Super gt500/JGTC

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Why hello fellow gt enthusiasts... Just would like to tell you all to keep an eye out for the rooms that I quite usually host, here are the specs...
No tecnological aids (1 abs),
Happy to run anything at, or under the 630 hp range but mainly at 552hp @ around 5 laps per track (2-3 on nordshleife, 24 hour and la sarthe)
Usually run just about any track,
You must be a considerate and respectable driver (give space when needed, stay wide or out of the driving line/area when you spin or crash, until either all have passed or you are a safe distance away from the previous driver(s), will not manipulate, cut or glitch any of the courses/layouts/tracks, anticipates or brakes early for others),
We usually give a good 4-10 min. To set qualy laps before we race
This goes without saying but its been 9 months since the games been out, !BRAKE ! for the first corner please !
We like good competition, so if your going to brag yourself up, prepare to be tested
WILL NOT tolerate any road cars or LMP (DTM is tolerable, but you WILL raise kg to 1100 as that is the standard we are trying to run)
Wont bring racist remarks about what religion/ethnicity is better,
Will oblige to the hosts commands and will agree to enforce'd rules that aren't usually there.
I.e. Won't cut any chicane on courses such as monza or nurburgring gp/f or gp/d, 2 SIDE (front left back left or front right back right) tyres must be kept on track as best as possible at all times, test and push your limits in your own lounge at your own time, run your car under or at its capabilities when your in my lobby...

With grate regards, would hope to see many of you out on the tracks, the name to look for is d-ry71 and swigz991 EH...

! Later !