Sprint Cup Asia (Season 2) SEASON FINISHED.

  • Thread starter paoloevans

Are the pitstop success penalties adding anything to the series? Should they be removed?

  • Yes I think they add to the races. Keep them.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No they are not working. Get rid of them.

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This track is (still) so hard :( . Even offline (BoP off) I barely made 2:10.xxx :( . It took me 3 laps to overtake an easy opponent :S .

Like @Lazybike suggested, the Circuit Experience might help. You might also want to try doing the Endurance races in GT League. I'm a turtle and 2:06s are possible even for me, but most of my laps are 2:08s. If you don't have mad racing skillz, it comes down to track knowledge and experience. Like Nurburgring, having done the 24h race in GT4 I know what corners are coming up before I get there.
@Lazybike @Invisigoth :cheers: If I'm correct, the Bathurst Circuit Experience using the 650s? To me it's a strange, numb(?) car to drive. The F-Type is (to me) more agile... and tail happy downhills. It doesn't help that I have to set the BB at least +1 to the back or my tires are dead before race starts :D . On this track the +1 to me is ice skating in some of the corners.
  • I "know" where, but I have no idea how...:dunce:
  • I'm not brave enough uphill:dunce:
  • Struggling with the braking distance of turn 21:dunce:
  • Etc :D
It doesn't help that I have to set the BB at least +1 to the back or my tires are dead before race starts :D . On this track the +1 to me is ice skating in some of the corners.
  • I "know" where, but I have no idea how...:dunce:
  • I'm not brave enough uphill:dunce:
  • Struggling with the braking distance of turn 21:dunce:
  • Etc :D

I don't know about the Ferrari (the only think I dislike more than a Ferrari is a FORD :yuck:. ), but the Jag I have had some experience with. In the past I found it similar to the Plastic Fantastic I'm running. For Bathurst I sacrifice some tyre wear to be able to brake in time for the corner leading into The Chase at the end of Conrod by having the brake bias all the way to the front. I know most prefer rear bias , but that usually just ends with me facing in the opposite direction .... well ok... *more often* in the opposite direction that usual :embarrassed:.
What paolo said. Oh and remember white text with a black border is visible no matter what's behind it.

Just had a look at the options available in the software, I can put a boarder around the text, which will help to increase the visibility of the lap counter and other text graphics I'll upload into the replays.
@Lazybike @Invisigoth :cheers: If I'm correct, the Bathurst Circuit Experience using the 650s? To me it's a strange, numb(?) car to drive. The F-Type is (to me) more agile... and tail happy downhills. It doesn't help that I have to set the BB at least +1 to the back or my tires are dead before race starts :D . On this track the +1 to me is ice skating in some of the corners.
  • I "know" where, but I have no idea how...:dunce:
  • I'm not brave enough uphill:dunce:
  • Struggling with the braking distance of turn 21:dunce:
  • Etc :D

Here's how not to take Turn 21 (from Round 7 of the Supra Cup last weekend.
@Lazybike @Invisigoth :cheers: If I'm correct, the Bathurst Circuit Experience using the 650s? To me it's a strange, numb(?) car to drive. The F-Type is (to me) more agile... and tail happy downhills. It doesn't help that I have to set the BB at least +1 to the back or my tires are dead before race starts :D . On this track the +1 to me is ice skating in some of the corners.
  • I "know" where, but I have no idea how...:dunce:
  • I'm not brave enough uphill:dunce:
  • Struggling with the braking distance of turn 21:dunce:
  • Etc :D

It does use the 650, but it's about learning the track, specifically the sectors, once you get the track dialled you can make small adjustments to suit whichever car, I've found it useful, I went on it the other day just to refresh my memory...it's a fun track.
@Invisigoth @skivit76 @Mark blacky @Lazybike @Totalrose @Raptor013 @WanganGhost @PTLobo2 @AudiMan2011 @Lost Sheltie @Kuraudo @si_berian_tiger

R5 Race Week Shout Out!

I know @Spinerkopin cannot make this race and that @Autograss_Mad is not definite but hopefully the rest of you can be there :).

If not no problem just let me know here.

Also if anyone hasn't voted on next seasons calendar the vote closes on Saturday. If you still want to vote do so here in the thread :cheers:.

@El_Beardo @Raybrig100 @Drex124 as always let me know if any of you can make it. There could be 3 spaces on the grid available.....

Cheers all. Look forward to Friday:tup:.
@Invisigoth @skivit76 @Mark blacky @Lazybike @Totalrose @Raptor013 @WanganGhost @PTLobo2 @AudiMan2011 @Lost Sheltie @Kuraudo @si_berian_tiger

R5 Race Week Shout Out!

I know @Spinerkopin cannot make this race and that @Autograss_Mad is not definite but hopefully the rest of you can be there :).

If not no problem just let me know here.

Also if anyone hasn't voted on next seasons calendar the vote closes on Saturday. If you still want to vote do so here in the thread :cheers:.

@El_Beardo @Raybrig100 @Drex124 as always let me know if any of you can make it. There could be 3 spaces on the grid available.....

Cheers all. Look forward to Friday:tup:.
I should be able to make it. Lost my job last saturday
I'd previously said i wouldnt be able to make it... its unfortunate because i really do like Bathurst but what can you do... My family had to change holiday plans due to the COVID situation and those clashed with this round. No internet where im at so i really cant take part :(. Good luck to all.
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I'd previously said i wouldnt be able to make it... its unfortunate because i really do like Bathurst but what can you do... My family had to change holidays plans due to the COVID situation and those clashed with this round. No internet where im at so i really cant take part :(. Good luck to all.

Ah yes I do remember! Sorry mate.
Have a good evening and look forward to seeing you at Fuji :cheers:👍:)
@Invisigoth @skivit76 @Mark blacky @Lazybike @Totalrose @Raptor013 @WanganGhost @PTLobo2 @AudiMan2011 @Lost Sheltie @Kuraudo @si_berian_tiger

R5 Race Week Shout Out!

I know @Spinerkopin cannot make this race and that @Autograss_Mad is not definite but hopefully the rest of you can be there :).

If not no problem just let me know here.

Also if anyone hasn't voted on next seasons calendar the vote closes on Saturday. If you still want to vote do so here in the thread :cheers:.

@El_Beardo @Raybrig100 @Drex124 as always let me know if any of you can make it. There could be 3 spaces on the grid available.....

Cheers all. Look forward to Friday:tup:.
Ready :) :cheers:
@Invisigoth @skivit76 @Mark blacky @Lazybike @Totalrose @Raptor013 @WanganGhost @PTLobo2 @AudiMan2011 @Lost Sheltie @Kuraudo @si_berian_tiger

R5 Race Week Shout Out!

I know @Spinerkopin cannot make this race and that @Autograss_Mad is not definite but hopefully the rest of you can be there :).

If not no problem just let me know here.

Also if anyone hasn't voted on next seasons calendar the vote closes on Saturday. If you still want to vote do so here in the thread :cheers:.

@El_Beardo @Raybrig100 @Drex124 as always let me know if any of you can make it. There could be 3 spaces on the grid available.....

Cheers all. Look forward to Friday:tup:.

I missed out on so many messages!

Uh I'll be there and calendar 2 but wheres Tokyo
@Invisigoth @skivit76 @Mark blacky @Lazybike @Totalrose @Raptor013 @WanganGhost @PTLobo2 @AudiMan2011 @Lost Sheltie @Kuraudo @si_berian_tiger

R5 Race Week Shout Out!

I know @Spinerkopin cannot make this race and that @Autograss_Mad is not definite but hopefully the rest of you can be there :).

If not no problem just let me know here.

Also if anyone hasn't voted on next seasons calendar the vote closes on Saturday. If you still want to vote do so here in the thread :cheers:.

@El_Beardo @Raybrig100 @Drex124 as always let me know if any of you can make it. There could be 3 spaces on the grid available.....

Cheers all. Look forward to Friday:tup:.
I'm available if needed. 👍