OK guys 3rd race of my group finished. Amazing how bad I am, I'm bad as hell honestly. Thanks to all you for this event, it was a pleasure, specially the 3rd one with 7 GTPs on the road showing to the rest what's quality.
I even punted non-intentionally to a non-GTP racer when trying to pass on a turn... I still have so much to learn. Tonight is the night of the depression haha. Thanks for the event GTP_DONK
GTP_Jostheboss, on the 1st race when you were trying to pass me I couldn have the control of the car on the turn and it was like I wanted to block you, but it wasn't. I tryed to leave you room at my left and I did it but at the end.. so sorry about not have left you the room at the left before but I was trying to control the understeering of the baby.
GTP_Timpaqq, no problem mate. I was racing too nervous tonight and I was the last on the line so no problem even without that error I would have reached the last too to the finish line. Thanks to you for being host, we had an excelent connection. I liked specially how you followed us on the last place, it was like a special event for a president or so, all followed & protected by Mister GTP_Timpaqq

I could take pictures of 2 of the 3 races (I missed the 2nd). Here they go:
GROUP D - 1st RACE [21:38]
GTP_Wayne <- ???? =D
GROUP D - 3rd RACE [22:01]