thloganVery nice, Dangit!!!! And thanks Scorp and Envy. That was some fun racin'.
ncrthreeCongrats Dangit. Good race. Scorpion sorry about the bump, doh.
Reminder to self: don't pit... Idiot!
Sorry again Mike. I missed the whole no pass thing.
mike46and2No you gave it right back. I was on conserve tire mode anyways . It was really ok, I was laughing actually ! Those first laps were fun as hell!
xR0ADRASHxCongrats Dangit on a good run (told you, you could do it!). MIke and cB great racing with you guys last night it was some pretty tight quarters there for awhile. Glad that race is over.
So do we have an accurate lap count?? My suggestion was 35+1.
Also I'm in favor of the group of 3/4 qualifying for 5 mins at a time for this race as well. It keeps the clutter down and speeds up qualifying.
E46EnvyBesides, each guy should be able to knock out a fast lap in 5 minutes. At less than a minute a lap you have time for a warm up and 4 hot laps.
AllinWitJTAn indication of all drivers becoming more skilled. Nice.
brettceeIs a Nismo car allowed?
xR0ADRASHxI believe DJ said no tuner cars. I'm pretty sure that's considered a tuner. Try the 370Z. Its a mid 34 car with rear aero
xR0ADRASHxI believe DJ said no tuner cars. I'm pretty sure that's considered a tuner. Try the 370Z. Its a mid 34 car with rear aero
brettceeThat's the one in the dealership, fairlady z (z34) '08 right?
brettceeIs the efini rx-7 legal? Best times I can get are high 55s.
So do we have an accurate lap count?? My suggestion was 35+1.
Also I'm in favor of the group of 3/4 qualifying for 5 mins at a time for this race as well. It keeps the clutter down and speeds up qualifying.
ncrthreeI'm in favor of this too, worked great at Eiger. Narrowed my car choice down to 4 cars now! Still working on not spinning out. Fun track if you hit it right. What are the hot lap times? I've run low 54's.