It seems more broadly 'anti religion', why do you say 'anti christian', what does it read that you project it onto christianity specifically?
Moreover, what does the sign claim that is completely untrue in your view?
The errh... fact that its set up right next to baby Jesus?

It's more of a publicity stunt than anything...
And no, the sign doesn't claim anything that doesn't have the slightest tinge of truth... I'm not going to argue that organized religion isn't a subjugation of people's free will... that's why I'm an agnostic.
Yes, well the christian bible contains all kinds of such accusations against atheists (and many others), yet that is ok? "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good".
Did I say it was? Why not put the plaque beside a copy of the bible? And the Bible also takes potshots at other religions, at Jews (in the new Testament), and other jewish preachers and leaders. History is written by the winners... or so it is said...

Can i please see the math behind this?
Would you like the possibility to be
more than 0.1%? There are no negative scales for possibilities... it's either something or nothing.
Well, you'll need to convince me of that with some numbers, firstoff, is the 'many' you speak off relative, what percentage are you talking about?
I have never met a scientist that believes in the metaphysical, moreover, no metaphysical something has ever been observed.
everything!! we do know is physical and explained naturally, what is this metaphysical?, please give me an example of something metaphysical.
Einstein... for one... Darwin for another... both products of their times. In the Creationism versus Evolution debate, quite a few paleontologists (sorry Joey) have stated that they
do believe in God. I've never bothered to actually look the numbers up... but here's a study about it:
Mind-boggling, huh? Religious outnumber atheists by 2:1.
And to reiterate something I said earlier:
that article
"Now we must examine the nature of these differences," Ecklund said today. "Many scientists see themselves as having a spirituality not attached to a particular religious tradition. Some scientists who don't believe in God see themselves as very spiritual people. They have a way outside of themselves that they use to understand the meaning of life."
Spirituality and the belief in the metaphysical is not limited to being a member of a major old-world religious sect or believing in a personal, human God.
We do? why, give me one example where superstition is a good thing?
The belief in the metaphysical, or even in such abstractions as justice and "human rights" (what gives humans more rights than anyone or anything else?) helps keep people grounded. Gives them a rudder, so to speak. While excessive belief in any theism to the exclusion of evidence to the contrary is unhealthy, a small amount of belief helps motivate humanity.
It's this need to believe in something more, or to achieve something beyond the ordinary that pushes human innovation, cultural development and etcetera, etcetera, whatever-ever. Some people don't need a religious "crutch", while others take strength from it. Everyone has their unshakeable abstract belief, whether it be God, Profit-motive, Democracy, Human Rights, Progress, Gaia... this helps define what you do with your life and how you and society evolve and develop over time.
Like I've posted in the "Creation Versus Evolution" thread, there is no dichotony between scientific training and spirituality... not like people would have you believe. Just a clash between the corporeal authority of organized religious groups with very material aims and scientific truth.
Again, please consider the fact that the christian lobby is actively working to infringe on the rights of people who do not hold their beliefs.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Note, from the Creationism versus Evolution thread that I'm against the ludicrously named "Intelligent Design" movement.
Don't get me wrong niky, i'm just curious why you are so angry
I'm not angry, but I am disappointed. Because this form of protest, rather than winning converts, just strengthens the opposition. It's not thought provoking... rather, it's reaction-provoking. Like I've said, it's contextually irrelevant. Posting an anti-religious sign at a nativity scene, which celebrates human life and "peace on Earth", isn't far off from posting it at a mission giving shelter to the hungry and homeless. It sends the wrong message to the people you're trying to convert to your cause and just labels you as nothing more than a loudmouth... and is just as likely to push the wavering religious back towards the other side.
If it were posted outside the tent of some two-faced firebrand preacher, no problem, actually... or outside a gold-gilded cathedral sitting in the midst of rural slums... Attack the indefensible, the unpardonable parts of organized religion. Hell, go bother the scientologists.
The "Be Good for Goodness Sakes" slogans, like I cited earlier, are a better way to win converts over to your cause. Positive message, attractive even to the religious... and thought provoking.