STCC: Super Touring Car Championship [INTEREST CHECK]

  • Thread starter Scaniabebe
United Kingdom
Cleethorpes, UK
Recently, I have been looking (and planning) a possible future for a new Racing Series at GTPlanet. I personally call it STCC (Super Touring Car Championship); and this Series is designed to be a real test for any driver.

I am very early in the Planning Stage at the moment; but would like to see the response before I go much further (so I don't waste time). I have put together a range of 7 different cars that are tuned to be fairly equal.

1998 Alfa Romeo 166

1998 Ford Taurus SHO

1998 Peugeot 406 Coupe

1990 Nissan Primera

2000 Renault Megane Coupe

1998 Audi S4

2000 Honda Accord Euro-R

1990 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton

1993 Mazda 323f

1991 Mercedes-Benz 190E Evolution II

I am almost happy with these Cars; but I may swap some about and make a few other changes before this Series becomes Official...

It would be appreciated if you could Vote in the Poll and post your thoughts about this Series here. As it's the First Series I have even ran; I would like to see your personal views, so I can hopefully make the Series suite everyone..

Specifications (as of 03/05/13)

1998 Ford Taurus SHO
BHP: 355bhp (5,800rpm)
Torque: 45kgfm (5,700rpm)
Weight: 1250kg

1998 Alfa Romeo 166
BHP: 355bhp (7,400rpm)
Torque: 41kgfm (5,400rpm)
Weight: 1250kg

2000 Honda Accord Euro-R
BHP: 335bhp (7,900rpm)
Torque: 31kgfm (7,400rpm)
Weight: 1150kg

1990 Nissan Primera
BHP: 325bhp (6,800rpm)
Torque: 36kgfm (6,400rpm)
Weight: 1000kg

1998 Peugeot 406 Coupe
BHP: 325bhp (5,800rpm)
Torque: 43kgfm (4,900rpm)
Weight: 1300kg

2000 Renault Megane Coupe
BHP: 305bhp (5,800rpm)
Torque: 38kgfm (5,700rpm)
Weight: 975kg

1993 Mazda 323f
BHP: 295bhp (8,200rpm)
Torque: 27kgfm (7,400rpm)
Weight: 1100kg

1991 Mercedes-Benz 190E Evolution II
BHP: 335bhp (7,100rpm)
Torque: 36kgfm (5,800rpm)
Weight: 1200kg

1990 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton
BHP: 335bhp (5,400rpm)
Torque: 59kgfm (4,100rpm)
Weight: 1400kg

1998 Audi S4
BHP: 325bhp (3,900rpm)
Torque: 61kgfm (3,800rpm)
Weight: 1350kg

If the DTM gets off the ground; I am planning on running the STCC as well as DTM on a 2 weekly basis. So for example: the first week will host DTM, and then the second week will host STCC and DTM shall not be on. This helps myself fill a busy weekly time schedule and also gives drivers more preparation time for their respective Series...

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PM me if you want some help, I have cars from a stillborn Super Touring series still around.
Good test.👍 Car really needs a setup, couldn't put any power down so you kept on closing me down!:lol: I'll try and get those cars so you can have the Renault back.:)
PM me if you want some help, I have cars from a stillborn Super Touring series still around.

I'll PM you tomorrow and we could maybe work out a date when we could test some of the cars (maybe get a group of drivers together and each drive different cars).

Good test.👍 Car really needs a setup, couldn't put any power down so you kept on closing me down!:lol: I'll try and get those cars so you can have the Renault back.:)

Yeah, think you didn't have Aero on Max; which is important for these cars when ABS if off; as you always loose the rear on braking. With Aero on full; it's not so easy too spin.

You did gain some good distance at points; and I did slow to let you catch up when you spun out, and I also saved the replay as that was the most fun I've had in a race for a whole! :D

Nah, you keep the Renault! I've already got one; and this can be your gift for helping to support the series! :)
Yeah, think you didn't have Aero on Max; which is important for these cars when ABS if off; as you always loose the rear on braking. With Aero on full; it's not so easy too spin.

You did gain some good distance at points; and I did slow to let you catch up when you spun out, and I also saved the replay as that was the most fun I've had in a race for a whole! :D

Nah, you keep the Renault! I've already got one; and this can be your gift for helping to support the series! :)

Yeah I was pushing hard towards the end, and the rear did go first. I'll just lower rear brake balance, should help out.👍
Yeah if I got the power just right then I could get away well enough but in slow corners it really struggles, a fair amount of turbo lag. It is a challenge but a good one. If I can get the setup to be less....wobbly then I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad.:lol: Standard setup really not cut out for those speeds!

Thanks mate, keeping colour's the same it looks awesome!:drool:
I did some laps at Nurburgring GP last night, and I managed to get some beautiful precision; as I calmly locked the inside rear wheel going into the first corner! ;)

Yeah, looks very dramatic; the Lagunas of the day did! :D
I did some laps at Nurburgring GP last night, and I managed to get some beautiful precision; as I calmly locked the inside rear wheel going into the first corner! ;)

Yeah, looks very dramatic; the Lagunas of the day did! :D

Well I got tomorrow off so I think I might spend some time getting the car's and testing them out.👍
I think we need to work on the sheer speed of the Taurus; it'd win any if the faster tracks with ease..

Renault, Alfa, Nissan and Peugeot are all fairly even on their abilities..
I don't see specs for each car in OP.

No proposed time either.
I'm thinking of doing a Japanese Super Touring Series with STC/TC cars soon so maybe you should name this Euro STCC?

Looking tasty though man
I don't see specs for each car in OP.

No proposed time either.

Not finished yet I believe. I got a plan of the current ones but I believe they maybe changed.👍
Not sure since it isn't my league and still very early days, sure if send Jason PM he'll give you current specs.:)
I don't see specs for each car in OP.

No proposed time either.

The Series Planning is still in very early days; and the Specs have only been released to the Test Drivers. Also, those Specs may change. Also, possible dates are yet to have been decided..

I'm thinking of doing a Japanese Super Touring Series with STC/TC cars soon so maybe you should name this Euro STCC?

Looking tasty though man

Cheers, but I think I'll stick to the current name for it! :P

Not finished yet I believe. I got a plan of the current ones but I believe they maybe changed.👍
Not sure since it isn't my league and still very early days, sure if send Jason PM he'll give you current specs.:)

Yes, I suspect a few cars may change, and I may remove one and add another. Still too early to say, really.

Also, dates and times are yet to be announced (may be a couple of months until launch - much to do)..
PM me if you want some help, I have cars from a stillborn Super Touring series still around.

That reminds me, I think Dax also tried to make a SuperTouring Car Championship that was also stillborn.

BTW, was this attempt at a Super Touring series before or during TOCA's tenure?
That reminds me, I think Dax also tried to make a SuperTouring Car Championship that was also stillborn.

Yes, he posted above! :P

BTW, was this attempt at a Super Touring series before or during TOCA's tenure?

Well, it sorta really came to mind over this last week; but I have been thinking about it for a while, now..

Even if TOCA wasn't ending; I wouldn't be back for Season 9 - as taking part in 4 Events a week really takes up my time. I may try and limit it to 2 (or at a push, 3).
So ABS is off? If so I'll be a reserve for any time you put in the hope I can race. A later time on a weekday is best for me. (I wouldn't mind current bhp/weights to play with..)
We still have space; so you could become Full Time if you would like! :D
Will send you the Current Spec list; but remember that things may change..

If you're around; add me on PSN and we could maybe do some testing with other drivers later tonight?
I can only be a reserbe in any serie due to my unpredictable work schedule.. (Delivery driver) I do anythong from morning shifts 11am-7/8pm to 11s or closes (4/5-11+pm)

It's never the same each week. But sometimes times work out in a week so I can race.. Sad but work is more important than my own desires..

But yes I'm free today.
Anyone who is interesting in Testing some of the cars; do feel free to PM me and I can send you the Specifications. Going to be in my Lounge until 10PM GMT for some Testing...

EDIT: A shot from last night's test with Andy..


Some testing has been done tonight; and we can now confirm that the Nissan Primera will have a 10bhp increase, and the Peugeot 406 Coupe will have 50kg removed from its weight.

More information and images to be released tomorrow...
UPDATE (25th April 2013):

After some testing this evening, the 1998 Audi S4 could be joining the STCC; thanks to it's good balance and competitiveness with the other cars.

At this time, it is unsure about what car shall be leaving us; but I'm suspect be that the Alfa Romeo 166 may be leaving us. But don't worry; it may be back for Season 2!
Jumping the gun a little there! :lol:
We haven't even confirmed the car list yet; for all you know, we could be driving Ford Ka's! ;)

Will PM you..
UPDATE - 26/4/13

After recently studying; I am going to take a look at Modifying and Balancing the 1993 Mazda 323f and the 2000 Honda Accord Euro-R. If testing is successful; no cars shall be leaving and we shall have a choice of 8 Cars to race (that does mean that there are only 2 spaces per manufacture; with an extra driver as a Backup Driver [in the instance that someone is unable to attend]).

The chances of the Alfa Romeo 166 leaving is becoming smaller; now that we're getting some good vehicles together..
I'm proud to be able to release some Photos of our 2 latest additions to our Testing Scheme! :D

1998 Audi S4

2000 Honda Accord Euro-R

EDIT: Images are now in original post.
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