finially it let me in to post a message chad if it isnt to late id like to race tonight. i understand if its full i was having problems trying to post to the boards..
Can't wait till tonight, rules were just what I was looking for.
Any known alternates on hand for this event Chad? I am uncertain whether I'll be home in time to compete.
Can I hop in if there's a no show?
Good. Me too.
Next week we will have another tire test. But this event last until 10:30pm. With multiple races.
Yes, this event is first come first serve
This is strictly first come first serve, so who ever shows up before the 16th place has been taken will be able to race. Others who are interested will have to watch the races until there is a place for them to join.
Step 1. Please go here to sign up, *
Step 2. Post your PSN & interest here in this thread
* If you are already signed up, don't worry about it, just post your PSN here.
So, just because our name is on the list doesn't gaurantee us a spot?
Also, when I purchased my Stock Car it came with the racing intermediate tires. Am I correct in assuming they'll be there for the online race too?
Yes, it was always. That list gives you a idea of participation; so you can plan on coming to join or not . And gives me an idea of what to expect.
Yes, we are using racing intermediate tires tonight
You should be fine to get in.