STOLEN: My MX5. Found, not necessarily in one piece

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That looks a lot less bad than I'd thought it might but, yes, not nice. You could probably remove the bent wing, bumpers and bootlid and, with a new tyre, drive it. Not massively safely, mind.

However, the roof's not taut. That'd suggestion a tub deformation. Can be sorted on a jig.

I'd need to shuffle a lot of things about, but if you need somewhere to store and work on it, I have a right-garage you can use...
Wheel alingment is also not proper. Good luck with whatever you decide with it! Too bad this happened with such a nice car.
Not un repairable, but with pretty much every panel bent its not going to be economical IMO.

Shame it wasn't more badly damaged and the thief not able to walf away.
I think you can narrow the scrote who nicked down to someone who's uploaded a GT5 gameplay video to youtube.
The front, the wing, and the rear but relatively little rear quarter damage. What the hell did it hit and how!?
I know if you're all anything like me there's a certain guilty pleasure that comes from seeing crashed cars (as long as nobody was hurt, of course)

I think this might be the one exception...

But yeah echoing Evan, what the hell did it hit? Clearly there's some sort of pole imprint on the bootlid, but oddly not on the plastic bumper which I would have thought on an 18 year old car would have cracked as soon as you breathe on it. And then the bonnet's curled up like there's been some sort of frontal impact. Very odd.
Wow, that sucks. It was a peach. However, I think I'd be looking for a straight, rust-free tub and moving the good bits over. Best of luck to you with getting the insurance sorted. I hope the thief gets the rubber hose treatment.
That looks a lot less bad than I'd thought it might but, yes, not nice. You could probably remove the bent wing, bumpers and bootlid and, with a new tyre, drive it. Not massively safely, mind.

However, the roof's not taut. That'd suggestion a tub deformation. Can be sorted on a jig.

I'd need to shuffle a lot of things about, but if you need somewhere to store and work on it, I have a right-garage you can use...

Thanks for the offer. For the time being, it's going to live at my parents'.

Body wise it's a mix. I had a look underneath from all angles and I couldn't see any kinks. The sills, for example, look perfectly straight, despite the damage to the door.

Yet the deformed tub comment could also be explained by the fact the passenger door now slightly overlaps the rear wing where there should be a panel gap.

It wouldn't drive though. You'll see the front wheel is on a dolly, and the rear looks like it's been bent out of position too. What the photos don't show are how much paint has been scraped, as if it went along a wall or something.

Shame it wasn't more badly damaged and the thief not able to walf away.

My sentiments exactly.

Wow, that sucks. It was a peach. However, I think I'd be looking for a straight, rust-free tub and moving the good bits over. Best of luck to you with getting the insurance sorted. I hope the thief gets the rubber hose treatment.

Thanks Duke, so do I. And your idea is exactly what I've thought too. The good thing is that MX5s grow on trees so it's not beyond possibility finding a non-runner or scruffy one and mixing and matching.

Incidentally, the interior seems fine, broken steering column cover (where they hotwired it) aside.

The main mechanical bits seem okay too. Many of the ancilliaries are knackered, but everything backwards of the front of the engine seems fine.

I think this might be the one exception

Very true.

But yeah echoing Evan, what the hell did it hit? Clearly there's some sort of pole imprint on the bootlid, but oddly not on the plastic bumper which I would have thought on an 18 year old car would have cracked as soon as you breathe on it. And then the bonnet's curled up like there's been some sort of frontal impact. Very odd.

I assume the back end was the last thing to impact anything, and that whatever it hit was at a reasonable height. The bumper is virtually undamaged and when I looked underneath, it's all sound down there too. It's literally just the bootlid and back panel which took the impact.

As for the front, it's definitely hit something straight on. The front bumper is damaged but presumably sprang back to something approximating a proper shape, but under the bonnet the radiator is knackered. The bumper grille is embedded in it, and the front subframe is bent.

I didn't look closely but I'm pretty much certain the front suspension will be fubar'd.

I suspect whatever it hit, it did so at a very shallow angle. I'm presuming some sort of motorway-style crash barrier, though that doesn't explain why there's a scrape right at the very top corner of the windscreen surround.

Incidentally, the surround itself is absolutely mint. The screen is undamaged too.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone attempted to drift it and failed.
I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't just talentless twonks and lost it on an easy bit of road.

If they ever get taken to court I'm going to ask them how it feels to stuff a car that even hairdressers can drive.
That would take a lot of work to get it back on the road. Much easier to find a shell and switch everything over. (easier than it sounds)
It looks repairable, but honestly, being a Miata, you buy them for the handling, and it's just never going to be the same unless you want to spend lots of money, which could otherwise be spent on buying one that hasn't been in a wreck.

I wouldn't fix it, at least not out of pocket.
I wouldn't fix it. Crashing cars is a good life experience, so just leave it and get something else. Keep a gun in your house so when you catch people being suspicious you can run out and start waving that sucker and talking all Southern-like. They'll be like "Oi, an American! Run!"

Or is that Australian?
If they ever get taken to court I'm going to ask them how it feels to stuff a car that even hairdressers can drive.

I'd ask the court for ten minutes alone with the thief personally...

I'm really sorry to see the state of it. If you get around to fixing it, or transferring bits over to a donor, let me know, I'd be more than up for helping out in any way I can.
The passenger door's out of alignment... from the pictures, it looks like the driver's door doesnt' shut right either.

That's a large amount of work on a chassis straightening rig, if so... might as well by another Miata. Sad end for Danger Mouse, but he knew the risks when he signed up for the job.

If the frame is nearly straight, you could probably buy the panels and the front suspension, knock it together and sell it... :(
man, that looks sad... and expensive to repair too. It's actually worse than I thought it would be, I wasn't expecting the rear hit.
This sucks to hear, seriously. I read this thread from the minute it was posted but hadn't posted because I couldn't exactly help. It's sad seeing the wrecked MX5, but, if the mechanicals and some others are in alright shape, I can't help thinking about ya taking it and building a locost.

Okay, that's probably a seriously bad idea, but I hope whatever you manage to make come out of this situation does you well.

****ing thieves.
It looks repairable, but honestly, being a Miata, you buy them for the handling, and it's just never going to be the same unless you want to spend lots of money, which could otherwise be spent on buying one that hasn't been in a wreck.

I wouldn't fix it, at least not out of pocket.

I agree. Would take a hell of a lot of work to get it back to how it should be.

Most likely scenario would be a re-shell or find a donor vehicle rather than repairing what's there already.

I wouldn't fix it. Crashing cars is a good life experience, so just leave it and get something else.

It would be a good life experience had I crashed it myself. If that'd been the case I'd have walked away and thought "right, I'll try not to do that again". That it was crashed by someone else is just a pain in the butt. I always assumed that if it got damaged it'd be by something I did myself.
This sucks to hear, seriously. I read this thread from the minute it was posted but hadn't posted because I couldn't exactly help. It's sad seeing the wrecked MX5, but, if the mechanicals and some others are in alright shape, I can't help thinking about ya taking it and building a locost.
Practical daily car, and a locost weekend racer?

I think I just died a little :nervous:
It would be a good life experience had I crashed it myself. If that'd been the case I'd have walked away and thought "right, I'll try not to do that again". That it was crashed by someone else is just a pain in the butt. I always assumed that if it got damaged it'd be by something I did myself.
Fair point.
Awesome (with some different wheels)... but illegal on UK roads in so many ways :lol:

Doubt it'd take much to make it road legal, looking at it. Maybe some fenders and a few more lights.

Can't say it's likely I'll build one but wish I had the technical know-how to do so!
It's sad seeing the wrecked MX5, but, if the mechanicals and some others are in alright shape, I can't help thinking about ya taking it and building a locost.

Okay, that's probably a seriously bad idea, but I hope whatever you manage to make come out of this situation does you well.

I was thinking more along the lines of the Westfield version of the 'Seven' theme.
Doubt it'd take much to make it road legal, looking at it. Maybe some fenders and a few more lights.

Can't say it's likely I'll build one but wish I had the technical know-how to do so!

Hmmmm.... no indicators/rear fog/reversing lights, needs wheel fenders, probably too many sharp edges on the front, no engine cover, exposed battery, what looks like an exposed and unprotected fuel tank, no exhaust, looks like it doesn't have a speedo... I'm sure there are whole heap more :lol:

And it would probably break in half the first time you hit one of the foot deep pot holes that seem to be a feature of British roads and arer unlikely to get fixed following the budget cuts announced yesterday.

I still want one though :D

Just noticed the Westfield conversion... now that's sweet!
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