Steet racing in Vancouver.

  • Thread starter poolhaas
$196 and towing fees :lol:

The justice system in this country is a joke.

I doubt they'll seize the cars, but if they do, that's wrong on the completely opposite end of the spectrum.

They can't seize them and if (more like when) they find more evidence they can be charged with all kinds of things. Although I do agree the justice system is a joke in our country.
Since when were S2000s considered rich cars?

This is just another example of fast cars in the wrong hands. If I was one of the kids parents, I would sell or keep the car for myself and stick him in a Versa. I dont (android wont let me add an apostrophe) care if it is harsh or not, they brought it on themselves.

Shoot that ain't harsh at all, I'd keep them from driving at all they could walk or ride the bus after that for all I care haha, i would never let my dumb**** kids drive them in the first place. (and yes i am 17)
Shoot that ain't harsh at all, I'd keep them from driving at all they could walk or ride the bus after that for all I care haha, i would never let my dumb**** kids drive them in the first place. (and yes i am 17)

Well not sure how licesing works there but the "new drivers license 6 of them has didn't leave much room for infractions. I still have mine...i can get the true full license when I pay to get it but those 6 likely won't haver licenses for a year minimum. The other 6 with full licenses will have points added to their license and after so many points your license is suspended.
There will always be people with too much money that will be stupid and get away with it. It's a sad fact in this country.