Stereotypes about Germans/Germany

  • Thread starter Monatsende
I've taken it upon myself to really get into it...not just from a class. On my own time.

But I don't really care how long ago it was, it won't change my opinion on it.

So you're going to condemn a nation for actions 70 years ago? Actions that partially resulted from the rest of Europe completely ruining Germany after the Great War, which created the opportunity for a spinster politician to gain power. How much experience have you had with modern Germany or its people? And how much actual research have you done? Because at the moment you just sound very ignorant on the entire matter, and defending it with "its my opinion" is just dodging the bullet.
So you're going to condemn a nation for actions 70 years ago? Actions that partially resulted from the rest of Europe completely ruining Germany after the Great War, which created the opportunity for a spinster politician to gain power. How much experience have you had with modern Germany or its people? And how much actual research have you done? Because at the moment you just sound very ignorant on the entire matter, and defending it with "its my opinion" is just dodging the bullet.

I'm an ignorant person :lol:

But in all seriousness. I don't care how much a country changes, it still stands. Forget I even brought it up.
Angela Merkel and the troika. Prior to Germany's purchase of Ireland, I considered the people intelligent, precise and interesting. Despite popular opinion, the Germans that I know have an acceptable sense of humor.
And the women are fit.
That, and jokes about Hitler do not go over well -

WW2 jokes in general don't seem to go well either. I remember when 2 German guys saw the Fawlty Towers episode about the Germans. 30 people were laughing their asses off. 2 Germans went berserk. :lol:

I'm an ignorant person :lol:

But in all seriousness. I don't care how much a country changes, it still stands. Forget I even brought it up.

Well, in that case I blame you for having slaves.

And back to the Germans. They are a close second to the French when it comes to not learning English, or any other foreign language. :D
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But in all seriousness. I don't care how much a country changes, it still stands. Forget I even brought it up.

This goes back to my statement about the US and the various civil rights issues that have happened over the past 150 years or so. Do you also continually hold those against the country you live in? Do you hold the war crimes Japan committed in WWII, quite comparable to the Holocaust, against them as well?

I've been to Auschwitz and I can tell you the Germans do not enjoy that part of their past at all.

Do you know what perpetuates these types of cycles? Holding the past against nations and their people.
Constantly plotting another takeover of Europe

It happens every summer.

Thus, I feel I have a decently accurate perception of Germans, though somethings still baffle me, like the dislike for Turks in parts of the country...

If you would actually live here, you would understand. A considirable amount of those folks simply are unwilling to integrate into society. They (and because of them as "parents") and their children often don't speak German at all, do not work or only little and thus are "wasting" "social-system-money" they then get from the state, or better: from those people, who actually go to work=tax payers. Those are also constantly bashing Germany as a country and the German people, ALTHOUGH they live in that country. And then there's their mentality: very macho, don't respect women at all, don't respect individual freedom and thus having silly traditions like forcing their daughters to marry x and y Turk.

All that said, I still know not a little number of perfectly well intergrated Turks, which are also incredibly kind people at the same time. Not all of them are the negative example I descirbed above.

It happens every summer.


I "visited" you in February last year. (of course to look for weaknesses and how we could use those to conquer you :P)

Oh and your joints are of good quality. I enjoyed them a lot. :lol:
I hate Germany and the German people because (and it's always stuck with me) when I was learning the language in High School they made us learn numbers and animals with a song called 'Ich habe ein Pony' which listed loads of animals we supposedly own. I have never owned such animals and every time I hear the song in my head it reminds me of not only stolen childhood dreams, but of the futility of life. I never had a pony, four hamsters, six birds or any combination of numbers and pets and it's always upset me.

Thanks Germany. Thanks a lot.
This goes back to my statement about the US and the various civil rights issues that have happened over the past 150 years or so. Do you also continually hold those against the country you live in? Do you hold the war crimes Japan committed in WWII, quite comparable to the Holocaust, against them as well?

I've been to Auschwitz and I can tell you the Germans do not enjoy that part of their past at all.

Do you know what perpetuates these types of cycles? Holding the past against nations and their people.

As a matter of fact, yes I do hold it against my own country.
If you would actually live here, you would understand. A considirable amount of those folks simply are unwilling to integrate into society. They (and because of them as "parents") and their children often don't speak German at all, do not work or only little and thus are "wasting" "social-system-money" they then get from the state, or better: from those people, who actually go to work=tax payers. Those are also constantly bashing Germany as a country and the German people, ALTHOUGH they live in that country. And then there's their mentality: very macho, don't respect women at all, don't respect individual freedom and thus having silly traditions like forcing their daughters to marry x and y Turk.

All that said, I still know not a little number of perfectly well intergrated Turks, which are also incredibly kind people at the same time. Not all of them are the negative example I descirbed above.
I'm familiar with that to some extent, based on talking with Germans I know. Perhaps we are a bit more use to it from the extent of immigration in the US, where most cities of any size have districts and sections where you pretty much have to speak the language to do business effectively. A lot of what you described tends to prevail in immigrants in general, especially from those parts of the world, though parallels can be drawn to Mexicans in the US as well.

Give it another 50 years and you'll all be use to it :dopey: But I can see some of the frustration perhaps.

As a matter of fact, yes I do hold it against my own country.
So what you are saying is you're a 17 year old stuck in a past that predates you by 50 years at least? Talk about looking forward :rolleyes:
Nazi's. Please no one take offense to this, this is not something that I'm trying to offened anyone with. Ever since I learned in depth things about WWII I just can't look at Germany the same ever again.

Ungeheuerlich, take this back or I will invade your country!!!

As for the topic, my family hails from Germany.

Watch your choice of words man. :lol:

the exchange student did not like any of the Hitler Meme videos, regardless of subtitles. Could have to do with him speaking German, thus making the scene for than angry German sounds :P

Well, if you understand the language, these videos are only funny with the sound off.

If you would actually live here, you would understand. A considirable amount of those folks simply are unwilling to integrate into society. They (and because of them as "parents") and their children often don't speak German at all, do not work or only little and thus are "wasting" "social-system-money" they then get from the state, or better: from those people, who actually go to work=tax payers. Those are also constantly bashing Germany as a country and the German people, ALTHOUGH they live in that country. And then there's their mentality: very macho, don't respect women at all, don't respect individual freedom and thus having silly traditions like forcing their daughters to marry x and y Turk.

All that said, I still know not a little number of perfectly well intergrated Turks, which are also incredibly kind people at the same time. Not all of them are the negative example I descirbed above.

Unfortunately, this is kinda true. 8(
I think it's time Germany says "Screw you guys, I'm going home" to the EU and then make a super best friends club.

Wasn't there an incident recently with a high up English politician attacking Germany for being an economic powerhouse? I specifically remember the Englishman bringing up WWII and trying to play the war guilt card as well...
I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't doubt it. England is snarky like that.

Edit: New meme idea for das Deutchland: Good Guy Germany.

Example: Almost took over Europe twice, ends up bailing out Greece and Spain.

Actually that could be Bad Luck Germany.
Pfft. Monaco only has their casinos and F1 race. They are just a pimple on the butt of France.

And didn't you guys know? The British saved the world, with a little help from the US back in WW2! :sly:
Pfft. Monaco only has their casinos and F1 race. They are just a pimple on the butt of France.

And didn't you guys know? The British saved the world, with a little help from the US back in WW2! :sly:

That F1 race has been getting boring, and it's merely formalities for the F1 circus to go there due to heritage.

And if I remember the joke, Britain helped win the war by getting 'Murica involved.

You may now flame me, history experts.
I have some questionable German heritage btw.

One of the brothers of my grandpa on my fathers side was kinda friendly with the Germans back in WW2. Hence why I never met him, as he fled to Germany in '45.

Yes it does. If Germans and Dutchies talk slowly, they can understand each other. Ish.

And we use a lot of English words, as we are too lazy to invent new Dutch words.
Angela Merkel and the troika. Prior to Germany's purchase of Ireland, I considered the people intelligent, precise and interesting. Despite popular opinion, the Germans that I know have an acceptable sense of humor.
And the women are fit.

Put down the potato.
Yes it does. If Germans and Dutchies talk slowly, they can understand each other. Ish.

And we use a lot of English words, as we are too lazy to invent new Dutch words.

(German base + English) x French vocabulary = Dutch

Although if I remember, and I could be wrong on this, modern Dutch predates modern English. But ^that's the jist of it.