Supercomputers that control the internet... HACKED!!!

  • Thread starter Jpec07
Basically anything can be hacked, there is no fullproof security system.

. I think it pertains to where the main UK backbones connect to the main UK-US backbones. There are something like 12 hardcore pipes going into one building! But it is an ex-nuclear war shelter, so I don't think we should worry about it too much!

Where is this backbone located?
Originally posted by LoudMusic
If your computer is connected to the Internet it is susceptible to hackers - even if you have a firewall.

There is a horrible missconception about computer security that the majority of the populace just doesn't understand. Unfortunately, I'm not the one to explain it all to you.

Well I don't know to much about computers. All I know how to do is turn one on. That's about the extent of my computer knowledge.
unlimited bandwidth on cable? I don't think so. I have Charter digital, and I have gotten the "you have exceeded your bandwidth" on several occassions.
Originally posted by Jpec07
unlimited bandwidth on cable? I don't think so. I have Charter digital, and I have gotten the "you have exceeded your bandwidth" on several occassions.
I think you are posting this in response to this statement by LoudMusic...

Satalite isn't used anywhere a line can be layed. Satalite is slow and expensive, whereas a cable is just about as cheap as it gets and relatively unlimited in bandwidth.

He's not talking about commercial home cable internet services - he's talking about the fiber optic, subterranean cables that can move unearthly amounts of data (voice, video, and data) at incredible speeds for the longest distances.
Originally posted by Jordan
I think you are posting this in response to this statement by LoudMusic...

He's not talking about commercial home cable internet services - he's talking about the fiber optic, subterranean cables that can move unearthly amounts of data (voice, video, and data) at incredible speeds for the longest distances.

Yeah well, this comes from the same person that said "Supercomputers that control the internet... HACKED!!!". First of all, they aren't supercomputers. Second, they don't control the internet. And third, they weren't hacked. So I suppose 'Consider the source' comes to mind (:

But yes, you are correct. I was refering to the fiber that's run through the oceans for communication.
I know squat about this, only that hackers should be fined thousands of dollars and then beaten severely. News flash, violating privacy is wrong whether one alters or causes damage to a system or not. 50k fine :)

My semi related 2 cents.