Stereotypes about Germans/Germany

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Die Sylvie und der Rafael. Although they are Dutch, after a few years living in Germany they are famous couple in Germany.


Pommes rot weiss


Curry wurst




Weizen bier


Nice cars. Friendly people.

Immergrade aus (always straigth on) when a German tourists asks for road directions.
I was in Australia in 2010, one night in Perth we went to a club and had a good time.
As i went outside to the smoking area, i got ask "where are you from?"
I said Germany and everybody was cool with it, except for one girl.
She seriously ask me "Ahh Germany, i see. Is Hitler still alive and do you believe in what he said?"

Was she blonde? :P
Oh, I forgot to say that whenever you mention David Hasselhoff to a German male they get all giddy like a little girl. I used to work for a German company and my bosses were from Germany. Both were pretty masculine, with blonde hair and blue eyes. We used to talk to them about David Hasselhoff and Baywatch and they were just so excited. It was hysterical, them doing impressions and reciting dialogue. They had no idea we were trolling them for a laugh because they were so into it. :lol:
^Don't forget Knight Rider and

"I was looking for freedom..."*

*it stuck with Germany because it was the same timeframe as the fall of the Wall, thus staying in memory, heck even I will never get that song out of my brain, I tried, and I'm not German
Oh, I forgot to say that whenever you mention David Hasselhoff to a German male they get all giddy like a little girl. I used to work for a German company and my bosses were from Germany. Both were pretty masculine, with blonde hair and blue eyes. We used to talk to them about David Hasselhoff and Baywatch and they were just so excited. It was hysterical, them doing impressions and reciting dialogue. They had no idea we were trolling them for a laugh because they were so into it. :lol:

^Don't forget Knight Rider and

"I was looking for freedom..."*

*it stuck with Germany because it was the same timeframe as the fall of the Wall, thus staying in memory, heck even I will never get that song out of my brain, I tried, and I'm not German

Nobody really takes David Hasselhoff seriously. He claims to be co-responsible for the Fall of the (German) Wall because of his song "Looking for freedom."

I mean, what?
Blond hair, blue eyes etc. Basically this...


Notice the arm position. :sly:

Oh, I forgot to say that whenever you mention David Hasselhoff to a German male they get all giddy like a little girl. I used to work for a German company and my bosses were from Germany. Both were pretty masculine, with blonde hair and blue eyes. We used to talk to them about David Hasselhoff and Baywatch and they were just so excited. It was hysterical, them doing impressions and reciting dialogue. They had no idea we were trolling them for a laugh because they were so into it. :lol:

My first thought with Germany is amazing orchestras. Which is why I wanna live there. Plus they do everything better than us.
Older men with BMW or Mercedes's with big bellies holding a pint of beer in their hand.
Attractive older women (not too old of course).
^Just saw the spot on TV, awesome ad.
at least you know where it is at, not like x-drive mountain (still no idea where that is supposed to be?)

For those without German TV:
Whenever I think of Germany, I always think of BMW's, Porsches, Audis, And Mercs speeding down the Autobahn.
I've been to Germany a couple of times (its my neighbor country after all) and I can confirm a few stereotypes:

* Germans drink beer like freaking water.
* German food is terrible and unhealthy (but so is American food, Asian food... etc. :P)
* They're absolutely crazy on laws and regulations. They have millions of them.
* High quality standards in most things (excluding food)

And I can also dismiss following stereotypes:

* Even though the Autobahn has no speed limit the majority of drivers of sports cars stay below 200 kmh, except a Porsche or a BMW every now and then overtaking you with 250+.
I've been to Germany a couple of times (its my neighbor country after all) and I can confirm a few stereotypes:

* Germans drink beer like freaking water.
* German food is terrible and unhealthy (but so is American food, Asian food... etc. :P)
* They're absolutely crazy on laws and regulations. They have millions of them.
* High quality standards in most things (excluding food)

And I can also dismiss following stereotypes:

* Even though the Autobahn has no speed limit the majority of drivers of sports cars stay below 200 kmh, except a Porsche or a BMW every now and then overtaking you with 250+.
Or a stupid Belgian like me doing 248 km/h blowing up his engine in the process. :grumpy: :ouch: :guilty:
I've been to Germany a couple of times (its my neighbor country after all) and I can confirm a few stereotypes:

* Germans drink beer like freaking water.
* German food is terrible and unhealthy (but so is American food, Asian food... etc. :P)
* They're absolutely crazy on laws and regulations. They have millions of them.
* High quality standards in most things (excluding food)

And I can also dismiss following stereotypes:

* Even though the Autobahn has no speed limit the majority of drivers of sports cars stay below 200 kmh, except a Porsche or a BMW every now and then overtaking you with 250+.
The autobahn has speed limits!

There are a lot of speed limits, mostly on every Autobahndreieck/Verkehrsknotenpunkt.
There are still places where there are no speed limits but absolutely not as many anymore.
Don't mind me replying to some old posts, just found this thread :D
Nazi's. Please no one take offense to this, this is not something that I'm trying to offened anyone with. Ever since I learned in depth things about WWII I just can't look at Germany the same ever again.
I think that's okay. The stuff that happened in WWII is bound to warp your opinion about Germany and I think it's acceptable. It's part of the country's past (and the saddest part of its history) and, as such, should never be forgotten or taken lightly. If only in an attempt to prevent it from happening again.

So, yeah, I think it's all good as long as you're not confusing the Germans living here today with the Nazi bastards of old. Well, aside from the ones who still are Nazis. Who should have nasty things done to them. By black guys. In prison. If you know what I mean. :lol: Yeah, I know, I have a hipster-ish love affair with irony and sarcasm.

The point is just to differentiate between a country's history (of which this'll always be part) and the current population. I know a lot of people who get that mixed up, though. There's a rather large left-wing movement which does, probably on purpose. Such folks tick me off because, well, most of the Germans who're living now couldn't have done jack to prevent **** from going down, as we didn't live yet, back then.

These left-wingers are probably the worst when it comes to hating Germany. And everyone who identifies themselves as a Garman. All of that because of the fascist past of the country, while they, themselves, are the most fascist people I ever got to know. I digress, but, what I want to say is: Don't be like those folks.

That, and jokes about Hitler do not go over well - the exchange student did not like any of the Hitler Meme videos, regardless of subtitles. Could have to do with him speaking German, thus making the scene for than angry German sounds :P
Hitler jokes are actually pretty popular - lots of stand up commedians doing parodies and stuff, some ar eeven boradcasted on prime time :lol: If I'm thinking of the right Hitler videos (using a scene from "Der Untergang"), they're just far less funny when you understand how he's on about General Steiner messing up and someone subtitled it with a dialoge about being banned from Xbox Live. I love the idea, though :lol:


That probably is the hardest word in the English language, after all.
But doesn't the language sound like the bastard child of English and German? :P
and French. It was a threesome.
I have always wondered if even the Germans can fluently speak their own language...
I'm using public transport on a daily basis and I can assure you, there are A LOT of youngsters who are raping the German language in ways you can't imagine :lol: makes me cry on the inside a little bit. Not because of the language, but because I'll be ending up paying with my taxes for the wellfare payments of these morons :grumpy:
^After seeing FB comments in the funny thread, I lowered my expectations of humanity (2013, happy b-day 'Merica FTW) :lol:

Also Lederhosen is a mismatched stereotyped because it is only in Bavaria. Rest of Germany always wear at the age of 17-18 an "Abi Klasse YY" shirt. :lol:
You know us far too well, Ibo :lol: The Abi-Shirt thing prevails especially at gyms. Seriously, you can't get into one without at last one person wearing one of these things. I'm guilty of that myself :lol:

^Don't forget Knight Rider and

"I was looking for freedom..."*

*it stuck with Germany because it was the same timeframe as the fall of the Wall, thus staying in memory, heck even I will never get that song out of my brain, I tried, and I'm not German
Doesn't the Hoff still claim he brought the wall down with this song? :lol:

Personally, I'd say it was his weight, but...

Here's Clarkson's take:

Gotta love Clarkson :lol: That's hilarious :lol: