Strange noise heard around the world

I actually heard something very similar to this earlier. Terrifying, had no idea what was going on. Ran to the window, looked out, nothing. Nothing but an Astra minicab.

Is there any, any chance at all that these successive noises are all being caused by late 90s Opel products with overworked transmissions? I think it's definitely something we shouldn't be ruling out at this stage, and if - I know, god forbid - it is the case, I think the public and particularly Network Q need to be prepared. It's time to stop shrugging off this stuff we don't understand and, above all, get down to your local dealer.
I actually heard something very similar to this earlier. Terrifying, had no idea what was going on. Ran to the window, looked out, nothing. Nothing but an Astra minicab.

Is there any, any chance at all that these successive noises are all being caused by late 90s Opel products with overworked transmissions? I think it's definitely something we shouldn't be ruling out at this stage, and if - I know, god forbid - it is the case, I think the public and particularly Network Q need to be prepared. It's time to stop shrugging off this stuff we don't understand and, above all, get down to your local dealer.
Post of the year - and we're only nineteen days in.
Wow, this is kinda crazy because I heard similar stuff twice already for real. While I think that this wasn't anything "mysterious" and that these videos are indeed faked, it's still a bit creepy... It was some time ago (1-1,5 years or so), but I still remember it, because it did sound almost exactly like in War of The Worlds.
If that is what is happening, do you honestly think everyone on earth - particularly NASA - would have completely missed it before now?

You're right. It might be trumpets.
"Might" being the operative word here, because the only way I could accept the noises as being trumpets would be if they were trumpets played by a drunken aardvark with gas.
What your asking me is if I trust NASA to tell us that they have no idea what will happen when the Sun reach the middle of the galaxy? No 💡
LOL not literally trumpets.
What your asking me is if I trust NASA to tell us that they have no idea what will happen when the Sun reach the middle of the galaxy? No 💡
LOL not literally trumpets.
No, I'm asking if you think nobody would notice if the earth suddenly moved 30,000 light years.
No, I'm asking if you think nobody would notice if the earth suddenly moved 30,000 light years.
Oh I see lol you know what I meant. Not "sun reach the center of the galaxy" but Align with the center of the galaxy. My bad.
But my point being nobody knows what will really happen.Including NASA despite what comments they release to the public say.
I do however dont think Dec21st 2012 will be the end of the world .. really every religious or god believing person would believe that because it contradicts what was written in the bible.
But my point being nobody knows what will really happen.Including NASA despite what comments they release to the public say.
Well, it's not going to be a problem. Like I said, we are 30,000 light years from the centre of the galaxy. And since we don't move at the speed of light, it will likely be billions of years before we ever get there, assuming that we will get there at all. By the time that happens, the sun will have died, and the death of the sun will likely result in the earth being swallowed up as it expands. Even then, we will have considerably forewarning.

As for the solar system "aligning with the centre of the galaxy", that won't happen because we are always aligned with the centre of the galaxy. There is a rule in mathematics that says you need three points to form a line. In this case, the centre of the galaxy is one point, and the solar system is another. We only have two points, so we are always aligned with the centre of the galaxy regardless of where we actually are. And before you suggest that the earth, the sun and the centre of the galaxy form three points, bear in mind that the earth orbits the sun once a year. Therefore, the earth, the sun and the centre of the galaxy form a line at twice a year (once with the sun as the centre point, and once with the earth). Despite this trend occurring for billions of years, nothing has ever happened. And if something did happen, then there probably wouldn't be unexplained noises announcing it.
Everybody's gunna die! Run while you still caaaaaaaan.....

I highly doubt this is the beginning of the end. As others have mentioned, it probably is just some viral videos for an upcoming movie. Plus if they've been heard all over the world, then why didn't I hear them?
Plus if they've been heard all over the world, then why didn't I hear them?
Indeed. If it was heard everywhere at once, then we might have something to be worried about. But they've been heard in localised areas all over the world on and off for the past six weeks - and always in a place where someone has a video camera at the ready.
And before you suggest that the earth, the sun and the centre of the galaxy form three points, bear in mind that the earth orbits the sun once a year.
I thought that was the fiasco. The Sun aligns with the center of the milkway while the earth aligns with the sun at that specific day.
Indeed. If it was heard everywhere at once, then we might have something to be worried about. But they've been heard in localised areas all over the world on and off for the past six weeks - and always in a place where someone has a video camera at the ready.

And yet no camera crews of news reports have caught it, either.
Been hearing about these hums all over the world. Apparently a similar hum has been heard around windsor Ontario lately and there are quite a few local news agency's that have covered this story so far with no real explanation.
Been hearing about these hums all over the world. Apparently a similar hum has been heard around windsor Ontario lately and there are quite a few local news agency's that have covered this story so far with no real explanation.

Links please?

To me, I think it's a hoax, basically for reasons already explained earlier. It could be investigated by HAARPA or similar but I doubt they will be convinced to do such a thing.
So there's all this noise in Ontario, but no one decides to record anything in Toronto huh?

I heard a weird sound the other night at about one in the morning. It was a low-frequency ba-loop ba-loop ba-loop noise and I was the only one in my house who could hear it. It was definately freaky, until I worked out that the pool filter hadn't been reset properly, and it was getting caught in a programming loop. Because it kept coming back to the same conditions and it was contradicting itself, it was calling for outside attention to fix the problem. But since it was half-buried in an insulated box, the sound was muffled and I was the only one who could hear it because it's right outside my bedroom window.
I heard a weird sound the other night at about one in the morning. It was a low-frequency ba-loop ba-loop ba-loop noise and I was the only one in my house who could hear it. It was definately freaky, until I worked out that the pool filter hadn't been reset properly, and it was getting caught in a programming loop. Because it kept coming back to the same conditions and it was contradicting itself, it was calling for outside attention to fix the problem. But since it was half-buried in an insulated box, the sound was muffled and I was the only one who could hear it because it's right outside my bedroom window.

I had a similar thing happen the other night.I heard a noise that went pffffft,pfffffffft,pffffffft...pft.Then i realized it was me.Those soup beans get me everytime.

Pardon the pffft's,wasn't sure how to type out that sound.:lol:
Maybe where the factory was shut down for so long and then brought back into operations is causing the sound?
Or a change in operation hours. Sound travels further at night because there is less motion in the air, which means there is less resistance. If you ever live in a residential college, you will learn this the hard way when people start playing their music at two in the morning and assume no-one will hear it because it is at the same volume as they have it during the day. and they get very upset when someone calls it in and you have to ask them to turn it off.

While watching this someone posted in the comments.
"0:48, 10:34, 13:38 noise of the same bird"

I debunked the sound as well.

There is also 2 more seperate times in the video where you can hear the birds.Clearly these videos are faked.

Or a change in operation hours. Sound travels further at night because there is less motion in the air, which means there is less resistance. If you ever live in a residential college, you will learn this the hard way when people start playing their music at two in the morning and assume no-one will hear it because it is at the same volume as they have it during the day. and they get very upset when someone calls it in and you have to ask them to turn it off.

I didn't think about that.

I know when i take my dog out at night and then go back and get her i have to speak softly as to not wake the neighbors.
I guess you could say I'm adding more fuel to fire with this one.

This happened back in September of 2011 and the sound is very similar.The sound won't be completely clear because of the dome.
I remember that one. Just from hearing it though now it sounds like the wind :dopey:.
That was in a dome and wind was minimal that day. The wind excuse was debunked on another forum.And like they said on that forum the anouncers have been there for years for every game.Im sure they know how the wind sound.
There are bound to be fakes now but that doesnt mean that they are all fakes.
That was in a dome and wind was minimal that day. The wind excuse was debunked on another forum.And like they said on that forum the anouncers have been there for years for every game.Im sure they know how the wind sound.
There are bound to be fakes now but that doesnt mean that they are all fakes.
Whatever it is its not anything I would think as ominous. Strange? Yes, but not impending doom.
Don't worry everyone, turns out the button that emits sound only Al Gore can hear has malfunctioned.

Should be fixed quickly.
One explanation I've heard for the sounds are that they're noise from the massive drills used in tunnel digging. Like metal on stone. I guess that could still be true if it's from a film. They usually get sounds from all manner of things and alter them digitaly.

I will never understand apocalypse-people.

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