Supreme: Life & Death at 300Kmh... CHAPTER 14: ??? IS HERE!!!

  • Thread starter MoLiEG
Hello Everyone! :)

Thanks needforfish :D I'm glad you liked it :)

You want a clue then, right??? Well, here it is...

It's a german, 4x4 car :)

For now that should do it. Just like last time, 1 guess per post, please đź‘Ť

Ryou: Later today I'll send you a FR to give you your Ferrari :sly:

Chapter 6, part 1 will be up today after 8:00pm Central Time of MĂ©xico City

Audi TTS Coupe '09, Volkswagen Beetle RSI, Audi S4, or a RUF CTR2. :P

Excuse me for my lame puns, but that's what you call an Audi TiTS.

Back to the guessing game, my $5000 is on the Audi Pikes Peak Quattro, Audi R8 4.2, Audi TT 3.2 quattro, Audi S4, and the Audi quattro.

OHHOHOHOHOHOHO :mischievous:

LATE edit: I meant S3. FARK
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You almost have it again Ryou! It seems I'm going to owe you another car :)

Anyway... Chapter 6 is here... or at least a part of it... :) Should be complete before next Sunday ;)




Flashback Continues...

"After our 5 days of rest, we continued working on the car’s setup… After just 2 more sessions Dan claimed that the car was ready… Just in time for the Big Race at Deep Forest…

For this special occasion, Dan asked her parents for a little loan… so he could get the final piece for the Race… A new Helmet... He spent the previous day of the race on the local shop choosing from different models... After about an hour and a half… he emerged from the store with his new gear…"


-Dan's new helmet... Dan likes skulls :)


"We got up pretty early to get on our way to the circuit… since it was far… far away… :crazy: further away than anywhere we had been to before… We took 2 cars… Rick’s Alfa… and of course… the Darkhorse :sly: … Dan decided to go alone on the Ferrari… something that was pretty strange for him… maybe he wanted to focus early… only him and God know what was crossing his mind…
After 3 long hours of journey… we arrived… "

5 hours until the beginning of the race…

"When we arrived… we couldn’t believe what we saw…


We knew Deep Forest was a State of the Art Circuit… but it’s completely different to see it in a picture than seeing it with your own eyes… :drool: The track, just like the name suggests, was in the middle of a big, dense forest… were the buildings and facilities than surrounded it existed in a strange, yet elegant combination with nature… the place looked like it was extracted from some kind of videogame… the forest looked so green, and the sky was nearly clear, painted in cobalt blue, with just some clouds that coexisted in perfect harmony with the entire scene… :)


And just like the environment of the track wasn’t enough, the atmosphere and life that emanated from the track was even more eclectic… it was a unique event… not just another “track day”… THIS was a real race, with real prizes… and real competition… the stage was perfect for our perfect story :)…"

"Despite the fact we got up early, lots of people were already in the track when we arrived… including several cars that were going to be on our race category: MR Cars… when we looked at some of them… we almost had a heart attack… :scared:"

@ the pit lane…

(on the walkie talkie) Number 19… well, this seems to be our place… let’s park the cars… over…

Roger Dan!


Wow! Can you believe this track… it’s amazing!!!

And intimidating… look… the only thing we can see from here it’s the main straight… :ouch:the rest of the track is inside that huge maze of trees… And this crowd… just look at them… I’ve never raced in front of that many people…



Well… it’s 3 hours before the beginning of the race… shall we go for a walk?:)

Yes! Let’s see what we are going to face…


"...We could see them from our cars… but once we put our feet on the ground we started to really “see” them..."



"...Yes… in the middle of the raging crowd of people, referees, track officials, inspectors and engineers… an army of paddock girls was on the track…" :drool:

OMG… :drool:

OMG… :drool:

OMG… I think we are going to be pretty distracted over here…

Damn! You are very lucky you know??? :sly:I’m going to be killing myself in this forest and you will be surrounded by all of this…:dunce: You sure you don’t want to take my place???

No way… You are the driver… đź’ˇ

..."And then…"


Good luck guys! (Sends a kiss)…

OMG… :drool::drool::drool:
Man… :dunce: You saw… :dopey: I’m… Ahhh!!!! That’s what racing is all about!!! I think I can beat anybody right now… đź‘Ť Can’t wait for this thing to start!!! :dopey:


I think I’m gonna ask her out… I need to know her name! Did you notice her eyes… :)

Yes, she was pretty… :dopey:

GUYS!!!! :mad:

...Rick’s scream brought both me and Dan back to the racetrack…

Man, what is it??? :dunce:


...Rick pointed in the direction of the pit lane box that was right after ours…

No way…

It’s… impossible… :scared::scared::scared:


...A CIEN???? Are you kidding me???? A CIEN??? HOW… :dunce: AHHH…:ouch:

And that’s not all…

...Rick was already on the next pit lane box…

It’s impossible!!! :crazy::ouch::scared:-Dan repeated…


...The VW NARDO?????????? NO WAY!!!! :dunce:

...Dan’s excitement vanished in just a second…

...And we continued to look at the rest of the cars in the pit lane… Dan stopped on the next one…


...A R390… A friggin’ Nissan R390… :ouch:

Ohh dear… :ill:

Do you have any Idea of how many of those ones exist???? :dunce::dunce::dunce:

Nope Dan…

ONE NOAH!!! ONLY ONE!!! :mad:

...Dan was losing it… and the race hadn’t even started…

...Dan didn’t continue to look the rest of the cars … he returned to our box... He looked very angry…

What happened??? :dunce:

(Dan took a seat…) Did you see all those cars??? Those are cars that only a millionaire could buy!!! IF they were buyable, of course!!! It’s crazy!!!! :ouch:

Easy Dan… Don’t lose it already… remember we expected this kind of race...

I know, I know… but I can’t help feeling… you know... some of them have a very unfair advantage… That makes me mad… and I don’t want to know which other cars we are facing… :nervous:

Don’t give up so easily Dan! :scared:

I’m not… I’m just… so frustrated with these juniors… It’s always the same… :ouch:


...An uncomfortable silence emerged... I was about to break it… but Dan stepped up first…

Look… no matter the outcome of this race… I want you to know that I’m proud is this team…

...And Dan stood up…

Gentlemen!!! It’s been a long road… :) And I thank you for all your support…đź‘Ť I wouldn’t be here without you… Now...Let’s make our final stand right here, right now!!! To hell with juniors and their supercars!!! We have our own supercar!!! :cool: We have the brains, we have the will, the skills and we have the determination!!! Let’s show the rich boys that money won’t buy them a seat with the real, dedicated drivers like us!!! đź‘Ť Let’s win and make history!!! :mischievous:

Amen Dan!!!


"...Dan in rage mode… is something everyone should fear… fueled by the desire and passion to beat rivals that were better than him was something that motivated him beyond describable levels… You could see it in his eyes… a bear, a lion, a tiger… a bull, waiting for his moment to attack, waiting for the matador to strike… He doesn’t care if he only has his horns to attack… he will stand… and he will win… đź‘Ť

The race is already on… đź‘Ť


So here it is... Dan is about to race the race of his life... Any predictions???

Well... hope you liked it! See you in Part 2!!!


edit: We have a winner!!! :D Congrats uMadson? It's the Audi TT quatro!!! ;) You are the winner of a premium, brand new Xanavi Nismo Z Super GT Race car!!! :) I'll send you a FR tomorrow ;)

Well... keep enjoying the story... I think it has been pretty ok so far! :)
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Good chapter.

Also, damn. I knew it was TT related. But I forgot the original TT was also a premium.

I'll have to work for mah Z now, the Super GT collection must be complete soon. I have a, erm, use for them.
Yay! A winrar is me!

I already have this Z but the one he's gonna give me would be tuned for drifting... :dopey:
^ I see what you did there.

Great way to build up the tension. Also, Yamaha girls > Suzuki girls. :P
Hello people!!! :)

The wait is over, Dan's battle vs. the MR Hypercars will be tomorrow! :D

Stay tuned!!!

Later! ;)
Hello people! As promised! Part 2 is here!!! :)

Some pics are slightly smaller than usual, since I used a lot of them for this particular race :) Hope is ok to you!!!

Anyway, let the race begin!!! :D



Flashback continues...

After Dan’s “courage speech”, a voice from outside the box got attention…

“Attention Racers… the race will begin in 30 minutes… you may take a few warming up laps now….”

It’s on gentlemen! Get ready the camera and the walkie talkies… đź‘Ť

Let’s go!!!!đź‘Ť

Dan lost no time… he dressed up quickly and jumped into the car so he could get the most out of those 30 minutes… He was so anxious that he forgot to put his mic on his new helmet…


You know Noah… there’s something that worries me… :scared:

What is it?

You better than anyone knows what happen when Dan runs on rage mode… right?

He begins driving faster and faster, pushing the car to the limit… But also he begins taking unnecessary risks… :indiff:

I know… we need to keep him really cool today… no matter the cost…

...After the warming up laps, Dan entered the pits…

It’s like riding a dragon :drool:… the circuit goes up and down, and then left to right… its crazy… :crazy:

But can you go fast enough???

I think so… I didn’t push it to the max now… but I think that if I do it, I might lose control of the car on some points…:ouch:

Find your rhythm soon Dan… that will be the key…

OK… did you check the rest of our rivals?

Yes… there will be a green F1 on the lineup, 3 more Ferraris, a Saleen and a Jag XJ220… and some other yellow car I don’t know…:ill:


A Cizeta Noah…

Sorry :scared:… A Cizeta then…

Dan’s mood again became somber…

No problem… I’ll deal with those hypercars… Well… it’s about time… :sly:

Don’t forget your mic this time…

I won’t… Now, let’s move… the race is about to start... the moment of truth has arrived… đź‘Ť


As it could be expected… before the race, a small ceremony was held on the main bridge of the track… And then… the worlds we have been waiting the entire day…

Gentlemen… Start your engines!!!!

...5 laps from a rolling start, starting from 7th… it couldn’t get any better than this...

Mic ready!!! :)

We hear you Dan, loud and clear! đź‘Ť

This is it! This is it! Ohhh I’m so excited… :dopey:

Control yourself! The race hasn’t even started…

I’m ok… I’m just… sooo happy… so many mixed emotions today… :)

We know Dan… ready to make history???

I was born ready… :cool:

Main straight… almost there…

Guys!!! Noah!!! Rick!!!


Yes Dan???

Just wanted to say...This one is for you amigos!!! :)… LOS AMO!!! :dopey:

Green!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!!!

And the race started…

Dan was caged at the start of the race between the F1 and the Cien…


And after the Cien, a "RedHorse" and the R390 could be seen…


Dan attacked immediately the F1 on the 1st tunnel of the track… he was not afraid of the Legendary Supercar...


But he miscalculated, and he almost lost his place to the Cien…


That mistake was followed by another one… as he drifted on the next corner… He was lucky he didn’t lose his position…


On another hand, unfortunately, the Nardo started from 1st place… and it was already taking a huge lead…


After that corner, we understood why Dan said the track was like a dragon, as he entered a long, and bumpy straight… it looked very intimidating… even on Rick’s laptop… It was so intimidating… Dan almost lost control of the car at the end of it…


Are you ok????

Yes!!! I’m fine… I’m fine… Don’t worry… đź‘Ť

He finally lost his 7th place to the Cien, but right before the main straight, he got it back…


Lap 2 Dan!!!

After a near fatal accident, Dan resumed his assault on the mighty F1...


...And he got in the tunnel…

YES!!! :dopey::dopey::dopey:

But again he drifted on the same corner of last lap… Luckily nothing bad happened again…




He completed lap 2 with an impressive pace… but now he had 3 hungry beasts behind him…


Lap 3 Dan!!!! COME ON!!!!

I see the Saleen!!! It’s mine!!! :cool:

The superior racing tires we put in the car were proving very reliable, as Dan flied through the slow part of the circuit like a real master, overtaking the Silver Saleen and getting in position to get the F430 in front of him…


Allmighty who??? :D



But now… 4 monsters were chasing him… with an inferior top speed on the straight, the Darkhorse was in danger… Dan’s solid performance on the technical part of the track was his only hope to get alive the snake pit behind him…


They get very close on the straight Dan, watch your position…:nervous:

Roger… those guys won’t take me…đź‘Ť


Look at that… the F430 is slower on the straight than me!!! :dopey:

Get him!!!


And he overtook him on the straight… we weren’t expecting that…

Lap 4 Dan!!!

Guys… I can’t see the Nardo…

He’s very far way, I’m afraid Dan…:nervous:

… Don’t be Sad… I’m still going to push for it!!! To the End!!!đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


He looks so calm, don’t you think?

Yes… I’m happy for him… he’s just enjoying himself…




I can still get the Jag guys!!! đź‘Ť

Just be careful, it’s the last lap!!!

Full speed!!!! đź‘Ť


Dan really wanted to get the Jag… it was one of his favorite cars of all time… His wish was granted soon enough… as he overtook him on the tunnel area…


YES!!! :D You saw that???? :)

Yes!!! That was brilliant!!! Now bring that horse home!!!

Roger!!! :)

After that… we could see that Dan lowered its pace….

Anything wrong with the car Dan??? The Computer says you are going slower… :dunce:

Yes I am… I think I just want to enjoy the moment for a while… It’s been an epic race… :) You know… I have this strange felling I won…

Dan??? :dunce:

I’m off for now… :) See you at the podium… And thank you!!! :)đź‘Ť

And he closed his mic…



For Dan to say he was happy with a 3rd place… I don’t know… Rick and I were confused… that wasn’t what Dan would normally say… Maybe he discovered something we didn’t notice… Maybe he knew something we didn’t… Anyway… the race was done… and apparently… our journey…

But the day wasn’t over yet…



So... any of you saw that coming??? :) I hope I surprised you a little! :D

Part 3 will be up saturday or sunday!!! ;)

Enjoy your week! Hope you all liked it!

Later! :)
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The Cizeta should have been no problem, it understeers like a pig.
Hello everybody!

Was it truly a defeat??? Or the start of something new???

Let's see what happens tomorrow with the conclussion of Chapter 6 :)

Hello everybody!

Yes... in a PD-like move... :dunce:there has been another delay for our story... :nervous:

But don't worry... it's only a 1 day delay! :) Chapter 6 will be complete tomorrow! ;) Pinky promise!

Later! Take care! đź‘Ť
This is it people!!! The Conclusion of Chapter 6!!!

Dan's future... is now!!!



Flashback continues...

After all cars crossed the finish line… a ceremony was held… Rick and I had the privilege to see our friend Dan climb into the podium to receive this 3rd place Trophy… Despite not being the result we were looking for… I have to say that the sensation we felt was extraordinary… after all, we battled against cars that were at least 150-200hp more powerful than us… Before the race I was concerned about what his reaction would be if we didn’t win… but I was so relieved to see our friend excited and happy up there…


-Dan's 3rd place Trophy :)

After the celebration, he joined us at the pit lane…

Wow… it was just fantastic… the whole day has been fantastic… so many emotions… I’m wordless! :D

We too!!! It’s been an epic day! :)

Sure it was… I’ll never forget it… đź‘Ť

And what about the prize? Did someone talk to you over there… a team manager maybe???? :drool:

No… no one… but it’s ok… (Sighs)… I think it was a race that wasn’t meant to be won by us… nor by any of the other drivers in the other cars… the Nardo is uncatchable… that thing set a few speed world records you know? :crazy:

Yeah… it sucks… why would they put them from pole position??? It’s ridiculous!!! That wasn’t fair… that guy surely got the attention of the team managers… damn rich guy… :ouch:

I… don’t think that was one of those guys, Rick…


I had the opportunity to see some of the drivers during the practice session… and you know… some of them weren’t amateurs… :scared:

WHAT?!?!?! :nervous:

Yes… The guy in the Nardo, the R390 and the Cien… looked more like real drivers… their clothes had sponsors and stuff… their garages were full of engineers… and besides… just look at those cars! Like I said… those 3 could cost an unimaginable fortune… And did you see the moves of the guy of the Cien on the camera??? It was like he was more concerned of bringin’ the car home in one piece… If I’m correct… maybe only half of the line up consisted of actual amateurs… :dunce:

Impressive… very impressive…

A familiar voice interrupted Dan…


The tie... the suit... it could only be...

I knew you were intelligent Mr. Barrera… but today… I think you graduated from both the driving and the detective school…đź‘Ť

Mr. Ferdinand???? Is that you??? :dunce:

Again correct Mr. Barrera… It was a great race… I have to congratulate you…đź‘Ť

So… all of this was fake??? đź‘Ž:grumpy:

Don’t jump into conclusions Rick… Mr. Hertz… what happened here??? :dunce: I can’t lie, the race was very intense, but why invite 3 teams with supercars they can’t push to the max??? Wasn’t this supposed to be the ultimate challenge to discover the real racing talents of amateur racers, like us???

Sure it was… The inclusion of those supercars, driven by actual racers…

Actual racers???

…was to see how you, the amateurs, would react to an “impossible” challenge…

Sooo??? :grumpy:

Most of the racers freaked out… like the guy in the Saleen… and the F430… you just said it… they decided to concentrate on not losing their position… But may I ask … what did you do??? đź’ˇ

I… we… went for the win no matter what…

Exactly! đź‘Ť That’s what the owners and race managers want… a fearless driver… just like the drivers of the early years… like those of the golden age of the European Championships prior to the appearance of the Formula 1… Drivers that don’t care for the money, or fame, but the thrill, the action… the teamwork… the glory… the immortality…

Wait… -Dan said… after he started realizing about everything… It was you… :dunce:the day we began our testing on the Ferrari… you were there… in the grandstands… I can now remember… your suit, your tie… IT WAS YOU! :scared:

Again, that’s correct…

But why??? :guilty:

I told you the other day… I’ve been looking at you for a while now…

Since… when??? :dunce:

I happened to be on vacation some years ago… that day, I decided to spend a day at a little race track… and I had the privilege to see a kid win a race in a little blue car…

No way… you… you were there???? :drool:

Yes… since that day… I’ve been looking at you… watching the 1st steps of maybe… a forthcoming legend… :)

By that time, Dan’s jaw had already hit the ground…

I’m…. I don’t know what to say… :scared:

I had to spend a little fortune to get to this point, and ask for some favors from some old friends… to see if you would be for real… on a real environment… and you didn’t let me down… Congratulations… now your dream… is about to become real…

Sir… -Dan said… Who are you??? :confused:

I thought you were going to ask that sooner rather than later… My real name its Henry Hertz… Senior director of the AUDI RACING ACADEMY… former engineer of Audi Team America… and Former Winner of the Deep Forest 200… 15 years ago…

Dan could not believe it… all this time he was in front of a living legend… and he didn’t noticed…

Mr. Hertz…. I… so…. When you said… there were going to be other drivers… amateur drivers on the race… :crazy:

Ahhh yes… there were amateurs on the race… but all of them were told this was an exhibition race… and the super prototypes, before you ask… well… I still have some friends on the high ranks… so they helped me with those… Anyway Mr. Barrera… would you like more explanations???

No… I think it’s all clear now… :drool:

Then... only one question remains Dan... are you ready to be part of the AUDI Family???


Flashback ends...

Fate, like many of you know, works in very disturbing ways… Disguised in an apparently impossible task, formidable foes and the distraction of gorgeous women… it challenged Dan to survive a day on the shoes of a real driver… and he succeeded… Now… he wasn’t just close to fulfilling his dream… That day… he started to live it, as he claimed the 1st of many podiums to come… That day, a Legend was born…

Dan Barrera… Supreme…



So yes... this is it... Now Dan's journey as a racer has officially begun... hope you liked the "Intro" Part of the story... :) Now it's getting serious... ;)

Thanks for the patience :) Remember, This work is for you, and I want it to be perfect...You deserve my absolute best!!! :D

The bio of Mr. Hertz will be up shortly ;)

Well, time to call it a night... I'm exhausted...

Later!!! :)
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That's a nice looking Audi, shame it's a Standard...
Seriously, when I read the 1st time this story, I was like drooling for boredom hahaha but I decided to give another chance and I can say, I NEED NEXT CHAPTER NAO!!!
Also, extreme epic shot of the R8 LMS Playstation livery, I know it's a Standard but it doesn't look like one in that picture!
^I'm very glad you are enjoying it :) Thanks for the support!!!

I have a question for you guys :) (no, not a trivia this time)... :dunce:

In a later chapter (you can consider this a little spoiler)... the history will require some photos of 2 especific cars in a special location... photos which obviously... cannot be done in A-Spec... Anybody knows how to do something like this???

Thanks again! Next chapter will come shortly... ;)

Later! :D
^I'm very glad you are enjoying it :) Thanks for the support!!!

I have a question for you guys :) (no, not a trivia this time)... :dunce:

In a later chapter (you can consider this a little spoiler)... the history will require some photos of 2 especific cars in a special location... photos which obviously... cannot be done in A-Spec... Anybody knows how to do something like this???

Thanks again! Next chapter will come shortly... ;)

Later! :D

Get to the Photomode section and find a photo manipulator to hire. Or... with year-long delays if you wanna let me do it. That aside though, I can do it but I'm just lazy :P
^I think I'll follow your advice and drop a line on the Photomode Section... :)

BTW, did you get my FR??? :nervous: I still owe you a Super GT Xanavi Z đź’ˇ
^LOL :lol:

Well people, I just came here to announce that part 1 of Chapter 7 will be here tomorrow ;)

Amateur racing is over for Dan, now...he'll have to prove he deserves a seat with the big boys...

Stay tuned! :D

Later! ;)
Hello there! Well people, here it is! :)

Chapter 7 has arrived! Hope you like it!





That race my dear Noah… was something I’ll never forget… :)

We neither… it was so magical… :)

Yes… Ahhh!!! Strange things, memories are… its incredible how they can bring life back to a destroyed body…

Are we going to start with that all over again??? :indiff:

Don’t worry; it’s just a way of saying it… I can’t help it… :dunce:

Yeah, I know… you’ve always been very poetic when you speak, and write… You can’t hide it; you enjoy it a lot… đź‘Ť

Yes I do… you see, if writing poems paid just as good as car racing does, I would be writing best sellers right now… :sly:

Yeah, Imagine that: How Dan Barrera destroyed my career: JKR

LOL… that would be hilarious… :lol:

"At that moment… the door opened, and a nurse entered…"

Bonne nuit! :)

Bonne nuit! Dan and I said…

Mr. Gage, I’m afraid the Visitor’s time is almost over…

I see… well, give me a minute and I’ll be out of here…

No problem Mr. Gage… Mr. Barrera, I will be with you in a moment…

Merci Clara! :)


Well… seems like it’ all for today…

I think so… besides… it’s getting late here…:dunce:

Yes… go now, don’t worry for me, I’ll be here tomorrow morning…

Sure you will… BTW… would you like me to bring my laptop tomorrow to start typing a little bit?

That would be terrific Noah, thanks! :dopey:

Well, I have to go, take care buddy…

You too… :)

"...And I left the hospital… thankfully; no reporters were outside of it by the time I left… so I could use the main entrance to leave… You cannot imagine how happy I was to see that my buddy was Ok… I could not wait for tomorrow… There was so much to tell…" :)

The Next Day….

"...Just like the last few days, I got up early, had breakfast, and went to the hospital in a rush, to see my good friend. And again, just yesterday the last few days, I had to use the back door to enter… I wasn’t in the mood to deal with reporters… to me, my mayor concern was Dan’s health, not the world press… :grumpy:"

When I arrived to Dan’s room, I had the decency to knock the door, unlike the previous day…:dunce:



It’s me Dan, can I come in?

Clara, Dan’s nurse, opened the door…

Bonjour Mr. Gage!

Bonjour Clara, is Dan already up?

Yes, You came just in time, since I’m already done with him for the moment… you can take care of him now…


And there he was… looking at the window…


... just a view of the city of Le Mans...

Good morning my friend!

Noah, morning! Did you have a good night? :)

Sure đź‘Ť, how about you?

Ahh… slept like a baby… anyway… Do you want anything for breakfast?

Thanks bud; I had breakfast at the hotel…đź‘Ť

Ok, ok… Well, I see I brought your laptop…

Yes I did… I didn’t forget it…:sly:

Nice… well… I have something for you…

What is it?:dunce:

And he gave me a little black book…


I have that with me all the time, well, except when I race… So I asked for someone to pick it up from the truck earlier today… :)

LOL… the Deathnote???:lol:

:lol: LOL… not the Deathnote you funnyman!… it’s something even better…:drool:

So??? What is it???

Well… Open it…:dunce:

And I did just that…

Wow… you have a :ill:... Diary???

Yes… more or less… I wrote about several things in there… I thought it would be useful for the book…:)

I think it will… but, are you sure you want to share this??? :nervous:

I wouldn’t trust it to anyone but you…

Wow… thanks Dan…:)

You’re welcome…

The first thing that jumped into my attention was the pic that Dan placed on the 1st page…

Interesting work… did you did this???

Well… yeah… I did it some time later after I began to write...

Good work buddy… đź‘Ť

And then I looked at the main title...

Ana Black???

I couldn’t, well, just write to “just a book”… so I gave it a name…:dopey:

Ana Black??? Well… that’s... original…:sly:

LOL :lol: ... no comments :)...

LOL… Well… where should I start searching???

You are probably not going to believe me, but I started it after the race at Deep Forest… It covers pretty much everything all that happened during my 1st 3 years as a driver… :)

Then this diary is a book by itself… :D

Yes, but its only a part of the whole story… :)

I see… well… I guess I’ll start from the very beginning… đź’ˇ

If you have any doubts, feel free to ask… :)

No problem… ;)

"...And so, I began reading… I was both curious and scared of the book… I didn’t know what to expect… I didn’t know if it was going to be the diary of a driver… or maybe something else…

Welcome to the Diary of a Champion…

Welcome “The Letters to Ana Black”




I'll check my PS3 later tonight umadson :) You'll have your car, promise :)

Well, that should be all for today ;)

Take care... later! :D
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Read the previous 3 chapters I have missed, and they're quite pleasing. It's thoroughly kept great, simple, and entertaining enough that I would read it and comment kindly on each chapter.

To be honest, I've been typing all day today, and couldn't be bothered to get my lazy ass to typing something about one's chapters, but I believe yours deserves one for today.

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