Originally posted by Famine
I caught this in the paper today...
A 15 year old American girl has been arrested and charged with distribution of child pornography, after she posted naked pictures of herself on the internet.
Seriously - what the hell?
Totally off-topic.Originally posted by BMW POWER
Even though one time they tried making something of the lack of apparent door handles
Originally posted by The359
I don't see the problem with arresting her for child pornography. She IS underage and she IS distributing it...
Originally posted by daan
Totally off-topic.
What happens if a TVR is in an accident and the wing mirrors get ripped off?
Originally posted by Famine
Won't solve the problem will it - and indeed it rips the purpose of having child pornography laws apart.
The point of having the laws is to protect children. By sticking this girl in prison and slapping a "sex offender" tag next to her name, her life will be ruined. At 15. Imagine if she wanted to be a nurse, teacher, childminder (and so on) - she'd never be able to get a job in her chosen career because she's a "sex offender", making her chances of getting ANY job at all slimmer than they ought to be. And who was she harming with her vile crimes against children? Only herself, by allowing her own images to become public domain to any fruit that wanted them.
She needs counselling - but perhaps it's all part of society's creeping sexualisation of children that makes her feel she ought to be a porn model - and not stigmatising for the rest of her life.
Originally posted by Famine
Yes - the fact she committed a criminal offence is not in question. But the title of the thread is:
Stupidest Use of Arrest Powers Ever
The fact is she - a minor - has been arrested and charged and will have to live the rest of her life tainted by the fact that "sex offender" will be flagged next to her name on a police data search, preventing her from getting a job in a large number of fields - and hindering her in all fields - due to an offence she committed against NO-ONE, under the auspices of child pornography laws intended to protect minors. Can no-one see the conflict here? She hasn't done anything SO bad that she deserves that. For the rest of her existence.
The arrest is unwarranted, the charges are unwarranted. She needs help and counselling, not branding - which is what HAS happened.