I watched the first film through my fingers, I absolutely hated the new kirk, the red matter bollocks, destroying Romulus and Vulcan....WHY???!?!?!
Script Meeting-
p1: Lets destroy some planets, it looks cool!!1!
p2: Which planet?
p1: That green one, whats that one called?
p2: Romulus, its one of the most important planets in the star trek universe, are you quite sure about this?
p1: Yeah yeah, that one will do, we will just make some haphazard script to justify it, no one would understand the science anyway!
p2: ok, but I'm not sure how well that will be received
p1: I want to blow up another planet!
p2: ..............
Maybe they will be able to shoehorn in destroying Qu'onos in this one, or maybe Cardassia, just random cuts to planets blowing up for no apparent reason.
I'm not a big fan of Abrams in general, most of his stuff degrades into pointless gibberish over time (Lost, and Revolution looks like its going to do the same thing, only faster) But on the upside it would be rather difficult to accomplish such magnitudes of fail over the duration of a 2 hour film.
But I will reserve judgement until I have seen the film in full.
At the end of the day, NewTrek is better than NoTrek
Lets just hope he doesn't balls up the new star wars films eh