Well that time is now apparently. It's 75% off for the next 5 hours and 45 minutes. That's the price I bought it at too a few weeks ago.
Yeah, I'm thinking about it. I have to work out how much I've spent because I get that sneaking suspicion it's way more than I think it is... Yep, £30.83, I thought I was on roughly £20-25. These small prices add up quickly. I have to check my bank account and budget carefully, you never know when something you actually really want but never actually realised you wanted it until it's discounted at 75% off might pop up.
Edit: I downloaded and tried the demo, it's not really my kind of thing to be honest. I'll pass this time but I'll keep it in mind I think, I just thought it was a bit dull but I'm sure with three other players and a lot of action it wouldn't be.
Oh and I'm pretty sure we'll get Amnesia in either a flash sale or maybe even the daily deal, that seems to be how it works this year. I'm sure QUBE was in a community choice sale before.
Edit again: Hilariously, I just got gifted a copy of Magicka, so that's that issue solved!
New sales are up:
Saints Row The Third
Hitman Blood Money
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Cities XL 2012
The Darkness II
Trine 2
Indie Bundle IV (A Valley Without Wind, Atom Zombie Smasher, Blocks That Matter, Sanctum and Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP)
The Walking Dead
Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword
All 75% off except for The Walking Dead which is 40%.
If you don't have it already I strongly recommend Hitman Blood Money and today's Indie Bundle is a great one, Sanctum and Atom Zombie Smasher are awesome. Killing Floor is also currently in the flash sale which I recommend, it looks dated (because it is) and is only really good in co-op but I personally have over 100 hours on it, it's my most-played Steam game at this point I think.