Stupidest Use of Arrest Powers Ever

  • Thread starter Famine
Is there a news link to this? It seems to me that theres some missing information, was there really a paedophile who encouraged her? Did she go to a website and look at porn herself and immitate it? Did she have a boyfriend and he encouraged her to make some porn pics for him and he passed it out? Did she purposely make the porn pics on her own without any outside infulence? Something very important into this story isnt there, without it then its just speculation as to what her motives were.

Child porn laws are to protect children from being used by of age adults in sexual acts, being naked on video and pictural formats. Theres nothing other than child porn being illegal to make and distrubite that portects kids from making their own porn. Maybe something good will come of this and she is used as a example, recieves proper counselling and puts an end to it. But if nothing is done, "slap on the wrist" then it will happen again with someone else since they know nothing will come of making their own underage porn.

I dissagree with how she shouldnt recieve any punishment for what she did. The only WAY I see it fit that she is aquitted from any charges is IF there was a paedophile that talked her into doing it and the paedophile is caught and properly punished.
If she did it by her own descision then she need's counselling and proper punishement for breaking the law. If her boyfriend talked her into it then she should have had enough common sense to know better and her boyfriend should get counselling and punishment for contributing to child pornography.
If they slap her wrists when she purposely did it then this is just an open invatation for everyone under 18 commit a crime and blame it on their own "ignorance" or they didnt know it was bad.