Sponge promoting homosexuality?

  • Thread starter McLaren


United States
I'm sure many of you have seen this. However, I think it is a just another stupid act.

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Conservative Christian groups accuse the makers of a video starring SpongeBob SquarePants, Barney and a host of other cartoon characters of promoting homosexuality to children.

The wacky square yellow SpongeBob is one of the stars of a music video due to be sent to 61,000 U.S. schools in March. The makers -- the nonprofit We Are Family Foundation -- say the video is designed to encourage tolerance and diversity.

But at least two Christian activist groups say the innocent cartoon characters are being exploited to promote the acceptance of homosexuality.

"A short step beneath the surface reveals that one of the differences being celebrated is homosexuality," wrote Ed Vitagliano in an article for the American Family Association.

The video is a remake of the 1979 hit song "We Are Family" using the voices and images of SpongeBob, Barney, Winnie the Pooh, Bob the Builder, the Rugrats and other TV cartoon characters. It was made by a foundation set up by songwriter Nile Rodgers after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in an effort to promote healing.

Christian groups however have taken exception to the tolerance pledge on the foundation's Web site, which asks people to respect the sexual identity of others along with their abilities, beliefs, culture and race.

"Their inclusion of the reference to 'sexual identity" within their 'tolerance pledge' is not only unnecessary, but it crosses a moral line," James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, said in a statement released Thursday.

Rodgers said he was astounded by the attack.

"That is so myopic and harsh," he told Reuters. "You have really got to look hard to find anything in this that is offensive to anyone. The last thing I am going to do is taint these characters."

Dobson was quoted by the New York Times on Thursday as having singled out the wildly popular SpongeBob during remarks about the video at dinner this week in Washington, D.C.

SpongeBob, who lives in a pineapple under the sea, was "outed" by the U.S. media in 2002 after reports that the TV show and its merchandise are popular with gays. His creator, Stephen Hillenburg, said at the time that though SpongeBob was an oddball, he thought of all the characters in the show as asexual.

It is not the first time that children's TV favorites have come under the critical spotlight of the Christian right. In 1999, the Rev. Jerry Falwell described Tinky Winky, the purse-toting purple Teletubbie, as a gay role model.

I think this is about as stupid as the Tele-Tubby incident.
I mean, c'mon, my younger brothers watch this show.
omg these people need to get a life. just because we've moved away from TV shows promoting incredible sexism and wife-beating (too the moon!) everything is gay now? And wouldn't the correct term (asexual) be "sexually indiscriminate" ? As ''asexual" refers to the ability to reproduce without the aid of another partner.
What really bugs me is the fact that they are against the actual tolerance of homosexuals. Their opposition to condoning it is one thing, I guess, but to be against the tolerance of it is mad.
What makes me mad is one of the last statements.

Ok, how do they know Spongebob products are bought by gays? And what difference does it make?

The US is turning into a real **** hole. First, the "No god in the Pledge of Aligence" and now this.

If you don't like, don't say god then. Heck, don't say it at all. I swear, US citizens seem to be getting stupider by the decade.
omg these people need to get a life. just because we've moved away from TV shows promoting incredible sexism and wife-beating (too the moon!) everything is gay now? And wouldn't the correct term (asexual) be "sexually indiscriminate" ? As ''asexual" refers to the ability to reproduce without the aid of another partner.

The prefix "a" means "without".

"Asexual" means "Without sex" - this can mean a sexual act, or gender. Asexual reproduction is reproduction without sex. An individual who is described as "asexual" is one with no defined or apparent gender (although they're often described as "androgynous", which technically means "a man who looks like a woman").
All these moronic Christian rights groups need a good dose of reality. This isn't the 1840s anymore, we as a society have advanced, partly due to our acceptance and tolerance of other people's beliefs, lifestyle choices, and so on. All these groups want to do it seems is take us backwards after all the progress we have made (apparently).
It's bull****.

Spongebob is a funny cartoon. It's annoying as hell, but it's not homosexual. The people accusing Spongebob of being homosexual are probably homosexuals themselves.
What really bugs me is the fact that they are against the actual tolerance of homosexuals. Their opposition to condoning it is one thing, I guess, but to be against the tolerance of it is mad.

You know what really bugs me? The fact that people think that just because there are homosexuals, everyone has to tolerate them. You make a decision to be gay, I make a decision not to like, tolerate, or condone it.

You forget, this is the land of the free, for everyone. The door swings both ways, like it or not.
We were eating dinner when the news had a story about SpongeBob. So, we waited and watched. We laughed our asses off. Food was flying everywhere. It was not a pretty sight. To celebrate our unique family moment, we turned on SpongeBod Squarepants and sang the opening thyme song at the top of our lungs.

It's just a bunch of idiots trying to attract attention to themselves by saying a popular children's character is gay. People did it with Mr. Rodgers, Bugs Bunny, Teletubbies and now SpongeBob. It'll be the same for whatever character your kids will grow up to like.
It's just a bunch of idiots trying to attract attention to themselves by saying a popular children's character is gay. People did it with Mr. Rodgers, Bugs Bunny, Teletubbies and now SpongeBob.

Bug bunny is gay!?!?!?! But what about that pink bunny that appears every so often!?

Why don't these homophobes just release their own cartoon. Like 'Homophobe and bachelor boy'?
Guys, the people that are doing this are 2 Christian groups.

They think he's promoting homosexuality b/c Spongebob products are bought mostly by gays. How do they know that? And that Spongebob is popular with gays. Again, how do they know that? They don't. So what? Spongebob is popular with many, many people. So these people must be calling them gay by saying its mostly popular with gays.

These 2 groups have no proof Spongebob is popular to gays, and that most of it is bought by gays. They have no way of proving SB merchandise is mostly bought by gays.

These 2 groups are just...stupid and a fine example of how much dumber the US is getting.
If by gay, they mean happy, I'm sure that every little 8 year old that receives one is gay. Heck I'd bet he's the gayest little mofo on the block those days.
Ghost C
You know what really bugs me? The fact that people think that just because there are homosexuals, everyone has to tolerate them. You make a decision to be gay, I make a decision not to like, tolerate, or condone it.

You forget, this is the land of the free, for everyone. The door swings both ways, like it or not.

I don't forget that this is the land of the free for everyone. You don't have to condone it. Tolerance is different though - are you saying you don't think that kids should learn to tolerate gays? Do you want violence and hate crimes to occur against gays? Would that be okay? Because intolerance leads to that. I'm not saying that those who don't condone homesexualism will do those things. I'm saying that teaching of tolerance of it is pretty reasonable.
I don't forget that this is the land of the free for everyone. You don't have to condone it. Tolerance is different though - are you saying you don't think that kids should learn to tolerate gays?

So you're saying that it's the land of the free, so long as everyone agrees with you? Condoning and tolerating, in this situation (and in definition) are basically the same thing.

Do you want violence and hate crimes to occur against gays? Would that be okay? Because intolerance leads to that.

No it doesn't. I know plenty of people who hate homosexuals and don't go out and commit hate crimes. I hate homosexuals, so what? It's my choice.

I'm saying that teaching of tolerance of it is pretty reasonable.

Why? Someone makes a choice to be something, someone else doesn't agree with it. I don't see the conflict in interest, and that's all this argument boils down to - Homosexuals want to be accepted, some people won't accept them. It's not a big deal - Agree to disagree, it's that simple.
No it doesn't. I know plenty of people who hate homosexuals and don't go out and commit hate crimes. I hate homosexuals, so what? It's my choice.


Agree to disagree, it's that simple.

It most certainly does. I didn't say that everyone who hates homosexuals commit hate crimes. But intolerance - which is to say not tolerating gays - can potentially lead to it. You don't have to like, agree, and support it. Agree to disagree, absolutely. But you do have to tolerate it. It's like you said, land of the free for everyone.
Agreeing to disagree is one thing. Legislating against it, when there is no possible harm to innocent parties, is something else entirely.

I'm not asking anybody to like homosexuals or to accept them personally. But your right to not accept them ends where it ceases to directly affect you. There's absolutely no rational basis for laws prohibiting homosexual legal unions (I won't use the word 'marriage', because that gets peoples' panties in a wad for some reason I'll never understand).
I always thought there was something about that Bob...

Duke is right. You don't need to like it, just don't point and laugh at it when it walks past you. Call it a "don't ask, don't tell" kinda thing.

Marriage is for christians. Unions are for everyone else.

Agreeing to disagree is one thing. Legislating against it, when there is no possible harm to innocent parties, is something else entirely.

I'm not asking anybody to like homosexuals or to accept them personally. But your right to not accept them ends where it ceases to directly affect you. There's absolutely no rational basis for laws prohibiting homosexual legal unions (I won't use the word 'marriage', because that gets peoples' panties in a wad for some reason I'll never understand).

We're not talking about legislation here, and I don't think any sane (Read: Non-Religious) heterosexual really cares about gay marriage crap. Lots of people don't want the stuff crammed down their, and their kid's, throats whenever they turn on the TV. And that's exactly what you get - "tolerance" commercials where you see men kissing other men, shows that revolve around the fact that x character is gay, and now popular children's cartoons.

There's no call for children under the age of ten to need to see stuff about homosexuals in the first damn place. This is a stupid move on the part of the cartoon creators, and as usual an even more stupid move by the christian extremists by blowing it way the hell out of proportion.
Ghost C
We're not talking about legislation here, and I don't think any sane (Read: Non-Religious) heterosexual really cares about gay marriage crap.
I'm an agnostic heterosexual, and I care about the issure of gay marriage.

Ghost C
Lots of people don't want the stuff crammed down their, and their kid's, throats whenever they turn on the TV. And that's exactly what you get - "tolerance" commercials where you see men kissing other men, shows that revolve around the fact that x character is gay, and now popular children's cartoons.
I don't want anything getting crammed down my throat, but I don't feel as if gay tolerance is being crammed down my throat. I have yet to see any of the commercials you mention, and shows that focus on how certain characters are gay are few and far between (Will and Grace and Queer Eye are the only shows that come to mind).

And I don't think children's programs purposely create homosexual characters or situations.

Ghost C
There's no call for children under the age of ten to need to see stuff about homosexuals in the first damn place. This is a stupid move on the part of the cartoon creators,
Actually teaching children to tolerate homosexuals at an early age is a good plan, since that is when children are more apt to learning new ideas. And besides, in this day and age, I'd think most 10 year olds already know what homosexuality is. Don't sell them short.

Ghost C
and as usual an even more stupid move by the christian extremists by blowing it way the hell out of proportion.
Agreed. These groups need to calm down and realise the world is not going to come to an end.
OK, so here's what I've gathered from this thread:

"Tolerate everyone you can! Respect the crap out of blacks, mexicans, jews, whatever - but if you see a homo - OOOOH MAN IF YOU SEE A HOMO...you damn well better NOT tolerate that! You better just sneer and think evil thoughts in your mind...about how they'll go to hell...and how they're dooming mankind by refusing to reproduce!"

Or, I can see it going something like this:

Man...I love all people equally!

Even homosexuals?

Yeah! Even them!

You're going to hell you heathen scum!!

I can't tolerate homosexuals?


Do I hate them, then?

Jesus loves all his children!

Except homosexuals?

Yes, except...wait...


No! Homosexuals are bad!

But SpoingeBob says...

SpongeBob is a F4GG07!!!!11one

OK, so here's what I've gathered from this thread:

"Tolerate everyone you can! Respect the crap out of blacks, mexicans, jews, whatever - but if you see a homo - OOOOH MAN IF YOU SEE A HOMO...you damn well better NOT tolerate that! You better just sneer and think evil thoughts in your mind...about how they'll go to hell...and how they're dooming mankind by refusing to reproduce!"

Or, I can see it going something like this:

Man...I love all people equally!

Even homosexuals?

Yeah! Even them!

You're going to hell you heathen scum!!

I can't tolerate homosexuals?


Do I hate them, then?

Jesus loves all his children!

Except homosexuals?

Yes, except...wait...


No! Homosexuals are bad!

But SpoingeBob says...

SpongeBob is a F4GG07!!!!11one


Hooray for conflicting logic!
If you don't believe in god, and you don't think he exists, and are skeptical of why everyone else believes in him, are you agnostic, atheist, or non-religious?
OK, so here's what I've gathered from this thread:

"Tolerate everyone you can! Respect the crap out of blacks, mexicans, jews, whatever - but if you see a homo - OOOOH MAN IF YOU SEE A HOMO...you damn well better NOT tolerate that! You better just sneer and think evil thoughts in your mind...about how they'll go to hell...and how they're dooming mankind by refusing to reproduce!"

Or, I can see it going something like this:

Man...I love all people equally!

Even homosexuals?

Yeah! Even them!

You're going to hell you heathen scum!!

I can't tolerate homosexuals?


Do I hate them, then?

Jesus loves all his children!

Except homosexuals?

Yes, except...wait...


No! Homosexuals are bad!

But SpoingeBob says...

SpongeBob is a F4GG07!!!!11one



...smoother like this: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
If you don't believe in god, and you don't think he exists, and are skeptical of why everyone else believes in him, are you agnostic, atheist, or non-religious?
As I said before, I'm agnostic, which means I don't know whether or not to believe in god (This is due to a lack of scientific evidence proving or disproving the existence of god).
Agnostic and atheist are both covered by 'non-religious'. Agnostics, as Ev0 says above, are those who don't really believe in a god, but who are willing to consider the possibility. Atheists, on the other hand, insist that there is NO god, and cannot be.

Technically I am an agnostic, since there is no way to negatively prove something. You can never ever prove that there is no god. "Absence of evidence cannot be construed as evidence of absence." However, I call myself atheist since I do not believe that there can be a god.