Supreme: Life & Death at 300Kmh... CHAPTER 14: ??? IS HERE!!!

  • Thread starter MoLiEG
Hello there!

Here it is! Part 1 of Chapter 8 :)

Hope you like it! :D





Was it that tough Dan???

Yes it was… most of those guys were like me, they wanted to show they had the skills to be more… some of the drivers I met had already 5 or 6 years trying to make the jump to higher competitions… there were no friends there… :crazy:


Yep… but despite the cold atmosphere I felt during my stint in the cold atmosphere… I had the extraordinary experience to visit some of the most exciting cities in Europe… Rome, London, Eiger, Monaco…:)


Yes, Monaco… that how big this tournament is… 👍

Interesting… but tell me… how did it started???:irked:

Oh yes… I was going to tell you about it… So… I arrived at Mr. Hertz office, in the heart of the racing facility in Ahrweiler…


Flashback Begins…

Dan… Good Morning…

Good Morning sir…

How are you doing today?

Just fine sir, just fine… :)

Do you have training session today?

No sir… I’m going to pick up my racing license today… today I’m kind of free…

Good… good… you see… it’s almost 12 months since you arrived here…

Yes sir… it’s been a long but productive year… 👍

You’ve changed a lot… When you arrived here, you already had the energy and the talent… what we did here, was just give you the little push you needed… details, you know…

Yep… things like the knowledge of the car components, reading and understanding telemetry… racing lines, breaking points… thing that I already knew in a certain way… and of course… the physical part…:)

Yes… I know… Anyway… you may wonder why you are here, today… in my office…

Well… Yes sir… :dunce:

Dan… "-he said in some kind of ceremonial tone… "I’m pleased to inform you that the high authorities of the VW Group are very impressed with your progress and are ready to offer you a contract… as a driver…

I… I… :drool::eek:

Dan… are you ready to become a driver? :)

I… I’m ready sir… I’ve been working so hard for this… I’m not letting you…

"He interrupted me... ":dunce:

No Dan :grumpy: … it’s not about letting me down… it’s all about you now… from now on… How far you get on your career will be entirely up to you…👍 like I said… I just came here to give you a push in the right direction… :)Now… go… you are going to pick up your license today, right? :)


Y... Yes...

Ok then… tomorrow you will be meeting your crew…

"I was ready to leave when Mr. Hertz stopped me…"

Dan… this might not be a race, but this is already a victory… go on and celebrate a little… you look very pale… I didn’t fire you…:sly:

It’s just….. Yeah, you are right… Thanks a lot Mr. Hertz, for everything…:bowdown:

"I went to pick up my license… and after I returned… I decided to go for a beer at the local bar... I don’t drink often… but this time, I felt that a Coca-Cola wasn’t going to be enough… 💡


After having my drink… I decided it was time to go to sleep… I left the bar pretty late… (And no, I wasn’t drunk if you were wondering… :ouch:) So I took my Audi, and went home… to my apartment, near the AUDI ACADEMY… :)

I couldn’t wait for tomorrow…"


The next day…

"I got a message early on my phone… Mr. Hertz said my team meeting was at 11am at his office… As usual… I arrived a little bit earlier…" ;)


Mr. Hertz?

Ahhh Dan… Guten Morgen!:)

Guten Morgen Herr Hertz! Wie geht es Ihnen!

Good Dan… Good… Please… come… your teammates are impatient to meet you…👍

"And I followed Mr. Hertz to a meeting room…"


Guten Morgen!

Guten Morgen! :)

Dan… this is Mr. Stewart Hill, chief engineer, Mr. Michael Steiner, and this Mr. Jeff Foster… and they will be your teammates for the upcoming season… 👍

Pleased to meet you… ;)


Dan… “the Predator” Dan… Hertz speaks wonders about you… :sly:👍

I just work hard sir… 👍

Yes... I know… telemetry never lies… 👍 you are good son… you are good… that’s why we’re are here… seems like some people on the high ranks are impressed with your skills… They want to invest on you…:sly:

I feel honored sir… :drool:

Yes… Hertz told me you are very formal also… anyone else would go crazy after a conversation like this :crazy: ; but you, you are so calm… so mature… so ready… I can see a good future for you son… 👍

Thank you… 👍

Now Dan… the details… -Mr. Steiner started to talk... you will be driving on the Golf Trophy… an international racing series that mixes both city and road courses, you will be racing in places like Rome, London, and maybe Montecarlo… :) the championship consists of 10 races, 4 of them do not give any points, they are more like time attacks and exhibitions… and the other 6 are the actual races… you will be racing different rivals in each of them, since there are 32 cars in the competition… 8 cars per race… after the 1st 5 races conclude, the top 8 drivers will advance to the 6th and final race… 👍

Ok… :sly:

And your car…

"Mr. Foster now took the word…he gave me a folder with a picture in it…"

This shall be your weapon…


This is the racing version of the last gen. Golf… it features a 180HP engine, with Dunlop Racing Tires, and a manual 5 speed gearbox… All drivers have the same car with the same specs…

Sounds cool… I like the challenge… :cool:

Good Dan… Good… Now, If we could begin…



Flashback ends…​

They told me that the season would begin in 2 months time… which was plenty of time… :) We could do some testing on the car, time attacks on the Nürburgring… etc… you know… just do the things that a racing team usually does before the start of a new season… it was officially the beginning of my career… I was happy, what can I say… :D



Now... the facts column!!! :D

-Dan drinks alcohol very... very rarely... but when he does... he prefers either Heineken or Corona ;)

-Dan's favourite drink is Coca-Cola...

And finally... let's talk about the trivia! :)

You have the chapters... now you are missing the bands! ;)

Now that you know the chapters... google the names :D Let's see who gets them 1st!!!

More coming soon, I hope! ;)

Later! 👍
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Nice chapter. 👍 I can't wait to see what Dan's capable of in a level field.
Hello everybody! Hope you are enjoying the ride so far! :D

Part 2 of Chapter 8 will be here tomorrow... ;)

Seems like no one wants those drift cars... :nervous: or maybe I did ask a lot in this trivia :dunce:

Later people! Goodnite!!! 👍
Hello people! :)

As promised, part 2 is here!!!

I have to confess that I'm pretty proud of this one :cool:: Is short, it's intense... and the photos I took are some of the best I've ever taken so far in photomode... 👍

So here it is! Enjoy!!! :D



"The following day after our first meeting, we took the car to the ring to do some testing… Mr. Hill asked me if I wanted to change the number of the car… I declined… “17” has always been my lucky number and also my racing number, so it was simply perfect for me :)…"

"I also had just enough time to finish my physical conditioning… I gained 3kg of muscle during those last 2 months… My transformation was complete… Now I looked like a real driver :sly:…"

"Finally, after this long and hard 1 year test period, it was time to prove they made the correct decision… with the Swiss Alps as witnesses 👍; I began officially my pro racing career… with a fantastic win in the 1st race of the Golf Trophy, at the summit of Europe itself… the Eiger… one of the most magical and beautiful places of Switzerland and maybe the world… 👍"

"After the qualifying sessions of the previous day, I was placed on the 2nd race. Starting from 6th place and after a bad first lap… I proved why I was nicknamed “The Predator” with a huge comeback on the Eiger Norwand Circuit… between the rock, snow and ice of the mountain and the heat, smoke and sweat of the track… 👍 "

Welcome to the party…

And now, ladies and gentlemen… the 2nd race of the day is about to start!!! :dopey: –said an announcer…

The roar of the mighty German combatants crossed the entire valley… emotions were rising…


"And then…"

GREEN LIGHT!!! GREEN LIGHT!!! The race is on!!!

Let’s go Dan! – I heard a voice inside my head… it was Mr. Hill…

To the end!!!! 👍

I managed to climb to the 4th place on lap one…


… but on one of the late corners of the circuit, I entered in a compromised situation :ill:… and lost a lot of time and places, thanks to contact with another Golf… at the end of lap 1… I was 6th… again :guilty:


...And No. 17, Dan Barrera, is now seventh after a good, really good start… let’s see if he can overcome this situation…

I don’t know Gale :rolleyes:, he is a 1st year man on the circuit, he may not be able to recover from this… most rookies don’t do a good job on their 1st races as pros…:yuck:

Ohhh really??? … :embarrassed:

Right after going back to the tunnel, I recovered 2 places on the 1st corners of the track…


...1st I took a white Golf…


And then I overtook a black one…



Before lap 2 ended, I already had a clear shot at the orange one, right before the finish line…:)


But before I could try anything… the 1st corner appeared… suddenly, I was surrounded… again…:dunce:


Fortunately, I changed my racing lane and got far away from that mess…


Following act, I began my assault on the Red Golf which was on 2nd place…




We exchanged the position for most of the 3rd lap 👍, until I finally got the edge… :)


Now I was second… but the Black Golf in 1st was way ahead… It was time to be great… 💡


I flew around the track on lap 4…


Could you believe Barrera is now second after his early accident??? He’s ridiculous!!! :drool:


Man, ohh man!!! :drool: I think I have to eat my words now! This young man truly wants it! :dunce: He already set the fastest lap for the race… and guess what… is an all time record!!! He touched the gravel on the tunnel corner, but it didn’t matter!!! :dopey:


And it’s just his 1st race… Un… believable…

And after that… lap 5… the moment of truth… :sly:

After the 1st corners, I managed to get close to the leading Golf…


But by the time we got to the tunnel, time was running out… and I was still second…:ouch:


So I took my chances…



Here come the competitors… wait… BARRERA TAKES THE LEAD!!! :drool::dopey:

My God! Don’t tell me he didn’t slow down on the corner…:scared:

Yes… :dopey: he did just that… no brakes!!! And he takes the lead with only 3 corners left to the end of the race!!!

Incredible, simply incredible…:drool:

And there he comes, on the last corner…




A hell of a job from this kid… let’s see if he can keep this pace on High Speed Ring…


Hope you liked it!

Next Stop, High Speed Ring!!! :D

See you there!!! ;)
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Pictures are showing up fine for me :D

Really nice story/chapter/pictures! Nice to see a golf party ^_^

And for the albums... Nickelback for darkhorse and limp bizkit for results may vary? Was pretty easy to find them, suprised no one's said it before 0_0

You could donate the s2000 to C-Zeta, I know it would be appreciated and deeply loved :P
Pictures are showing up fine for me :D

Really nice story/chapter/pictures! Nice to see a golf party ^_^

And for the albums... Nickelback for darkhorse and limp bizkit for results may vary? Was pretty easy to find them, suprised no one's said it before 0_0

You could donate the s2000 to C-Zeta, I know it would be appreciated and deeply loved :P

Finally! :D You have half the answer correct!!! :) Limp Bizkit for Chapter RESULTS MAY VARY

Check the 2nd one... Another band released an album with the same name some time earlier than Nickelback... have another look at the hints I left, should be easy ;)

I have no problem in giving the S2000 to C-Zeta, if you can tell him to send me a PM I can arrange that ;)

Now, let's talk about the story guys :) Sorry for the little absence, I got lost in the middle of a National Festivity over here (Mexico's Independence day)... :sly:

So... if you allow me, Part 3 will come tomorrow ;)

Later! :)
^ I don't think you understand the implications of sending an S2000 to C-ZETA...:sly:

Yes it is!!! And we have a winaaar!!! :dopey:

BTW, I just realized why you were warning me about the S2000... :dunce:

LOL :lol:...

Gazumagi: I'll contact you later, so I can give you your prize cars ;)

Anyway... I had some problems with my USB device :crazy: so I had to take again all the photos of Part 3 again... :yuck:

Once I edit them, part 3 will be up, with some luck, it should be here by midnight or early tomorrow :)

Later! 👍
PART 3 NAO MoLiEG ! I need it NAO!! Do you understand?

Nah I'm joking, can't wait for upcoming chapters, short chapters which keep us fully interested.
Hello everybody!!! Well, here it is!!! Part 3 is here! :D

Enjoy!!! :)




I remember you called me the following day …

I remember it also… :)

It was a wild race, wasn’t it?:dunce:

It was a very tough one, yes, but the one that followed was even wilder :dunce: You see... there is no better presentation card for a new driver than a win in its 1st race… but a second straight one??? :confused:

"The second race took place 1 month after the race in Eiger, at one of the most legendary race tracks in the world: The High Speed Ring…:D

Built in 1996, finished in 1997, it became quickly one of, if not the most spectacular race track of the newly born “Gran Turismo World Championship”… Since the fantastic “Race of the Century”, the final race of the 1998 Season, in which the Dodge Viper GTS-R driven by O. Hernández claimed the title in the final seconds of the race :dopey:… I’ve been in love with the track and that car… the Viper, of course... :drool:


Back then, I was just a little boy… but now, several years later… it was my turn to make history on the track… :sly:"


---Flashback begins...---​

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to one of the most iconic race tracks of the Golf Trophy Tournament... the High Speed Ring! :)

Yes! The High Speed Ring! One of the most well known tracks in Europe, today welcomes the little german racers!!! The day is glorious, the drivers are ready, we are all hoping to see some lighting fast action on the track today! 👍

"This time, I was on the opening race…"


3… 2… 1...

And the green lights are goooone!!! Here we go!!!

"Again starting from the 4th place, I made my way close to the leaders on the 1st moments of the race… "


"But on the 1st corners, I had this stupid idea :scared:… and lifted my foot from the pedal… I have to confess that the banking of the 1st corner scared the 🤬… out of me… "


And they take the 1st corner of the circuit after the long straight!!!:)


You know, these cars may have 180hp, but they roar like lions!!! Just look how fast they are moving!:dopey:

"After the 1st section of the circuit, 2 S corners followed…


I took my chances, and got the 7th…"

"...And right after that, I got another car, now I was 6th… nothing bad… But it was just the 1st lap…"


"...And that was pretty much it for the 1st lap... the circuit is pretty simple :)… after another turn to the left… full acceleration… lap 1 was history, time for lap 2…"


"This time I didn’t panic… I took the 1st corner at full speed… :mischievous:


But I almost touched the retention wall… that was scary :scared:…"

"Again, the S turns of the circuit became my allies, as I overtook 2 cars…


And a 3rd one… right before the tunnel… 4th once again…"


"And it got even better… I earned the third after the last left corner…"


"And once again… full speed… the sound inside the car was barely tolerable…":ouch:


"I thought I had a decent advantage by the time I got to the 1st corner, but when I looked to my mirrors… oh! Disappointment… :ill: The Silver Golf I overtook earlier was very, VERY close to me… :yuck:


And then got me before the 2nd corner… I couldn’t do much anything... except… rant a little…



Easy Dan, you are doing a fantastic race… keep it up…👍

"It was Mr. Hill… thankfully for me, he was always there… :)"

We have reports that rain may show up Dan… be prepared… it might get ugly…

Roger!!! 👍

"Right after our little conversation, I restarted my attack on the Gray Golf…"


And Barrera wants his place back!!! He’s attacking!!!

Wooo!!! Just look at the young man… :scared:

"Right after the tunnel corner, I went for it all, and took him on the last corner… AGAIN…":cool:

Barrera takes 3rd again!!!

It’s almost like Barrera said: It’s Payback time, baby!!! :sly:

"Full speed… again… :)for me, this is like cocaine… Speed is my drug…:eek:"


"Thanks to the slipstream… I got close to the leaders… :)



...And on the 2nd corner, I got the guy in 2nd… 1 more left… 👍"


Barrera is going for all… the leader better watch him… :crazy:

"As I was crossing the bridge, I recalled my 1st place in Eiger… I wanted to feel that again…"


1 lap left son… be careful… take your chances…

Roger… 👍



"And again, just like in Eiger... it was time to be great…" :)

"The guy in 1st moved from one side to another on the straight, maybe trying to stop me from getting slipstream… ":dunce:

"But just as the straight was ending I got in position…


And I got him… :cool:"


Barrera gets 1st!!! Good move by the rookie…:drool:

This guy lives on the edge… from last to first, again!!! :dopey: We might be in front of a new superstar, I’m telling you…👍

"But it wasn’t over yet… I had to defend my place… :grumpy:"


"By the time I was reaching the tunnel… the sun was no longer there…"


Good job Dan… you are not going to get rain today… 👍

Thank goodness :dopey:… I hate driving on the rain …:scared:

"I took the last corner…"


"And put the metal to the pedal for the last time today… :) After that... the race was history…" :dopey:


Barrera takes it again!!! Magnificent work by the rookie!!!:)👍

I’ve never seen such a good start in a long time!!! Brilliant!!! :drool: Simply Brilliant!!! It seems he was built for tracks like these!!!

If that is true, he’s gonna love the next one!!! Saxon Valley Raceway is another great place for high speed racing…

---Flashback ends...---​


That's right! For the 1st time in the series, we will have a 4th part :D!!!

Stay tuned ;)

Will Dan be able to win again???

Later!!! :) I really have to sleep now... :nervous:
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A little grammar error (it's retention wall, not contention wall) is not enough to ruin this good chapter. 👍
You could donate the s2000 to C-Zeta, I know it would be appreciated and deeply loved :P

My hatred has become an Internet meme around these parts. :lol:

Anyway, it's been a pretty cool, sweet, well balanced story thus far, so keep it up. 👍
Hello Eveybody! How are you doing! :)

Just came here to announce that Part 4 should be here either Saturday or Sunday ;)

Later! 👍
Good evening people! How are you doing? :)

I have a couple of announcements to make...

1st and foremost, I sincerely apologize for the delay of part 4... It will be here tomorrow, I promise :) 👍

And 2nd... :scared:

Well, this might be a little sad one If you've been following the story until now... :nervous: Following the arrival of Part 4 (which is the final one for Chapter 8) our history will have 7 to 10 days of hiatus...

The reason??? Well, a very important date for me is approaching fast... and I want to prepared for it as good I can for... I just hope I can get back to you
with good news...

Well, that would be all for now... take care, and thank you reading my story... :)

Good evening people!!! How are you doing??? :)

Well, here it is... now Chapter 8 is complete... enjoy!!!





...You had such a tremendous start!!! :) … 2 wins in a row… who would have imagined?

Well… that was more or less what I did imagine at a time… :dopey:

How humble Dan… :)

LOL… :lol:

So I assume you were expecting another one in Saxon Valley, Right??? :dunce:

You assume correct Noah... thanks to those first 2 races I gained a lot of confidence… I wanted to make winning my routine, so I wasn’t shy to claim to Mr. Hertz and Mr. Hill I was going for a 3rd one… 👍

Your “Joe Namath” moment, Dan? :dunce:

More or less Noah :lol: … more or less… :)


"Outside Dresden… the capital of the Free State of Saxony, Saxon Valley Raceway could be found… originally designed to become part of the DTM calendar, the project was stopped in early 2004 :dunce:, and the 3 mile circuit was abandoned :indiff:… but 1 year later, some Company bought the circuit, and restarted the construction…. under the new management, the Circuit’s distance was reduced from 3 to 2 miles… and was finally completed just in time for the Inaugural race: A Classic Sports Car meeting held by the local racing club of Dresden :)… "


“The Saxon”, as it was called by the locals, reminded me a lot to Deep Forest… it had a long, bumpy straight, and high speed sections that went up and down, left to right. Just like Deep Forest… driving in the Saxon was like “taming a dragon”…

"After the qualifying session, I was placed on the final race of the day… on the last slot of the grid…


It almost felt was like destiny wanted another show… and I was ready to deliver 👍… I was prepared…"

---Flashback begins…---

Well, ladies and gentlemen, here it is… the last race of the day… and looks who’s going to start from last…

Daniel Barrera, the wonder boy itself… no one has ever won 3 straight championship races in the Golf Trophy history… Let’s see if he can accomplish this feature today…:drool:

"Just like High Speed Ring… the sun was very shinny that day… but unlike High Speed Ring… rain wasn’t expected at all…"


And here we go… 3…2…1… Light’s are off!!!! Let’s goooo!!! The final race of today’s Golf Trophy round is under way!!!

"Starting from last, I wanted to start overtaking cars right way…"


"But the pack was so tight at the beginning of the race I had to contain myself several times… I had to wait until lap 2 to start climbing places…"




"The 1st corner was a long turn to the right that climbed up to the top of a small hill… right at the end of it, a series of S turns followed… "


"I decided I had wasted enough time, and went for the “victim” of the day :cool:…"


"I took my chances on the next corners… and decided to attack again… First was the yellow one, then the gray one… I was extremely pleased… :)"


Way too easy chief!!! These guys most go back to karting if they wanna challenge me!!! :cool:

Remain focused Dan!!! I don’t like that tone... :irked:…

Relax and watch Mr. Hill!!!:mischievous: Dan off!!! :)

"After the bumpy straight, I got close enough to a black Golf… I chased him all the way during the 1st part of the circuit… but right before the S corners… I overtook him…"




"After that, I was 4th, right in the middle of the pack…" :) "But the lap wasn’t over yet… I wanted more…" :mischievous:


"On the next set of corners I went for all once again. Almost without breaking, I got the 2nd Yellow Golf on a very, very crazy maneuver :dopey:…"


"And again... forgetting about the brakes, I overtook the Golf in second place on the last lap of the track… Only 1 Golf was left… :)"


"As I was closing in the leader I thought the race was already settled… So far it had been extremely easy… almost no resistance at all… I could already see it in my mind… Dan Barrera, 3rd straight win in Dresden… :drool: Dan enters the history books of the tournament… Dan… Europe’s new racing sensation… :sly: Dan Barrera wins treble… :bowdown: Dan Barrera this… Dan Barrera that… :drool:"


"But I forgot I still had to overtake the leading Golf… and forgot there was a little ugly bump on the right side of the main straight :nervous:… right where I was heading… 👎"



Holy 🤬..crap!!! :dunce: :crazy:

"Thanks to that bump, the car took off and I lost control…" :guilty:


"I ended up in the retention wall… with the car and I both shattered… :("

Dan… Are you alright? :dunce:

Yes… yes Mr. Hill, I’m fine… :(

And Dan Barrera lost control of his car on the straight!!! What a shame!!! :indiff:

He was on his way to another victory… I don’t want to imagine how he’s feeling right now… poor boy :scared:… he was so close :nervous:…


---Flashback ends…---​

That was a huge blow for my confidence… but it was necessary… I was starting to lose ground… :nervous:

You think so, bro?:dunce:

I do… I was starting to believe I was invincible and stuff… that wasn’t good… I’ve never been that way…I was starting to become the thing I hated the most: A selfish human being… :crazy:

Well, then it appears you learned a good lesson that day… :)👍

Yes… :) After offering my apologies to the mechanics and my managers, I decided to start working even harder on my technique and fundamentals… focus on the details… study the track with more dedication… you know; I really wanted to forget fast about that incident… :indiff:

Its part of the progress of growing Dan… :dopey:

I agree my friend… I agree… That day… I learned one of the most important lessons of not only my career… and my life…

“Never stop being yourself”




Well.. that does it... Hope you like it! :)

And now... the hiatus begins...

waitingggggg :drool::drool::drool::nervous::nervous:

well good luck on whatever important thing you're getting ready for :D

Don't worry :) ... I'm not dropping the story... I just need a few days, that's all :D

Thank you sooo much for following this story!!! :D

I'll see you later, I promise ;)

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Good chapter, I hope the end of the hiatus comes sooner rather than later.
Hello everybody! How are you doing? :)

Just came here to announce that at some point next week I'll begin working on the story again... :D

I'm almost back :)

Take care! Later! 👍
People, I've been without internet connection since Friday:nervous:... so... the restart of our story might get another delay... As soon as I recover connection I'll start with it again :)

(PD: I'm on another computer right now :dunce:)

Thanks ;)

EDIT 2: Chapter 9 should be up at some point during the weekend :) Again, sorry for yet another delay... And no, I'm not related to PD in any way... you know... because of the constant delays :D

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Well, here it is! I officially restart the story :)

Hope you like it!!! :D



But anyway Dan… what happened after that race? :dunce:

Mom and Dad called me following the crash :ill:… somehow they heard about it… maybe my sis had something to do with it :dunce:… she always keeps an eye on me :)… I’m not sure how she does it, though… :nervous:

LOL… your sister is the Big Brother or what?!?! :lol:

LOL!!! :lol:

But anyway… Once I returned home after my disaster race in Saxon Valley (by then, I already considered Ahrweiler my home), I immediately started my preparation for the next races… 👍

The first thing we had to do, obviously, was repairing the car. Due to the normative of the Championship, we only had a week before and after race days to do testing and repairs on the car... :guilty:

Also, unlike other categories, were the crew of engineers could easily surpass about 15 or 20 individuals, in the Golf Trophy the racing team was composed by only 3 engineers: Yes! It was only Mr. Hill, Mr. Steiner and Mr. Foster :dunce:… and me, of course… 💡

This time, we had a lot of work to do… the engine suffered a big hit and a lot of components had to be changed :ill:… also, the front windshield had to be replaced… and the list goes on…:nervous: a long week was ahead…


Fortunately for us, we had delivered our new parts before our arrival to Ahrweiler:tup:, so we started to work on the car from day 1. I’m not gonna lie, the engine was a complete mess when we opened the hood… :ouch:

So… did you fix the car in time ???:dunce:

It was hard, but we managed to do it…:sly: After a few sessions on the Ring on the final day of the Repair period, we concluded the car was back in form… Now the only thing we had to do was wait… wait for the next race…:)

How much did you wait?

About 2 months… during that time, I worked as an assistant engineer on a project that Audi was developing in Ahrweiler… 👍 at the time I believed they were working on some sort of new engine, but after the season was over, I learnt the truth about it…:eek:

What was it???

I’ll tell you later, it’s a surprise… :P

Oh, Come on!!! :grumpy:

I can’t tell you, I’d be spoiling you the story… :mischievous:

:yuck:...Ok then... Well, and after you finished with that, what happened with the Championship?:confused:

Ohhh yes…:) Well, the next races… Ahhh… after my accident I lost a lot of momentum… so I couldn’t get a win in the next race at Paris, France 👍 ...instead, I got a 4th place… The Golf Trophy had the privilege to be the last racing series to race at the legendary Opera Paris Street Circuit… :( ever since, “La Ville-Lumière” hasn’t had any racing events on its streets…

What a shame… 👎

I know… :nervous:


And then???

Well… the 5th race of the season took place at was held on the streets of the heart of England... London Itself… :drool:



The London Circuit was small, short, and narrow… and just like Paris, there were almost no overtaking points… a good qualifying lap was essential in order to get the best result possible… 👍

And???:dunce: God, you are killing me with all of this!!!

I got pole position… It couldn’t have arrived at a better time…:)

Wow… nice one…👍

The race saw me on top for 4 of the 6 laps on the circuit… until the car turned against me… :ill:


Yes… ever since the crash, from time to time I had problems cornering with the car… and right before the start-finish line, at the end of lap 4… I lost control for a second or 2… in a section were the circuit got even narrow… I saved the car, but I could save my position… I lost 2 places, and I couldn’t get them back… :nervous:

Ohhh God…

I had to wait for the other 2 races to know my fate… it never is a nice feeling to depend on others… and in the end…

Yes?!?!?! :dunce:

In the end, however, I got enough points to get inside “The Final 8” :d… the 8 drivers that would advance to the 6th and final race of the Championship!!! You can’t imagine how happy I was… :) It was unreal!!! It was magic!!! :drool: After all that happened, to be on the season finale after my 1st season… it was an unbelievable feature to accomplish!!! :D

Excellent job!!! :D Well, I’m not that surprised at all, my friend! You’ve always been a fast student :sly:

Thanks bro! :)

No problem Dan... but anyway... about the Final Round... Where was it???

There’s an old say Noah... There's and old say that reads: "All roads… lead to Rome"…



Another Trivia is coming up soon, so keep an eye on the story! :)

Later! :D It's good to be back! 👍
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