Spoken like somebody who has not been in a school for years.
Right, spoken by someone who went to school when this sort of crap was not an issue, spoken by a father of two who unfortunately has seen it in two worsening waves.
Teachers don't try to "impose their will" on students. We try to educate, and we have to do the best we can with what we've got. It's hardly "imposing their will" when a teacher gives a student a direct instruction and expects the student to follow it immediately because their behavior is in violation of the school rules.
I'm all for rules, I question the integrity of the teachers and more to the point how they allow their emotions to overcome common sense.
That's the kind of touchy-feely garbage that assumes that any kind of discipline is immediately demoralizing. How can you expect students to be able to take responsibility for their actions when you don't hold them accountable in the first place?
Touchy feely? Nice try mate
I'm the same conservative right wing religious zealot gun toting hill billy you love to hate, I promise.
Kids need to take responsibility sure, as do adults, as do the teachers, imagine that?
I actually work in the public system.
I know you do, and I've already been kind and thankful to you for that in case you forgot.
You can skip my points all you want, I've seen quite a bit in my life and I wish everyone would take more responsibility. Kids are not so bad, they make mistakes because they are kids, learning how to do the right things.(or unfortunately learning how to do what teachers and parents do)
As a tax payer I hired the school to teach my children, I don't think they are capable of doing a very good job.
Just to add at least one thing on the op's topic; I have no problem with how the school handled the deal, if it was my kid she would have just worn the damn feather without first asking for permission, any penalty assigned we would have dealt with afterwards without any fuss.
I'm still laughing at Monkey calling me touchy feely ROFL