STOCK CLUB - Cancelled, (I'm hosting casual Open Lobbies from now on).

  • Thread starter VBR
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Hmm. I just found this and the timing is good but it sounds like it's getting dropped. Shame. I'll try to keep an eye on things should you rev back up. I'm even up for what was planned for tomorrow.
I don't know about anyone else but I didn't vote because I can't make it on Wednesday.

I will rarely be available for what amounts to the middle of the afternoon here as well which is why I didn't vote.

I also have a question about this rule:

In a Normal Race with PP, the Power Limiter must be set to 100% before you bring your car to the track.

I assume a normal PP race is one where you set a PP limit and you can run any car. Does this mean I can only run cars set to a given PP if they are on 100% power limiter? Or am I missing something?

I have a shot at making it tomorrow...👍
I don't know about anyone else but I didn't vote because I can't make it on Wednesday.

My words exactly.
I would actually like to participate in a championship, but I'm unable to attend on wednesdays, so I didn't want to clutter up the vote.
Can't make the race tonight, Manchester United vs Real Madrid is just unmissable.
I don't know about anyone else but I didn't vote because I can't make it on Wednesday.

I will rarely be available for what amounts to the middle of the afternoon here as well which is why I didn't vote.

My words exactly.
I would actually like to participate in a championship, but I'm unable to attend on wednesdays, so I didn't want to clutter up the vote.

I made it very clear in the PM, & in the listing in the OP, that the championship was planned for Sunday the 24th.
Ouch excuses blown to pieces ^^ I thought a championship sounded great, as it was a one evening championship everyone would be able to make all the races. :)
I also have a question about this rule:

In a Normal Race with PP, the Power Limiter must be set to 100% before you bring your car to the track.

I assume a normal PP race is one where you set a PP limit and you can run any car. Does this mean I can only run cars set to a given PP if they are on 100% power limiter? Or am I missing something?

Yes Johnny, that's right. If the PP was set to 400 (with tuning prohibited of course), you could only choose cars 400pp or under when the power limiter was at 100%. 👍
Tonights event has been cancelled, & postponed until Sunday the 17th (that's "SUNDAY" folks! :P). To keep things even simpler, & to enable more to attend, Stock Club will now only run on Sunday nights (again, that's "SUNDAY", you know as in not Wednesday :lol:).

Can't manage this Sunday, sorry. Have compulsory practice for an other race series.

Yeah I know, you're signed up for nasty's enduro right?
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QUESTION: Do you actually understand what it means to be a clean, competent, & conscientious driver?

QUESTION: Do you have lots of online racing experience in clean lobbies, & do you tend not to cause incidents?
ANSWER: yes & no i do not cause wrecks

QUESTION: Have you read the SCR thoroughly, & do you understand how to apply them in race & qually situations?
ANSWER: yes on both counts

QUESTION: Do you give your word, that you will always use a wired connection when racing at Stock Club events?
ANSWER: wireless but I do not have issues unless it is a compatibility issue. i host a lot of lobbies with no issues

QUESTION: Are you willing, & confident enough in your understandiing of the SCR, to act as a Steward when necessary?

A: No Contact. Contact must be avoided at all costs! If you hit another driver off their line (or off track) & gain a position, give it back as soon as possible, but without hindering other drivers.

Awesome rule! No grey area for justification or judgement. Simple and to the point.
Hope time frame works out. If I make it home from church in time I will be here.
QUESTION: Do you give your word, that you will always use a wired connection when racing at Stock Club events?
ANSWER: wireless but I do not have issues unless it is a compatibility issue. i host a lot of lobbies with no issues.

A wired connection is a requirement. This is because of the lag we had the first time we tried to run wirless with people who all said they had good connections, it just didn't work.
A wired connection is a requirement. This is because of the lag we had the first time we tried to run wirless with people who all said they had good connections, it just didn't work.

In that case, consider it done. Glad I saved my 30 footer. Lol.
Don't know if I have said it already but I won't make it this Sunday.. not any Sunday at that time until the Oval vintage season is over.
Don't know if I have said it already but I won't make it this Sunday.. not any Sunday at that time until the Oval vintage season is over.

No worries, there's no minimum attendance requirement as Stock Club, just come & when you want to.

Tonights event has been cancelled, & postponed until Sunday the 17th (that's "SUNDAY" folks! :P). To keep things even simpler, & to enable more to attend, Stock Club will now only run on Sunday nights (again, that's "SUNDAY", you know as in not Wednesday :lol:).


:scared: to ask if there will be racing on Saturday nights :D


First of all thanks for the invite VBR

I like everything about this,

Stock 👍
Real tracks 👍
Clean 👍

But i'm not doing much racing on sunday night :grumpy: besides some TT laps sometimes to keep the feeling

Got a question. I'm wondering why i deserved a invite.
:scared: to ask if there will be racing on Saturday nights :D

But i'm not doing much racing on sunday night :grumpy: besides some TT laps sometimes to keep the feeling

Got a question. I'm wondering why i deserved a invite.

No racing on Saturday nights, just Sunday nights at 7pm UK time from now on.

I invited most drivers off the GT Planet Division 2 registry, you were on there, & I remember seeing you about in GT5 Prologue back in the day.
Which Cars-Tracks will be used tomorrow ??
Or will it be a suprise even for you ??
Or will it be normal shuffleing ??

Looking forward to tomorrow :D 👍
As always, a link to Sundays event is posted up under Upcoming Events in the first post. Click on the link & it will take you to all the information you need to know for the event, including necessary Rules & Regs.

QUESTION: Do you actually understand what it means to be a clean, competent, & conscientious driver?

QUESTION: Do you have lots of online racing experience in clean lobbies, & do you tend not to cause incidents?

QUESTION: Have you read the SCR thoroughly, & do you understand how to apply them in race & qually situations?

QUESTION: Do you give your word, that you will always use a wired connection when racing at Stock Club events?
ANSWER: Affirmative

QUESTION: Are you willing, & confident enough in your understandiing of the SCR, to act as a Steward when necessary?
ANSWER: Sure thing

I plan on attending today, looking forward to racing with you guys. 👍
I'm gonna call it guys; time of death, 20:13. :(

Not enough people supporting this to make it worth my while.

All the best,

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I'm gonna be running casual Open Lobbies for stock car racing from now on, did so last night & had 12 on track, virtually no lag, & awesome clean racing! :D

The new casual thread is here, wired or wireless, all who race by the OLR are welcome.

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