Sprint Cup GT World Challenge. SEASON FINISHED.

  • Thread starter paoloevans
Walk around complete and ready to race.

Good luck:cheers:
Sorry I'm not going to make it tonight
My psn was hacked last night & just got in from work so I'm getting it. Sorted but won't make. The race
Well, I'm done much sooner than expected, so I'm available after all. Obviously though the others on the list should get preference since I already said I was going to be unavailable.
Yeah, it was a blast running up at the pointy end of the field.

Had a great battle with trevonick from the 4th lap for a while and then Totalrose and the newcomer who's name escapes me at the moment joined in.

Unfortunately a mistake up the hill cost me places and what could have been a top 4 finish as I had the speed today (Laguna Seca really suits my driving style) but a couple of errors cost me.