Student Loan Forgiveness - US

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Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area

And... discuss.
It amounts to a federal subsidy of universities. Of course, that already exists in other ways.
The White House press release said:

Since 1980, the total cost of both four-year public and four-year private college has nearly tripled, even after accounting for inflation. [...] Pell Grants once covered nearly 80 percent of the cost of a four-year public college degree for students from working families, but now only cover a third.
The White House press release also said:

The President championed the largest increase to Pell Grants in over a decade and one of the largest one-time influxes to colleges and universities. To further reduce the cost of college, the President will continue to fight to double the maximum Pell Grant [...]

[T]he President is focused on keeping college costs under control.
Anybody besides me seeing a fair amount of cognitive dissonance here?
Anybody besides me seeing a fair amount of cognitive dissonance here?
Strictly speaking, the debt forgiveness is a separate issue from what you're highlighting. The amount of money prospective students have to spend is a big driver for costs. The prospect that your debt might someday maybe get forgiven, to a small degree, is probably not driving how much prospective students feel they have to spend. Pell Grants in the first place have much more to do with costs, though I do wonder just how much.
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So those that took out loans for degrees they either got or quit trying to get. They don't
pay back those loans. But, everyone else has to pay for their poor choice. Those that got their degrees are probably making enough to pay back their loans, and probably did. So they get screwed too. Btw, Biden doesn't have the authority to do this anyway. But that doesn't matter to someone that want to cripple the country. We don't have this money, but that doesn't matter to liberals either.
Also, understand that all this does is drive up tuition more. Like any tax rebate .gov gives out. Think the $7500 tax credits for EV cars. Car manufacturers rised prices by the same amount just days later. Lol
I always think of the statement from AOC. who complained that she struggles to pay back her loan. Someone that buys a $60k Tesla and rents a DC condo for $2000 a month!
Remember all debts are paid. Either by the debtor or the creditor.
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So do I get a $10k check for paying my loans off like 15 years ago? I love Biden, but this is kinda ridiculous/frivolous. I'd rather see the efforts and funding on this go to something else, tbh. Students get 20 years to pay these off so the pmts aren't THAT high.

So do I get a $10k check for paying my loans off like 15 years ago? I love Biden, but this is kinda ridiculous/frivolous. I'd rather see the efforts and funding on this go to something else, tbh. Students get 20 years to pay these off so the pmts aren't THAT high.

Why should you? You did the right thing and paid your debt. Btw, it called pandering to voters.
For reference, I pay 2.5% per month (🇸🇪), but the amount is not fixed to my income so your mileage way vary.
So those that took out loans for degrees they either got or quit trying to get. They don't
pay back those loans. But, everyone else has to pay for their poor choice.
So you believe the current system used for student loans in the US is a fair one?
Those that got their degrees are probably making enough to pay back their loans, and probably did. So they get screwed too.
The odd thing is that I'm personally not so shallow and petty that I want something that may have affected me personally in a negative manner to do so to others.

two kinds of people.png

Btw, Biden doesn't have the authority to do this anyway. But that doesn't matter to someone that want to cripple the country. We don't have this money, but that doesn't matter to liberals either.
Hillarious given the number of conservative mouthpieces taking loan forgiveness, Ben Shapiro, yeah he did it for his student loan, ditto Steven Crowder. PPP loans? the Ayn Rand institute did it, my personall favorite however is Markwayne Mullen who has introduced legislation saying that PPP must be repaid (it's even on his campaign page) yet got near $1.2 million in loans forgiven! I can keep going as long as you want to continue to try and 'own the libs'.

Oh and as country you most certainly do have the money, you just spend it on the military-industrial complex and bail-outs and freebies for big businesses.

As for liberals wanting "to cripple the country", here's a little challenge for you, go away and take a look at what deficit existed when each party took office and then what it was when they left office for the last 40 odd years. Come back and let us know just how inaccurate your claim was once you have done that, conservatives are not the party of fiscal responsibility.
Also, understand that all this does is drive up tuition more.
Nope, quite the opposite, the introduction of student loan systems (across multiple countries) is a causal factor in that, ever noticed than the cost of tuition each year is magically the same (or as near as damn it) as the maximum you can take out on a loan, or the max that a year's tuition is capped at?

The UK has had student loan forgiveness after a set number of years, it's NEVER driven up fees. However, when the UK government increased the maximum annual fee universities could charge from £3k to £9k (while claiming market forces would ensure prices would be competitive) the end result was that 99% of annual fees went to the new £9k cap overnight. It also had the impact of increasing the burden on lower and middle-income recipients by over 30% (despite claims that it would actually benefit them, which it did - if you ignore the realities of wealth disparity in the workplace).

Like any tax rebate .gov gives out. Think the $7500 tax credits for EV cars. Car manufacturers rised prices by the same amount just days later. Lol
You do know that's actually an argument against laissez-faire capitalism, don't you? It's also ********, as even Fox news had to acknowledge, these are increases from June, you know before the bill came into effect, oh and a number of the vehicles mention in various right-wing media outlets wouldn't even qualify for the grant, having too high a sticker price even before the increases! The closest was Ford raising the price of both gas and electric F-150s, but that was almost two weeks before the bill was signed (a bill that everyone pretty much thought was dead up until the day in question as well - so you can't even claim it was pre-emptive without looking foolish).

As such your claim that they "rised prices by the same amount just days later" is, unsurprisingly, a lie.
I always think of the statement from AOC. who complained that she struggles to pay back her loan. Someone that buys a $60k Tesla and rents a DC condo for $2000 a month!
Talking about before she was a senator, a small, but rather important fact. Funny how you didn't bother with actual context, then again it's been well established that you and facts have a shaky relationship at best.

"“I have student loans, too,” Ocasio-Cortez told reporters. “I think it’s so funny, a year ago, I was waiting tables in a restaurant and it was literally easier for me to become the youngest woman in American history elected to Congress than it is to pay off my student loan debt.”"
Remember all debts are paid. Either by the debtor or the creditor.
Remember not all debt is fair, but I guess you are one of these conservatives/libertarians who is fine with socialism for businesses and rugged individualism for the masses.
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Remember all debts are paid. Either by the debtor or the creditor.
Ha ha ha ha ha. No. The wealthy can take a strategic default on their loans, take a write-down or write-off of their debts, a charge-off, reevaluation of assets, and so many other ways of walking away from their debts. And as others have pointed out, very wealthy people have sought out and been granted loan forgiveness.
Ha ha ha ha ha. No. The wealthy can take a strategic default on their loans, take a write-down or write-off of their debts, a charge-off, reevaluation of assets, and so many other ways of walking away from their debts. And as others have pointed out, very wealthy people have sought out and been granted loan forgiveness.
And just all the times that the government bails out businesses that have made terrible decisions but are "too big to fail". You can largely ignore the normal structure of how debt works if you can just get yourself into a position where your demise will have too much collateral damage. It's basically hostage taking, but we shouldn't look at that too closely. Just remember, capitalism good.
So you believe the current system used for student loans in the US is a fair one?

The odd thing is that I'm personally not so shallow and petty that I want something that may have affected me personally in a negative manner to do so to others.

View attachment 1186727

Hillarious given the number of conservative mouthpieces taking loan forgiveness, Ben Shapiro, yeah he did it for his student loan, ditto Steven Crowder. PPP loans? the Ayn Rand institute did it, my personall favorite however is Markwayne Mullen who has introduced legislation saying that PPP must be repaid (it's even on his campaign page) yet got near $1.2 million in loans forgiven! I can keep going as long as you want to continue to try and 'own the libs'.

Oh and as country you most certainly do have the money, you just spend it on the military-industrial complex and bail-outs and freebies for big businesses.

As for liberals wanting "to cripple the country", here's a little challenge for you, go away and take a look at what deficit existed when each party took office and then what it was when they left office for the last 40 odd years. Come back and let us know just how inaccurate your claim was once you have done that, conservatives are not the party of fiscal responsibility.

Nope, quite the opposite, the introduction of student loan systems (across multiple countries) is a causal factor in that, ever noticed than the cost of tuition each year is magically the same (or as near as damn it) as the maximum you can take out on a loan, or the max that a year's tuition is capped at?

The UK has had student loan forgiveness after a set number of years, it's NEVER driven up fees. However, when the UK government increased the maximum annual fee universities could charge from £3k to £9k (while claiming market forces would ensure prices would be competitive) the end result was that 99% of annual fees went to the new £9k cap overnight. It also had the impact of increasing the burden on lower and middle-income recipients by over 30% (despite claims that it would actually benefit them, which it did - if you ignore the realities of wealth disparity in the workplace).

You do know that's actually an argument against laissez-faire capitalism, don't you? It's also ********, as even Fox news had to acknowledge, these are increases from June, you know before the bill came into effect, oh and a number of the vehicles mention in various right-wing media outlets wouldn't even qualify for the grant, having too high a sticker price even before the increases! The closest was Ford raising the price of both gas and electric F-150s, but that was almost two weeks before the bill was signed (a bill that everyone pretty much thought was dead up until the day in question as well - so you can't even claim it was pre-emptive without looking foolish).

As such your claim that they "rised prices by the same amount just days later" is, unsurprisingly, a lie.

Talking about before she was a senator, a small, but rather important fact. Funny how you didn't bother with actual context, then again it's been well established that you and facts have a shaky relationship at best.

"“I have student loans, too,” Ocasio-Cortez told reporters. “I think it’s so funny, a year ago, I was waiting tables in a restaurant and it was literally easier for me to become the youngest woman in American history elected to Congress than it is to pay off my student loan debt.”"

Remember not all debt is fair, but I guess you are one of these conservatives/libertarians who is fine with socialism for businesses and rugged individualism for the masses.
I never said most of what you're trying to quote.
The higher education system is a multi layered onion. First, not everyone should go to college. Counselors in our us high schools try to push kids into degrees they should not try to get. The world doesn't need more liberal arts degrees. College tuition has increased almost double sense it was taken over by the government back in the Obama administration. historicaltuitioncostsin2021dollars-1.png
I never said the current system was fair, but kids and their parents are clearly told what it's gonna cost. Our system is broken. Giving the UK's student debt/repayment system is not relevant to the US. Our government can do a lot better. These loans being paused made sense at the time. Those that took advantage were smart and some had to. Of course I don't want people to suffer in debt. But, those that can pay their loans should. You made the commitment,not me. Why should every US taxpayer have to?
AOC is a member of the House of Representatives btw. Since you like facts. She got a degree in a field she never worked in. Her statement you linked was after she was elected.

Calling me a liar is rich. They did raise prices.

As a country, the US spends more than it receives in taxes. That called national debt. Adding to it doesn't make it right. $300+billion added with this. Bailout and subsidies are bad. Every administration is guilty of being lobbied.
As a country, the US spends more than it receives in taxes. That called national debt. Adding to it doesn't make it right. $300+billion added with this. Bailout and subsidies are bad. Every administration is guilty of being lobbied.
Maybe it would be a better idea to tax the wealthiest people?
Bailout and subsidies are a sign of a healthy and social nation, it baffles me people calling it bad.
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I never said most of what you're trying to quote.
You did, I literally quoted you doing so.
The higher education system is a multi layered onion. First, not everyone should go to college. Counselors in our us high schools try to push kids into degrees they should not try to get. The world doesn't need more liberal arts degrees. College tuition has increased almost double sense it was taken over by the government back in the Obama administration. View attachment 1186730
I've not said everyone should go to college, it seems you're projecting.
I never said the current system was fair, but kids and their parents are clearly told what it's gonna cost. Our system is broken.
So you admit it's broken and unfair, but screw 'em.
Giving the UK's student debt/repayment system is not relevant to the US.
Actually, it's quite similar, no surprise given the UK system was based off the US model.
Our government can do a lot better. These loans being paused made sense at the time. Those that took advantage were smart and some had to. Of course I don't want people to suffer in debt. But, those that can pay their loans should. You made the commitment,not me. Why should every US taxpayer have to?
I've already explained that, you've just ignored it.
AOC is a member of the House of Representatives btw. Since you like facts. She got a degree in a field she never worked in. Her statement you linked was after she was elected.
About the time in her life before she was one, as I clearly stated and you have clearly ignored.
Calling me a liar is rich. They did raise prices.
Months before the bill was passed, (and for different reasons) not days after, as you claimed. So unwittingly or not, what you posted was a lie.
As a country, the US spends more than it receives in taxes. That called national debt. Adding to it doesn't make it right. $300+billion added with this. Bailout and subsidies are bad. Every administration is guilty of being lobbied.
It's a deficit, and way to ignore the point made.
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Good, you and Scaff knew exactly what I meant. Thanks.
Yes, and more importantly we knew that wasn't what you said. If you're going to be floating thoughts and opinions on economic policy, using the right words for economic principles is... quite important, lest you wish to give the impression of not knowing what you're talking about.

Apropos of nothing, I encountered this the other day:
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You did, I literally quoted you doing so.

I've not said everyone should go to college, it seems you're projecting.

So you admit it's broken and unfair, but screw 'em.

Actually, it's quite similar, no surprise given the UK system was based off the US model.

I've already explained that, you've just ignored it.

About the time in her life before she was one, as I clearly stated and you have clearly ignored.

Months before the bill was passed, (and for different reasons) not days after, as you claimed. So unwittingly or not, what you posted was a lie.

It's a deficit, and way to ignore the point made.
I get it. You just want to nitpick. You're fine with paying for other people's commitments. I'm not fine with it. Have a nice day.
I get it. You just want to nitpick.
No I want to use actual facts and accurate data, you want to make **** up and pretend its real, then avoid them like the plague once that's made obvious.
You're fine with paying for other people's commitments. I'm not fine with it. Have a nice day.
No, you're fine with paying for the commitments of big business and the ultra-rich, but not the 99% who are far closer to you.

That makes you something, but I will let you pick the word.
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To stay on topic, I am glad to see some relief is being offered for those who were essentially lied to by lower schooling that college would be the gateway to moving up in the wealth hierarchy. While I was blessed to never have to take out a loan, I also realize how astronomically high prices have gotten for colleges and universities.
No I want to use actual facts and accurate data, you want to make **** up and pretend its real, then avoid them like the plague once that's made obvious.

No, your fine with paying for the commitments of big business and the ultra-rich, but not the 99% who are far closer to you.

That makes you something, but I will let you pick the word.
Damn you make assumptions!
The fact that someone makes the personal choice to go to college and take a loan out. That's fine. Pay your debt. Don't expect for others to pay it. You want to accrue $500,000 in student debt for a job that pays $50,000 a year bad choice.
I really need you to call me what you think of me. Because,otherwise you have no balls
I've already got friends up in arms about this lol. Friends in aviation who took a similar path I'll be taking and who are making a lot of money now. They're pissed! They say things like, "Why can't people just follow their word and pay back their loans like they said they would."

And to that I say, I am following the terms of my loan. The terms just happened to change to benefit me, that ain't my fault.

My strategy was thus: I already know student loans are going to be a fixture of my life and so I priced them as such. At the time I had very little income, as most college students do, so I chose the lowest possible payment I could make to make life easier in the short term. This debt is just the cost of doing life in my eyes. A whopping $372 a month. I had friends paying like $1500 a month "so they can get out of debt sooner" and to that I ask...why? You're eating ramen noodles for breakfast lunch and dinner, you're hating life, you're spending all your youngest, healthiest years completely broke, not able to afford anything fun, you barely go out with your friends. Plus, the entire goal of life is to climb the ladder, and (in aviation) your income trajectory is massive, allowing you to pay large amounts comfortably later in life. Why not just ride it out now and wait to dump money on it when you can actually afford to dump money on it? Find some balance. But no, they decided they were terrified of debt and would rather be miserable for ten years than have debt later. The balance I chose was different. And now they're all pissed that they were "good samaritans" or whatever - paying more than was required by their loan terms mind you - while myself and others just rode the wave and got lucky that our terms changed. Even if I were flying those private jets right now raking in $150k per year I'd still have that student loan autopay set to $372 because I don't care, and political trends - global trends - are moving toward getting rid of the student loan racket anyway. So why would I hurt myself more than I have to? Plus the fact that us pilots in particular barely live to 70 years anyway and it makes me wonder why anybody would invest that much in a future that likely won't exist. Mind you I've got a very different outlook on life than most Americans, particularly with not wanting kids, but several of my friends complaining have made similar choices as I have. They're making choices that parents would make, except they don't want kids lol. The entire point of choosing not to have kids is to treat yo' self. Chill, people. You ain't better than me because you decided to pay more than you had to and survive on Totino's Party Pizzas. Oops, you make over $120,000 and can't get your loans written off...that was your goal, asshole.

Edit: Also why the hell do people think they should benefit from this because their debt ended before these new terms came into effect? That's not how new terms work lol. That would be like switching jobs for better pay but then demanding back pay when your old company introduces a new pay package - interestingly something that is going on widespread throughout the aviation industry right now.
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Damn you make assumptions!
The fact that someone makes the personal choice to go to college and take a loan out. That's fine. Pay your debt. Don't expect for others to pay it. You want to accrue $500,000 in student debt for a job that pays $50,000 a year bad choice.
You might want to go back and check what Betty DeVos did to make your above claim nonsense (under BTW a President you seem to have supported), in addition to the number of colleges found to be highly misleading about the actual fees people were going to incur, to the degree of committing fraud going bankrupt and student still being stiffed for loans they literally couldn't use, oh and Betty and the orange one killed off regulations that stopped the practice and investigations into that as well. You can only plan in that manner if a rug doesn't get pulled out from under you.

It would seem you're discussing a subject you know **** all about and are well out of your depth in.
I really need you to call me what you think of me. Because,otherwise you have no balls
Nice try, we have an AUP, pick your own new pronoun.
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