Suicide bomber in Ansbach Germany Outside of a Music Festival

So this is a thing that will happen to nonbelievers after the rapture delivers the believers to heaven?

(Sorry if this is too far OT, the second coming is not one of the parts of the Bible I've spent much time on.)
Yes, but not right away. There is a period of seven years where non-believers basically have free reign, and the Jews will try to live under Messianic Law again. The Jews gets 3 and a half years of relative peace (via a peace treaty, which according to many theologians, the one who broker the deal is the Anti-Christ), after that, the treaty gets broken, and Jews are killed nearly wholesale (with the exception of 144,000, who will be protected by Christ during this time period). Then God's judgment comes and kills off some of the Human population (we can't put an exact number on it.) It finally amounts to the Battle of Armageddon where Christ (and the believers who were raptured up with him) is to return to finish off the Jew's enemies and take his throne.
There are a few bits in the Bible which say that you get into heaven even if you sin.

Bolded for emphasis:

Neither the Torah, Bible nor Koran are exempt.

Each book has inconsistencies.
Each book has verses advocating violence.
Each book has verses advocating pacifism.

The point being that people can be :censored:s no matter what book they read. Picking select verses from an inconsistent book is just an easy justification and to them, in their own twisted beliefs, they therefore don't feel that they need justification.


On topic, this is another horrific attack in Germany. So many in such a short space of time.

I still don't get how you guys don't understand, that the OT was for a specific nation, for a specific period.
Jesus Christ gave the New covenant for the world.
He said, "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. All the laws hang on these two commands.

Basically, if any law contradicts these two commandments of love, then you must get rid of it.

Also, in the OT, God is true and just. Off course he would be jealous if His creation chose to worship idols / self logic.
If your husband or wife worshipped other men or women over you, wouldn't you be jealous?
Our God is a relationship loving God, and since we are made in His image, we also have relationships, and have love.

Islam on the other hand, are told to imitate Muhammed. If you look at the last ten years of Muhammed's life, you will understand why muslims are butchering not just infidels, but themselves as well, for being hypocrites.
The quran doesn't have a new or old covenant. They only obey the final word of the quran.
Allah is not a universal god. Clearly the quran was written for the arabs, since it can only be interpreted in Arabic, and only 15% of them speak Arabic, and muhammed said it can only be understood in classic Arabic. Even fewer speak it.

The God of the bible is universal. 2500 different translations, no wonder the bible is the most sold book in the world. This proves that a True God, really wanted His message to reach the ends of the world as He said:

12Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.
14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Are you that quick to judge a muslim? I am not, I am not the judge but I cannot see any point in jihad we are now seeing.

I am a Christian, I know quite a bit about what the old and new testament have to say. I know very little about what the muslim books have to say.

common sense should prevail, there is no right reason for some to go around indiscriminately bombing people.

A few were speaking of rapture which is something I do not believe in, no offense to anyone and perhaps these discussions belong to the "god" thread. I will say what I think though since it was brought up.

So this is a thing that will happen to nonbelievers after the rapture delivers the believers to heaven?

The idea in the book of revelation is one of the lamb returning to earth in order to fight oppressors, that's it. There should be no vengeance or anger to a simple non believer what so ever. It should be good news to you to realize that the majority of us wish no harm to another.

Here is how I read the book; God comes back in the flesh, he/she/none of that, fights and wins against evil. If you find a Christian who speaks bad of you and wishes or promises you ill will, then that person is not a Christian period. We do not believe in that.

The evil I have seen in my lifetime in the name of Christianity has to do with murdering doctors, something I strongly disagree with.

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