"Standards" the good, the bad and the ugly

  • Thread starter bodger
I think that backlights need more detail and interior and we have a new premium!

Headlights and tail lights, you mean. I definitely agree with that, I zoomed my semi-premium Del Sol and noticed that the tail lights could look better if it goes full premium. :)

there are no new REAL 2014/2015 cars added, such as the Ferrari LaFerrari...

BMW M4 Coupe would like to disagree with you.
Well, when I go to Recommended Cars in the menu, there are no standards in the line ups. Why is that?
Im saying, I didnt see the standards in the racing car recommendatioms because I dont use it. Hence, I am acknowledging that I see them now. I did not see any standards in the classic cars, super cars or hot cars recommendations. Capiche?👍
More terrible standards for you all - I only pick bad ones on purpose to show GT6's ugly side.





And my personal favourite:
One thing that I find very annoying about the Standards and Premium cars... is the naming convention. You see, it wouldn't be nice for PD to tell you "We have 400 Standard Cars and 800 sub-Standard Cars." Which is basically what it is: the level of detail expected from a PS3 game, the standard, are GT5's Premium Cars. The "Standard" cars aren't that, they are sub-standard cars, ported straight from a PS2 game. But you can't expect PD to advertirse the game like that, can you?

There are three things that need to be done with Standard cars, in this order, that would make them much better:

- Get rid of jagged lines.
- Make them semi-Premium, that is, with higher level of detail.
- Make them Premium.

Number one alone would make a world of difference already.
One thing that annoys me was that GT5's new cars were once described as 'future proof'. That's fine, but with the talk of Standards in GT7 it seems PD considers a lot of GT4 cars as 'future proof' too, at least for the foreseeable future.
Gt definitely needs the alfa 4c, jag f type, mclaren p1, 2015 mustang etc

The thing is, though, for every new car I would like, there is a million older ones that I think should be added.
Oh most definitely the older cars since they have great/legendary histories. I always loved that! You would think GT would upgrade some of the existing ones like the Toyota GT-One (TS020) from standard to premium, but I guess it just wasn't good enough for them or they "ran out of time". Alas, it seems like standard cars may return in GT7 since GT's biggest selling points are numbers nowadays, so I sadly don't expect many new classic cars to be added, which is sad... :(
Wow that is horrible, it is an insult to Honda! A toddler on MS Pain could do something better than that. PD should do some sort of contest to let fans retouch the standards or something.
I'll be honest with you....I'll love to see that just to see how silly it is. :lol:
If you notice, drive a standard NA MX5 and activate the wipers. They work when viewed from outside. I just don't get why PD went to that trouble and then we can't add numbers to the side.

PD also letter the tyres on some standards but we can't get lettered tyres for all racing tyres on premium cars. Those are details that bug me.