Supreme: Life & Death at 300Kmh... CHAPTER 14: ??? IS HERE!!!

  • Thread starter MoLiEG
1. Ryosuke Takahashi ? Anime mention plz
2. The combined HP of "all" cars in the Golf Championship is 5760 and is equivalent to the HP of 5.65 Bugatti Veyrons...
3. Tiburon : 178
Kart : 33
512BB : 400
Alfa GT : 244
Golf RM : 180
TT : 248
Clio/Lutecia : 175
R8 '01 : 809
SC430: 285

The HP of 2 cars is wrong... give it another look...

As for question 1, here comes the hint... HOTD... ;)

Keep on trying!!! :dopey:

Part 2 is coming this weekend 👍

Later! ;)
1. I say Rei Miyamoto or Takashi Komuro inspired..
2. The combined HP of "all" cars in the Golf Championship is 5760 and is equivalent to the HP of 5.65 Bugatti Veyrons...
3. Tiburon : 178
Kart : 33
512BB : 450
Alfa GT : 244
Golf RM : 180
TT : 248
Clio/Lutecia : 175
R8 '01 : 809
SC430: 281
1.- Still wrong... take another look at the characters and you shall find her ;)
2.- 👍
3.- Last car has the wrong HP...

I think we almost have a winner :)
1. Saya Takagi ?
2. The combined HP of "all" cars in the Golf Championship is 5760 and is equivalent to the HP of 5.65 Bugatti Veyrons...
3. Tiburon : 178
Kart : 33
512BB : 450
Alfa GT : 244
Golf RM : 180
TT : 248
Clio/Lutecia : 175
R8 '01 : 809
SC430: 449

Had to look for the HP info in Chapter 3 about the SC 430 :lol:
Now you have all of them! Congratulations! :D!!!

I'll send you a FR once I get back from college... I have to go now... I'm kind of late :dunce:

Later! ;)
Good evening people!

We resume our story with part 2 :)

Enjoy! :D

Dedicated to my mom, my dad, and my little sis :)



-Flashback continues...-


For… FOR REAL!?!?! :drool::drool::drool:

That’s correct Dan… :)

Wow… I… can’t believe it… It… looks like the production version of that concept car from some years ago… what was its name???:dunce:

The Le Mans Quattro Dan…

Yes! The Le Mans Quattro… I can’t believe I forgot it…:scared:

That’s right, it is, indeed, the production version of it… it will be called the “R8”…:sly:

How Interesting… Just like the car that won in Le Mans!!! :dopey:

Remember that I mentioned Audi was developing a “little” program???

Yes Sir… 👍

Well… This particular Audi is one of the centerpieces of the “Project 8”… which will deliver in about 2 years a road legal 4WD Supercar, a World Class GT racer and a new super advanced Le Mans Prototype, powered by powerful V8 petrol and V10 diesel engines… This car has all the mechanical specs that will be featured in the GT racer without the aero kit, which is still under development in the wind tunnel…

So this is basically a Wing-less Gran Turismo Racer???:dunce:

Yes… Audi’s plan is to enter in 2 years to the Gran Turismo World Championship… and win… Audi wants to be the 1st German manufacturer to win the series… After several years trying to do so with racing versions of the TT, VW and Audi executives have determined to develop a machine just for the championship itself… and this is the result… 👍

And what a result this is!!! :dopey:

So… are you ready? :sly:

At your service!!! I'm ready as always!!! :)👍

Sometime later, after talking to other several engineers… I jumped into the car…

Oh my god… what a great feeling… I’m pretty sure this baby can fly… :dopey:


I heard a voice inside my head… It was Mr. Hertz on the mic…

Ok, listen Dan… before you start the car… I would like to remind you that you are driving a prototype car that’s worth several million euro and… blah, blah, blah…

I’m pretty sure he was saying something important… but I was already focusing on the track… and imagining myself driving the R8 down the main straight… in the Flugplatz, Bergwerk… the Caracciola Karussell….

…So… you get it Dan??? 👍

Ohhh… :dunce: yes sir, of course… :D

Good… then… the session is now on… start the car, please…

Alright… 👍


My…god... :drool::drool::drool:

On my mark… Viel Gluck!!! 👍


Go! Go! Go!


Ok Dan, what I want you to do is go for a solid lap, find your rhythm with the car, and bring it home in one piece…👍


Ok… Dan off! 👍​

If they want to see how fast this car can go… then they’ve just picked the right man!!! :mischievous:

By that time, I wasn’t a stranger at the ‘Ring… I had a lot of experience from my previous sessions there, when I was practicing and doing testing for the Golf Trophy :)… but I have to confess that driving a car with almost 3 times the power of the Golf… makes things a little bit more… interesting… :mischievous:


The 1st part of the circuit was… how can I explain it??? :confused:… remember that sensation when you open a brand new toy on X-mas eve??? Well… it was like 10 times like that… maybe even 11… :D


It’s incredible!!! I can’t believe how fast this thing is!!! :drool:

In a blink of an eye, I got to the Yokohama “checkpoint”… right after “Aremberg”…


Am I already here??? :dunce:Damn!!! This car is a rocket!!! :sly:

A little hill climb…

I might kill myself if I don’t control my emotions!!! :dunce:


Like some kind of curse, I touched the grass a few moments after I said that…


Oh ohh!!! :dunce: :scared:


Careful!!! :crazy:

Woow!!! I made it!!! Good thing this is a 4WD car!!! :)

After this little incident, I continued…



The car is very smooth, very fast, and very easy to drive… And this is supposed to be the wing-less version???? :dunce:

I was crossing the German forest at 200+Kmh…


… then I can’t imagine how fast the final version will be… :drool:


Finally on “Bergwerk”… now, a high speed section followed… for some reason, my foot felt very heavy… :D


Full speed!!! :cool:

The speedometer showed more than 250kmh… :dunce:


But unfortunately…


Corner to the right!!! Must brake!!! :yuck:👎​

Caracciola Karussell was now ahead…



So much history in only one corner… that’s why I love this track!!!:sly:

Now, the most technical part of the Green Hell was head… or at least it is… IMHO…


Here I come!!! Let’s finish strong!!! 👍

By that time, the car and I were already fused as one…

Faster! Faster!!! :dopey:



Turn to the right! 👍



Ok, final stretch… let’s hit the gas!!! :cool:




Careful :ill:… CAREFUL!!! :scared:

Again on the grass :dunce:… nothing happens again… a miracle, given the speed… :ill:



Final 2 corners…​

And then… Heaven itself…:drool:


The straight… this is going to be the ultimate test :mischievous:

And for some reason, my foot felt heavy again… :dunce:

200… 220… 235… 250… 270… my god!!! :drool::drool::drool::drool:

A black bullet crossed the “Bilstein” bridge at almost 280kmh… my hands could barely stay on the wheel… it was unreal… :dunce:


Ahhhhhhhh!!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy:

It was magnificent… incredible… I couldn’t believe I went that fast… My heart was hitting my chest like a crazy drum... very, very fast :dopey:… it was brilliant… :D but it was heading to an end… I had to start breaking… :guilty:

Dan??? –I heard that voice in my head again…

Yes Mr. Hertz… :confused:

Ammm… why are you slowing down??? Any problems with the car… :confused:

Well… I’m almost done with the lap… :dunce:

Don’t you remember??? This is a 2 hour session… :ouch:

Really?!?! :dunce:

Yes… I told you that when you entered the car…:grumpy:

Ohhh… 💡 Yes, yes, sorry… I… forgot it, Yes! :dopey:

Right :grumpy:… Anyway... We’ll call you to the pits after lap 5 is completed… keep it going, you are doing a terrific job 👍… everybody is very pleased so far… :)👍

:dunce:...Thanks… thanks sir… :dopey:

And Dan???


Can you push the car a little bit more at the beginning now that you have a good feeling of the car? Engineers want to see more… :sly:

Sure sir :)… right sir!!! Dan off!!! :dopey:

You want to see more!!! I was just warning up!!! Let’s go!!!:cool:


You call it “Green Hell” …

I call it “Playground”…

-Flashback ends...-



Now... maybe you are surprised to see a 2-Parts-only Chapter... let me explain... I want to move a little bit quicker so I can get to the best part of the story :)

As a spoiler, next chapter will only contain 2 parts, again... ;)

Well, that was all for Chapter 10! Hope you liked it!

@Nascar Maniaco: Did you get my FR??? :dunce:

Thanks for reading fellas! :D

Later! 👍
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I think you may be mixing up the R8 5.2 V10 with the R10 V12 TDI?

I'd like to explain that... but I'd be spoiling the story :sly:

Remember this is a fic :) Some things won't make sense... like some early photos where a '09 C4 could be seen on Dan's 1st race... and like some things that are coming in the near future :)

Anyway... Chapter 11 will make it's appearance tomorrow!

Edit: There's a posibility of a 1 day delay due to unexpected problems with... school homework... stay tuned! 👍
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just read through the entire story and gotta say, i love it! keep up the good work :)

ps if you would like a proof reader for your stories, please feel free to pm me and I will happily look through for you :)

From now on, all Chapters are coming on one, single post... so brace yourselves... A wall of text is coming... :)


Dedicated to all abandoned cars in the World...



After the session was done, when I got down from the car, Man! My body felt crushed!!! That day I realized why they wanted me to get in shape… your neck, specially, takes massive stress while driving at high speeds… you have to be strong to keep on driving… you have to be able to work with pain… :scared:

So, it wasn’t as sweet as it sounds…:nervous:

Yes, that’s correct, but despite all that, at the end of the day, I was happy… it was a brilliant experience… but that wasn’t the best part of it…:)

What was it then???:dunce:

That I’d have to do it... for the rest of that year!!! :dopey:


You can’t imagine how much I grew as a driver during that time… How many drivers have the opportunity to master their driving technique on a place like the Ring??? 👍

Certainly, not many…

Correct Noah… After the test period of the R8 finished… I received a very pleasant surprise on my mailbox, about 4 days after my last test session…

-Flashback begins-
Dear Dan:

The VW Group executives are very pleased with the test results of the R8 and want to extent their personal thanks to you…


Inside the envelope… I found a nice little piece of paper…


-Flashback ends-​

What was it?

A paycheck… :sly:

Incredible Dan! Was it a lot?

It was moar than enough to pay the rent, I can tell you that… and combined with the winnings from my 1st season… I had just enough cash to think about changing my car… 👍

-Flashback begins-

After an afternoon on the Audi facilities, I went to the local Internet Café for a social visit…

I’m home, sweetie!!! :sly:

Stop calling me like that dude! I’m not your 🤬

Ohh! Of course you are! :sly:

That was Tom… and we had a good relationship… we … we had a lot of respect for each other…

We met the day I dismantled the engine of the TT, which happened to be a very rainy one… On my way home the rain became heavier, and I had no choice but to take a temporary shelter on his Internet Café… We had a beer… and… well, we became friends…

On another corner of the Café, another personality could be found…

How about doing some real sport??? Paying FIFA won’t make you fit… :dopey:

Shut up! You only say that because you suck at it… :grumpy:

And you are the master, right??? Come on, you play with 5 defenders!!! :dunce:

That was Adrian… a FIFA-PES maniac that thinks he knows everything about football…

Ready to see your wolves lose today???

I don’t think so…

You wanna bet???

That day, Juventus was visiting Roma in the Serie A…


In counterpart with you and Rick, my friends from Ahrweiler are very much into football… Adrian was a die-hard bianconero tifosi, while Tom was a Manchester United Supporter… 👍

Juve’s going down today Adrian!!!

Roma has nothing!!! Well, they have Totti, but the rest of the team are idiots… they are the ones that are going to lose…

You and your boring Serie A Teams… World’s Best Football comes from Manchester!!! We should be watching the Red Devils and the Villains right now!!!

Shut up Tom… no one cares about your Manchester… :grumpy:

Sometime after the game was over… which, BTW… Roma won…

So… you want to change your car?

Yes indeed… I have enough money to make the change. However, I’m not sure which car to pick now…

Have you checked any sort of vehicle database on the net?

I haven’t had the chance until now… I just finished my job as test driver a few days ago….

Ok ok…

Why not an import? They are very fun cars to drive! 👍

Not you and your imports again…:ouch:

Tom wasn’t only an intense Manchester United fan, a gifted programmer capable of hacking any computer… and the owner of one of the few Internet Cafes in Ahrweiler… he was also a Drifter… and a quite good one… His ride was a Lancer Evo VII, which happens to be my favorite version of the Lancer…

You only talk about imports man!!!… JDM, Wangan, that pathetic anime… I mean… even Dan can draw better than that!!! :yuck:

It’s called Initial D, Adrian… call it by it’s name…

That doesn’t prevent it from looking like...

Ok ok, enough both of you!!!… -I got tired…

Sorry bro… anyway… You were saying about buying a new car right?

Yes… You know… I don’t have any problem about buying an import… but… the problem is... that I don’t know where to look for it…

Let me see…-And Tom grabbed his laptop… and he started typing…

I bought the “Red Devil” about 3 years ago in an open field auto dealer not so far from here…

The “Red Devil” was the nickname Tom gave to his Evo… fitting, isn’t it?


Here… I got it… it’s still there… It’s about an hour from here… we can go tomorrow if you like…

Thanks a lot Tom! That would be awesome!!!

And if you don’t find anything there, we can still look for some other options… I’m sure I can find more dealers in the nearby…

Sounds good… Are you coming Adrian???

I have to do some housework tomorrow… but whatever man… count with me!!! 👍

Right!!! 👍

-The Next Day-

At about 11:30 in the morning, I met Adrian and Tom outside the Café. It was closed for the day, just like all Sundays. Despite Tom’s Evo had plenty of space for the 3 of us, Adrian insisted that he would take his car…

We were heading to a place called “ADE AutoDealer and Junkyard”. The place looked pretty good and pretty promising on the net…

Despite being a “Drift Car”, Tom’s Evo was pretty powerful and fast on the Highway… I had something close to 380 or 400HP, a very sick set of rims, and a huge, black wing… It looked mean and fast, and, if painted yellow, it would the identical twin of the Evo from the “2Fast 2 Furious” film…:)


Adrian’s car was right behind us… it was a white Peugeot 205… With a huge set of alloys (19 or 20 inch, I think) his car’s roar could be heard from a very long distance… All thanks to his special exhaust system… It was a gorgeous car to look at… 👍


After about 40-45 minutes, we got to our destiny… the place had lots of tents, 2 small buildings, and lots, lots of cars… most of them were in pretty bad form. They were waiting… waiting their tragic ending: A monstrous car crusher could be heard in from distance… it was the “gravedigger” of this “cementery”… :scared:




Since Adrian and me didn’t know the place, Tom became our guide… he lead us to one of the small buildings… Inside of it we found a man, talking on the phone… he hang up after he saw us…

Gimme a moment, I have some customers… Good Morning Gentlemen! My name’s Gabriel, and I’m the humble owner of this place, how can I help you??? :)👍

Morning good sir! My friend, right here, is looking for a new ride… can you help us out?

Of course!!! Follow me please! I’m confident you’ll find something nice! ;)

We followed Gabriel through some tents…

Well, here’s our stock of used cars… please have a look…
How about his one to begin with?


Not a chance… I already “own” one of these… It has some good looking rims though…

Ok then…

We walked a bit…

Maybe this one… it has just a few miles…


A Z!!! :drool:

It looks sweet man! You would look awesome on it...

I don’t know, it’s not my fav. Z :indiff:… let see other cars…


One of our finest cars in the lot…


An M3… not bad…

And it has bucket seats for both front passengers…

Hmm... Let’s see some more…

We looked at some uninteresting cars… until…

Look Dan!!! An MG!!! You’ve always said you wanted a convertible… :sly:


Yep… and look, it’s black! I have a strong candidate here… 👍

Look over here! –Tom said.

An RX7???


An import… how predictable...

This one has been modified… it used to be from a street racer…

Only miss is the paint… I don’t like it…

Nothing satisfies you, does it? You’re not buying shoes, you little girl!!!:grumpy:

Hey! It’s the first time I actually buy a car! I want to take all the time I need…

Hey! Don’t get mad… just joking…:dunce:



And here’s the crown jewel of the lot!!!


A Porsche!!! :drool::drool::drool:


Not a Porsche gentlemen… if you look closely…

It’s a RUF!!!:drool::drool::drool:

It’s beautiful!

Like all RUF’s, it has some serious high performance parts, custom rims, custom paintjob… and it was modified to give 400HP… this car has some mad skillz gentlemen…

WOW!… I have to think about it… I think this could really be THE ONE…

Ammm… can you give my man a moment please, Mr. Gabriel…

Of Course Sir! I’ll be right here if you need me…


So… what do you think… this lot has some cool rides…

I know… man… I really want this Por… I mean RUF!!! I never thought I’d find something this cool!

Well… then just go for it!:)

Yeah! You are a superstar!!! You are a race driver! You need to get a car that fits your profession!

I know, I know… God! I wish my family was here…

They would be very proud Dan… you deserve this kind of treatment… We know your story… 👍

Yeap! You are right!

Ok then… then… what are we waiting for!!!👍

Mr. Gabriel!!!

After informing Mr. Gabriel that I made my choice, we made it back to the building were we found him… I was delighted :)… I couldn’t believe my luck!… I was already seeing the future… Returning to Ahrweiler in such a beautiful car… the ladies, going crazy, :cool: throwing bras and papers with their phone number to me… it was perfect… the moment was perfect :sly:… until…


The Car Crusher started its pace again… I looked in its direction. A crane was lifting another poor car, ready to deliver it to the mouth of the beastly machine… it was a white car… small… sad… It looked like it was ready to die… But… something on it… caught my eye…

As the crane moved slowly towards the Crusher, the car that it was lifting started to spin… slowly, really slowly…

No… It can’t be… :dunce:

I was ready to resume my way to the building… but again, that car “blinked it’s eye”, and caught my attention again… it was just a few meters from the mouth of the beast…

No… It can’t be… -I repeated to myself… No… NO… NOOOOOOOOO!!! :crazy:

And I started to run…

NOOOOO!!! STOP!!! NOOOO!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!! :dunce:

I ran… ran as fast as I could… A murder was about to happen…

With its last breath, “he” turned around… an old and tired bull revealed to me… in a final attempt to save his life. I saw him… “he saw” me… “He” was asking for mercy… for another chance… “he” was crying… for his life…

NOOOO!!!! STOP!!!! :scared:

Hey! What are you doing!!! Get out of here boy!!! It’s dangerous to stand in front of the machine!

I’ll do as soon as you stop what you are doing! :grumpy:

Please! Let me do my job boy! I don’t wanna get fired!:dunce:

Put this car in the ground! NOW!!! :grumpy:

Mr. Gabriel and the boys arrived!

Dan!!! What are you doing!!! :dunce:

Mr. Gabriel! Tell this man to put this car down!!!


Mr. Gabriel!!! :grumpy:

These cars right here are scrap metal Sir… I’m afraid…

PUT THIS CAR DOWN NOW!!!… -I shouted… This is the one!!!… :grumpy:

But Dan!!! Are you mad??? This is just a bunch of twisted Iron…

PUT THIS CAR DOWN… NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:

With a move of his hand, Mr. Gabriel told the crane operator to put down the vehicle…

Amm… sir… May I ask… is everything Ok?

It is now…👍

Dan??? What is it??? What on Earth happened here???…


After removing some pieces of iron from other cars that used to be on top of him… I “opened his eyes”… “He” was safe now… safe from the fire, the flames… death… this old bull was safe… That small and sad happened to be…

-Small flashback Interruption-​

Your Lamborghini… right Dan??? :)

Yes… there he was… My Beloved Lamborghini Countach…:)

-Flashback continues-​


A Lamborghini!!!!:dunce:

But… does it even work????

Let’s find out…

I asked Tom to go for this tools… he always had them on his car… After some minutes, a gallon of fuel and a borrowed battery from another car…


He was alive… 👍

It lives!!!

Wow… so remarkable!!!

I really, really want this car, Mr. Gabriel… Name your price…

I… I really don’t know… Why don’t we come to my office and talk?


Well, this was much unexpected… Quite honestly, I don’t see why I shouldn’t ask some important cash for this car…


Yes, but… I feel that would be inappropriate… The car is in poor conditions… and… I didn’t know I had it on my junkyard… You see… I bought it about a year ago… and I haven’t checked all the cars on it… ever…


We had a 10 minutes conversation… after it… I emerged from the building…

So??? –They both asked…

Guys… we need to find a towing device… I’m taking that Lambo!:)

Wow! Really??? I mean… it’s a piece of junk! It’s a miracle that it’s engine fired up!

Yes… it’s a miracle… it’s a miracle we found it before it was too late… I can’t imagine why somebody would leave such a beautiful car abandoned here… it makes me sad… :(

Sh:censored: happens bro…

I know… well… anyway… let’s start searching… we have job to do…

-Flashback ends-

And… that how I spent my 1st paycheck as test driver…and got my 1st Lambo in the process…:)

What a great story bro! This one alone could make a whole book…:dunce:

I know… it was like a fairy tale… 👍

-Flashback begins-

Just 3 and a half months later, after a lots of work, searching on the net, and asking a lot of people for spare parts…




…I took my Lambo to the Ring for the 1st time :)… and, well… you can imagine the rest… This old bull was alive... and better than ever... :dopey:


-Flashback ends-

And you know what the best part of this was?

What? :confused:

Mr. Gabriel promised me he would check every single inch of his Junkyard after the Lambo incident…



Wednesday …. XX/XX/20XX

Dear Ana:

Remember our friend, Mr. Gabriel??? Well... He found a 300SL… 👍



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A great revival and a car that isn't that common in fan-fics.. I like that! But the Countach color isn't the same from the RX-7?!
Thanks for the comments boys! It's good to be back! :)

@NascarManiaco: Noup, not the same color at all... they are completely different...

Already working on 12 and 13... Keep your eyes open :D

Also, at some point of the story I'm going to need help for some pics... Who can help me with that?

Later! 👍

I can help you out man, just say what you need and when!

Thanks! That sounds good :)

It's not going to be soon though... but I wanted to know that early! :)

Also, if you could click the linky on my sig. and "Like", you would do someone a big favour! :)
Thanks! That sounds good :)

It's not going to be soon though... but I wanted to know that early! :)

Also, if you could click the linky on my sig. and "Like", you would do someone a big favour! :)

I can't right now due to the fact that I'm typing this from a iPod that isn't mine :lol:
Thanks! That sounds good :)

It's not going to be soon though... but I wanted to know that early! :)

Also, if you could click the linky on my sig. and "Like", you would do someone a big favour! :)

welcome back with the story! great little twist you put in there, i liked it :)

also, i clicked like for the link in your sig. hope it helps 👍

if you need a driver, photographer, participant, proof reader, anything, pm me and ill be happy to help!
welcome back with the story! great little twist you put in there, i liked it :)

also, i clicked like for the link in your sig. hope it helps 👍

if you need a driver, photographer, participant, proof reader, anything, pm me and ill be happy to help!

Thanks a lot! 👍

Like I said, it's not likely to be that soon... 👍 but I'll be in touch!

May I ask... do you want trivias to make a comeback, also? :confused:

Later! 👍
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