Strange noise heard around the world

Anyone ever hear about the 52-Hertz Whale? It always fascinated me about the whole idea of it and the legend of the whale being lonely since the sound it makes cannot be heard by normal whales,
Anyone ever hear about the 52-Hertz Whale? It always fascinated me about the whole idea of it and the legend of the whale being lonely since the sound it makes cannot be heard by normal whales,

Yes. There's a film about it being released this year, I think. Theories are that it might have a vocal malformation or be deaf. It must be healthy though, it's been detected every year since 1989.
Yes. There's a film about it being released this year, I think. Theories are that it might have a vocal malformation or be deaf. It must be healthy though, it's been detected every year since 1989.
That long ago makes me curious on its life span. Is there any recordings of noise differences from 1989 to the 2010s?
That long ago makes me curious on its life span. Is there any recordings of noise differences from 1989 to the 2010s?

The noise has deepened very slightly suggesting increasing maturity - otherwise, no. A blue whale (if indeed that's what it is) can have a life span of 80 years. It's hard to say how old this particular whale might be.
Many strange explosion noises, heard by many including city officials, remain unexplained in Alhambra, CA.

Location of Alhambra


Is the Headless Horseman causing Alhambra’s problems?


Alhambra palace in Spain
Very loud mystery booms continue to alarm people around the world. There is no official explanation. My guess is a major new influx of meteors and new kinds of lightning discharges all permitted by the significant weakening of Earth's magnetic field. IMO, this trend could worsen and extend to other kinds of phenomena, perhaps even increasing earthquakes and volcanoes.
My guess is a major new influx of meteors and new kinds of lightning discharges all permitted by the significant weakening of Earth's magnetic field.

The field is also significantly strengthening in parts. ESA seem to think that there is no "no field" moment in a pole reversal, just a shift of the strong/weak parts. You can most likely come out of your basement for now ;)
The field is also significantly strengthening in parts. ESA seem to think that there is no "no field" moment in a pole reversal, just a shift of the strong/weak parts. You can most likely come out of your basement for now ;)

Heh heh. As far as I know, there is no field reversal occurring now. It may not happen for another thousand or even million years. But when it does, no one knows how long the field will be down - leaving Earth unprotected from cosmic rays and all manner of radiation reaching the surface. The field may take a hundred or a thousand years to rebuild. If and when the field does go down, the word troglodyte will take on new relevance. :lol:
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Heh heh. As far as I know, there is no field reversal occurring now. It may not happen for another thousand or even million years.

We're overdue for a reversal, what we don't know is how long it takes. The general consensus is tens of thousands of years. If the field is sufficiently weakened during that change (which is a big if) then whatever life is left on the planet will be in trouble if it isn't well prepared. Humans have lived through a reversal before now so it's doable.
The mystery boom phenomena has taken a new twist, with the FBI becoming involved. Surely they wouldn't take on such a wacky topic unless they already had a planned out explanation? Or maybe it is literally the X-Files? This video has a little bit of both:

This likely won't precisely explain all the mystery noises, but it is an intriguing clue.
...from today's edition of space

GEOMAGNETIC THUNDER? SOME AURORAS MAKE NOISE: On Oct. 7th, a solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field, sparking a G1-class geomagnetic storm. In southern Finland, the night sky turned green as energetic particles rained down on the upper atmosphere. But there was more to the show than beautiful lights.

"The storm also produced a number of distinctive sounds including crackles and claps," reports Prof. Emeritus Unto K. Laine of Finland's Aalto University. "Here is a recording of one of the strongest sounds of the night--a sharp clap." Click to listen:

"I recorded this in the vicinity of Fiskars village after midnight local time," he says.

Auroral sounds are controversial. Over the centuries, there have been many reports of strange sounds under the Northern Lights. However, researchers have struggled to explain the phenomenon and sometimes suggested that they might be imaginary. Laine is a believer: "We have been recording sounds like these for almost 20 years as part of the Auroral Acoustics Project." More samples may be found here.

Laine has developed arrays of microphones that can pinpoint the sounds through triangulation. He finds that they occur about 70 meters above the ground. Temperature inversion layers at that altitude cause a separation of + and – charges in the air. During some geomagnetic storms, the charge separation breaks down, causing air to move and a faint "clap" to be heard.

Think of it as geomagnetic thunder.

A spectral analysis of the "thunderclap" (above) shows dominant frequencies between 1 kHz and 2 kHz, squarely in the range of human hearing. You have to be quiet to hear them, though.

"People who talk and walk around, concentrating on picture taking, might never hear a single sound related to aurora," says Laine. "You have to stop all other activities and focus on listening. We Finns are probably good at this because we have received more than 300 reports of sound observations during the Auroral Acoustics Project."

Over the years, Laine has learned that a geomagnetic storm, by itself, is not enough to produce these thunderclaps. "A strong inversion layer is also required," he says. "The inversion layer acts like an electrostatic loudspeaker. Without it there are no sounds." This explains why many geomagnetic storms are silent. The local weather has to be just right -- as it was on Oct. 7th.
It's now believed to have been solved, although this is from The Sun so take it with a pinch of salt:
I love the wording they use for these stories. "Baffled scientists", "mystery". :odd: I imagine a bunch of scientists gathering in the lunch room:

"Hey did you guys hear about that new mysterious sound? What do you think it is Bob?"
"I dunno, it's a real mystery. I'm gonna guess space aliens landing a giant ship on the ocean floor, completely out of sight. What about you Naomi?"
"Nah, I think it's something from earth. Probably the Loch Ness monster fighting with Godzilla underwater. What do you think Ahmet?"
"Both your theories sound plausible but I think it was the ghosts from the Titanic doing an Irish jig on the ocean floor. Your thoughts Johnny?"
"I'm going to go with either an earthquake or an underwater volcano since that's pretty much the answer every time and all of your theories are from comic books"
"Man, what a party pooper you are Johnny. You think you're smart because you're all science-y and stuff. Bah humbug"
Slickly produced video brings the Strange noise heard around the world thread up to date. They say the cause is a mystery which is increasing, and increasingly weird. Yet there must be an answer, or solution(s), you would think. So in which thread, if any, will we ultimately consign this thread?
- Illuminati and Other Conspiracies
- Global Warming/Climate Change
- Do you believe in God?
- Aliens
- Space in General
- Apocalypse, Cataclysm and Mega-Disaster

Mystery booms may no longer be a mystery, but rather a secret, as the author feels some authority or agency does know but won't tell. These noises are unheard of in the Pacific Northwest where I live. I'd like to believe they are secret military tests of advanced weaponry, but concede there are reasonable arguments against that. My big worry is that the noises are connected to changes in the Earth's magnetic fields and in the churning liquid metal deep in the Earth that drives them. Earthquakes and volcanism may become a bigger problem.

Powerful Mystery Booms Continue to Rattle the US without Explanation

Brett TingleyFebruary 1, 2019

What’s going on in America’s skies? Last week, a series of booms rattled the American deep south without explanation. The mystery boom phenomenon continues this week with a trio of unexplained explosion noises which shook people in their homes from Chicago, Illinois to Panama City, Florida. What is behind this phenomenon, and why does it at least seem like it’s being ignored by safety and security agencies?

This week’s mystery booms were spread out throughout the eastern half of the United States, yet they all seemed to occur on the same day. Could they be connected? In Chicago, Illinois, residents reported “loud booming” or popping noises late in the evening of Tuesday, January 29. people said the booming was so loud it shook the earth under their feet.


O’Hare International Airport in Chicago

Our page is inundated with reports of this stuff,” says Adam Lucio of Illinois Storm Chasers, “People have been reporting that they’ve been hearing these loud booms that sound like thunder or a car crash and in many cases, it’s scaring them because they aren’t sure what it is.” In the Chicago incident, so far the best theory is that the booms were caused by cryoseisms, sometimes called “frost quakes.” These rare geological events are thought to occur when soil or bedrock breaks apart as groundwater freezes, but aren’t well understood.

While the cryoseism theory sounds plausible in icy Chicago, two other booms which occurred on the same day can’t so easily be explained. Farther to the east in Pennsylvania, residents of south Philadelphia were awoken late on the evening of January 29 by a boom loud enough to shake their houses and windows. After Philadelphia police received several reports of explosions, the U.S. Geological Service and the Department of Defense were contacted, but neither agency knows anything about the mystery booms.


That is, at least publicly.

Meanwhile, houses in Panama City, Florida were shaken on the same day by what was reported as a “loud bang,” although this one was reported in the afternoon. Curiously, some residents even reported feeling pressure changes and unexplained headaches after the noise was heard. Floridians took to social media to speculate about the cause of the bang, with explanations ranging from earthquakes to military activity. Neither the National Weather Service nor nearby Eglin Air Force Base had any information to share, but Bay County Emergency Management services are investigating the incident.


Why have these booms become so common recently?

With no information from authorities, what are we left with? Three mystery booms in three states all on the same day within twelve hours of each other. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get genuinely creeped out over the frequency of these mystery booms and the total lack of explanation. While no information has been offered up by any official channels, I’m confident that someone or some agency somewhere knows at least something about these mystery booms – something they’re not sharing with the public. What’s more terrifying: the thought that clandestine military activity is causing sonic booms around the country, or that some unknown natural force might be behind the phenomenon?
I'd be willing to bet that at least some of these reports (from the states that were hit by the recent cold snap) were frost quakes, as mentioned in the article that was quoted. The others are a bit more interesting though!
I'd be willing to bet that at least some of these reports (from the states that were hit by the recent cold snap) were frost quakes, as mentioned in the article that was quoted. The others are a bit more interesting though!
Interesting yes, and perhaps even worrying. I am beginning to consider the disturbing possibility of retrocausality - events in the future having effects in the present.
You think that events that havent happened yet in the future are effecting the past?
No, only that I'm aware of the term retrocausality, and once looked it up online. A theoretical possibility in quantum physics. Here it's a mere conjecture in lieu of a solution to the mystery. I think Carl Jung amongst others have worked with such notions of psychical phenomena.
After a quick look, I definitely am double skeptical. Not in the theory. On the quantum level it makes sense. Probably why is a quantum mechanics theory. I am not sure that on the classic mechanics scale that would be required to cause these booms would retrocausality be a viable answer. Particles at the quantum level can move through time, anything with enough energy and/or size to cause a loud boom would certainly not be able to.
It would make for some good scifi though. The destruction of the universe causing ripples in space time throwing explosions into the past as we careen closer to the inevitable.
Another piece of the puzzle clicked onto place for me today when I learned that these same booms and metallic screeching sounds were heard for 2 or 3 years prior to the New Madrid earthquakes beginning in 1811. Also seen were lights in the sky and sparks coming from the ground. "Earthquake lights" are now known to precede some major earthquakes. Altogether, these are warning signs a major earthquake soon to affect a wide swath of America. Volcanic activity is another associated potential effect.