" quite literally collapsed away into a never ending abyss, and I therefore presumed, in my dream, that something terrible had happened. The next evening, I got word that my great grandfather had passed away. Not only that, but my grandfather attempted to drive him to the hospital, but upon arrival, the doctors claimed there was nothing they could do.

Of course, this isn't exactly "knowing" the future, however, I don't know what one would classify this as.
I had something similar to that, but I would call it a false memory personally. If it happened as a child, can you be certain that the dream you had actually happened before the incident, and not after? Distant memories of dreams are not exactly the most reliable of testimonies.
Of course, this isn't exactly "knowing" the future, however, I don't know what one would classify this as.

I would say it is an excellent story, and well told. 👍

There is no requirement for further speculation or debate. We need more such stories in order to establish a pattern or meta-analysis.

Thank you very much for your story,

edit: I would enjoy hearing TM's tale.
I had something similar to that, but I would call it a false memory personally. If it happened as a child, can you be certain that the dream you had actually happened before the incident, and not after? Distant memories combined with dreams are not exactly the most reliable of testimonies.

Agreed. I had many of these dreams as a kid. I believed that I could see into the future pretty strongly, but I noticed that I only seemed to ever take note of my ability after the "prediction" came true, and not before.


In response to Dotini's post, one of the predictions that I remember was sitting in a classroom and looking out the window where I saw bird fly by. When I saw this, I immediately recognized it as a dream that I had previously. I was convinced that it was a dream because everything I saw was exactly as I remembered it in my dream, although I only remembered it after seeing the bird fly. Most of my other dreams were short instances of deja vu like this.
If it happened as a child, can you be certain that the dream you had actually happened before the incident, and not after? Distant memories of dreams are not exactly the most reliable of testimonies.

I would not have remembered that particular dream in the slightest had it not occurred before it took place in reality. Not only that, but I was also a bit out of it for the next day or so as I clearly remember asking myself how I could have possibly dreamed something before it happened.

EDIT: Also, that particular dream was different from any dream I've ever had. In every dream I can recall, I'm experiencing everything from my point of view (e.i. as myself). However, in that particular dream, my body didn't exist. I was simply watching everything play out as if I was watching it on a television.
I have believed in ghosts when I was a youngster, but as of now, I do not believe in ghosts or any other spirits.
I'm not sure whether I do or I don't anymore I used to ( or still do kinda ) think my friends bedroom is kinda haunted because he seen a shadow in his hall once
I've shared my "ghost story" and heard some really creepy stuff from my parents about their time before coming to the UK but I like to think I'm smart enough not to mess with that kind of stuff being surrounded by death at work....and living next to a cemetery :lol:
Its 11:49pm and Just about to go to bed, why do I always find the most interesting or scary threads before bed? :confused::boggled: Anyway, no I don't believe in ghosts but my friends house is haunted. I`ll explain tomorrow when I get back in from school, I`ll ask him about it then share it with everyone on here. :) Got some more stories too. :sly:
Its now 7:22pm, not just got in but been at my granddads and his laptop is broke so I`ll share it now. Well, I said I didn't believe in ghosts (in which I don't) but I will share a little experience from before. I forgot to ask my mate about his "haunted house" so that will have to wait haha. Sorry :/ And well there is a place called Whitby here in the UK, and there is an Abbey there. So in Whitby Abbey, must of been about 5 year ago now but I saw my Granddad in there who died like 5 days before hand. He looked like a faded figure just staring at me. I ran out crying to my uncle shouting, "I see Grandad!". So I went back in with my Uncle and he was gone. I don't remember where about in the Whitby Abbey I saw him, but I remember seeing a sight of him and running out the abbey crying. And now, ever since that incident I get the creeps whenever I go in the Abbey. Its so creepy though how he died like 5 days before, and no it wasn't somebody else who looked like him because there was nobody in the Abbey at the time apart from me and my mam nd` her boyfriend and I went off to wonder about and I just saw him standing there staring at me. Then I ran out crying to my Uncle, came back in and he was gone! Nobody else around and no staff guard the place so it wasn't staff either. Its a free place to go in. Has anyone else had any similar experiences?
I am still not a believer. I just get it. I have tried to see shadows and ghost before. But, they just don't show up. :(