Then you cleary misunderstood me from the get go since that is pretty much why I agreed with you and @
Samus I wasn't saying that PD have a rational reason, and when I claim they're lazy that shows I don't believe they have a rational/logical one either. So the no mystery is the fact that they don't have a logical one and it's once again short comings that they try to brush under the rug as being short on time by default.
I said they don't want to because they're seen as the game with the most material (e.g. cars) and thus if they can retain that as long as possible they'll do it. If they cared truly about quality then getting rid of these cars would have been not only the best ideal time wise and technologically, but monetary wise as well it could be thought.
How haven't they? They only did partial sound work and said to us they'll do the rest later, they only did partial work on the GPS (not that it matters in the end when complete) with the rest to come later. Their work in the past two titles has been more about giving us a base and falling back on the crutch of being able to update the game in a way they probably wished they could with say GT2 when it had issues. When did I say my bias was sufficient proof? And really what is my bias, because I highly doubt you have a clue due to past transgressions between you and I.
Who was I patronizing again? And it's obvious you did take this offensively after I specifically asked you, got no answer when I questioned you to patch things over. Also I didn't attempt to make any fact I said possible reasons, which don't show any absolution whatsoever and further more I only said anything to get this thread back to the place it was originally intended for as I've said several times already.