Dont care about anyone being happy, I say wipe all dupes and ban them from PSN.
Tax does not help against duping (I have experience, Belgians know how to avoid tax)
1) Create safe
2) Buy car
3) Send car and pay tax
4) go back to safed version (purchase of car and tax are back)
if you really duplicate the car, just drop step 2.
Kind of, personally I would restore the trading/gifting/duping/whatever people want to call it system and let people do as they please and play the game they bought the way they want to, it's none of my business how anyone else wants to play the game they paid for and shouldn't be PD or Sonys business either after they've been paid by a consumer. A more important issue is 3 months after buying an incomplete game, all we've been given is patches to implement features that should have been there in the first place, people want more from this extremely shallow game and PD aren't interested in expanding it at all. My issue isn't with the duping, it's with PD's pussyfooting around.
Because just like you, they paid their hard earned money to buy the game. Actually, it seems to me they're the only ones that paid "hard earned money". I don't see how all of you that grind 8-10 hours a day can have a job, or friends.Why do they have to please cheaters?![]()
Yeah, which means if you're pro/against duping, would the tax thing please you?Sorry OP, I am against duping. 👎
However, the thread is titled "Suggestion to fix duping and keep "cheaters" happy"
......You get taxed when receiving the car, not sending it -_-Tax does not help against duping (I have experience, Belgians know how to avoid tax)
1) Create safe
2) Buy car
3) Send car and pay tax
4) go back to safed version (purchase of car and tax are back)
if you really duplicate the car, just drop step 2.
Because just like you, they paid their hard earned money to buy the game. Actually, it seems to me they're the only ones that paid "hard earned money". I don't see how all of you that grind 8-10 hours a day can have a job, or friends.
Yeah, which means if you're pro/against duping, would the tax thing please you?
It isn't about justifying your opinion really. Just finding a middle solution.
......You get taxed when receiving the car, not sending it -_-
It's irrelevant whether they can or can't change contents of a game. Fact is that they shouldn't, people have paid their money and had been playing the game this way for two months. Duping wasn't a problem to anyone, including those people who like to make up reasons for not liking it, they just liked to think it did. When someone pays for a game, any game, they have the right to have access to all of that games content regardless of their skill level, time they have to play it, or what modes they use in the game, duping gave the opportunity for people to do that. Now, if someone dupes a car in Germany, it in no way affects me, you or anyone elses enjoyment of the game so for that reason it should have been left alone.
Thanks for your concern, but that's why I put the words in quote marks. I'm not exactly pro-duping nor do I encourage it. This thread is based on what I see everywhere which is dupers vs anti-dupers. What am I supposed o call them?
a. It would fix the need to duplicate expensive cars by eliminating the motive.
b. Seems like you didn't read the post well either, the tax applies on incoming cars as well. Forget about the person who gifted the car, it's receiving the car that taxes you. I'll edit the first post.
c. That's what I used to say, but a lot of others seem to go ape**** about the marketplace/trading being dead.
I don't mind, but like I said a lot of people don't like it because they claim it kills the marketplace.
Let's be honest, if anyone is stupid enough to actually pay real money on e-bay for cars that, well, don't really exist then that's their problem. I'd say it has everything to do with people whining about how they've put in X amount of hours playing the game and don't have an X1 while someone who bought the game two days ago does, people who spend too much time stressing about what everyone else is doing.
This thread, as I kinda expected, turned out to be a bit of a "pro-dupe versus anti-dupe flame-fest". What a shame, as it could've been a reasonable discussion about suggested game improvement.
I'm sorry but whether you like them or not, they paid for the game too and so far they're more than 60% of the voters on the poll. Now, learn to like it and look for a solution to satisfy both parties.Cheaters should have their hands detatched from their arms. Cheaters are not "Hard Earning" as the name implies, they're CHEATING!![]()
I'm Level 38½ A Spec (only had the game since Christmas Day). I have a full time Job, family commitments etc., yet still manage to fit in the time to "grind". I pay tax IRL and not gonna pay tax in a game
There is no middle ground with regard cheating, PD have seen to that, others are suffering because of this (legitimate traders, those who gift and those who farm additional accounts).![]()
Expect PD, with patch 1.08 to quickly close the Gift Ticket loophole that remains in 1.07. 👍
I don't have a solution and until recently PD didn't have either, my point is PD are also affecting legitimate users of the game, who don't require to cheat in order to acheive their specific goal.![]()
I'd really like to point out the idiocy in your post but I don't want this to be a discussion of duping vs no duping.Why do you feel that people have a right to access all content of the game just because they paid for a licence? By that logic, anybody with enough money to buy an F1 car should be allowed to race in any Grand Prix, even if they have no skill or experience.
It's PD's game, nobody else's. If you are no longer happy with it, you are free to sell it.
No because then they'd have to cut down the other cars' prices. The game would be too easy for new players. Handing out more credits in the professional/extreme series would be better.Wouldn't the easiest solution be to change the value of the $20M cars to something like $5M?
I get your point, but what was I supposed to name them? This isn't a rhetorical question.It's not so much a question of the "terminology/labels/whatever" used, it's a question of the potential assumptions created by the way things were stated. (Especially on a "hot" topic like this one, despite what's written, or even the intent of what's written, it's not fun when the opportunity exists for misinterpretation that leads to clashing. That's all...)
1a. If the motive involves avoiding the time it takes to earn the credits to purchase the cars with credits as designed within the standard game parameters, then a change to the credit limit won't impact the motive.
2a. No, I got it. If you're using two PSNs to bounce cars back and forth, and you're using save files to restore game progress in order to buy cars but end up with a 100% credit refund, it doesn't matter if both PSN IDs get charged a tax (although a "trade processing fee" sounds a little more pallatable) because if you're active buying cars on both accounts and swapping them at will, you're still saving the credits from not having to see them go when you get the car.
3a. "Meh." Trading, to me, is OK enough at best, but not terribly important (as I've done one trade, a second Formula Gran Turismo I got from a gift ticket for some paint).
This thread, as I kinda expected, turned out to be a bit of a "pro-dupe versus anti-dupe flame-fest". What a shame, as it could've been a reasonable discussion about suggested game improvement.
I didn't accuse anyone, I've duped quite a few times myself :/Blame the OP mate. If you are gonna accuse a section of the forum of 'cheating' you are starting the trend.
I have all the cars I want, and I'm pretty much done with the game. What about new players? Not everybody bought it on release date /facepalm- The game has been out now for 3 months. Everyone should have a garage full of fantastic cars whether they grinded/duped them or not.
- With the addition of the host's ability to restrict performance points, HP limits, weight regulations, tire regulations... etc., etc., etc... It doesn't really matter if one guy has 10 different cars for x-horsepower/weight range compared to another guy's 2 or 3.
- It's simply not worth crying over. Dupers do not have an advantage in a room with a host who is halfway intelligent. They aren't really "cheating" in the end if they can't use their "free" cars to compete against you, or if their "free" cars don't actually present an advantage over someone else's cars. Like I said, everyone has exceptional garages at this point.
I didn't accuse anyone, I've duped quite a few times myself :/
I'm sorry if it tickles the finger happy spammers, but there's nothing to label dupers that wouldn't have resulted in the same consequence.
I have all the cars I want, and I'm pretty much done with the game. What about new players? Not everybody bought it on release date /facepalm
Anti-dupers' main problem was the death of the marketplace not online mode.
So, are you pro or against 1.07? If you were to make both dupers and #@!% people happy, what would be your wonderful solution?
Mods, please merge. Sorry for the double post.
But what If i were sending someone a gift from the same country, I shouldnt be taxedI'm starting not to make sense, Nor have I this whole time, It's almost 6am and I havent slept in about 2 days. (Busy at work and Family Troubles
) but yeah, I'll check back on this thread after i get some much needed Rest.
Have a goodnight TDK, This thread should bring up some interesting posts.
Not sure how things work in your country, but in the US there is an upper limit on tax free gifts.
There was nothing wrong with the system before 1.07 (read on first), I used duping to buy expensive cars from dealerships without spending any money, this new thing is total 🤬 for anyone else who does that, and i can't be bothered to sit there grinding away for every time a nice car shows up in the UCD, this is not cheating, its just saving time!
Simple fix, set things back to how they were on GT4, something like max Cr.600,000,000 and you can sell any car, including stuff like X1s, Doing the same races over and over cause the pay is 🤬 is just lame, even in b-spec![]()
Just like the Economy in most of the world at the moment, maybe we should call it the Real Economy Simulator.firstly I massively resent being labeled a cheater because a game has a ****e economy. I voted for the first option because the economy in GT5 is completely ****.