Surprise Playstation show in NYC on Nov 9th

  • Thread starter SgtWhitten
I wonder if they are trying to build hype by staying hush hush about this.

That doesn't really make sense... it only builds up hype in those who were always going to buy the game on or close to release day anyway. Rather they should be pushing advertising out for those who might have forgotten about the game, those who haven't bought a PS3 and are looking for a reason or those that dont know about GT5 and have been getting their kicks out of Forza/F1 2010/NFS Shift/whatever.
That doesn't really make sense... it only builds up hype in those who were always going to buy the game on or close to release day anyway. Rather they should be pushing advertising out for those who might have forgotten about the game, those who haven't bought a PS3 and are looking for a reason or those that dont know about GT5 and have been getting their kicks out of Forza/F1 2010/NFS Shift/whatever.

Yeah you're probably right. It has just been frustrating. Especially since we expected to have a release date almost 2 weeks ago.
This will just be another demo show off with no real news. Like it has always been before. I don't see a reason why all of a sudden they would reveal the new release date at this event.
Just came back from the Sony store. Downstairs is the Playstation Lounge showcasing the latest in PS Move and 3D games. There is a small room where 5 Recaro racing seat setups with older GT5 demo builds running. Nothing new, no announcement. I did ask one of the managers on the floor about a release date and he said they haven't been given one yet, but they are expecting their copies soon. I got fed up of hearing "soon" :banghead:, so I asked again as to when. He said within a few weeks.:indiff:

So there you have it! It was dark, quiet, and pretty empty(being that everyones at work). Nothing special, at least while I'm here?:indiff: The Sony Store of Manhattan is just as much in the dark as we are as far as a definite date is concerned.
^ that's what I figured. Thanks for checking it out. Same demo that's in stores?

I can't believe nobody knows what the hell Sony is doing about GT5. They must be sitting around going "Hmmm should we release a date today or just keep bluffing?" "ehhh only .0000003% of the PS3 population gives a damn about GT5, let's just worry about how well Black Ops, Ass Creed 3 and Hot Pursuit 2 sell, then we'll think about GT5"
Looking at pictures of the Playstation Lounge, even though Sony are making an effort to highlight GT5, I can't help but see the winds of change blowing.*

When you look at current PS3 TV ads and Sony sponsored ads from big name retailers, and even at pictures of the Lounge, Sony's strategy for the PS3 is very clear. (At least for now).


Efforts to differentiate the PS3 with HOME seem pretty much forgotten. (And rightfully so). 3D is something interesting but too few people have 3D TVs. Right now, they want to sell the Move. That's what they're pushing. That's what they've been gearing up to for months. And when enough people have the Move, they want to build on it. SCEA would probably be overjoyed if 1 in 10 PS3 owners purchased the Move/PS3 Eye/Sports Champions kit this holiday season. And if they sold another 1 million PS3 Slim / Move combo systems, it would be a great start.

Both Sony and Microsoft are eying the casual/party game market controlled by Nintendo with a jealous eye. And they have been for several years but simply lacked both cheap hardware and a comparable (gimicky) motion controller with which to do it.

The days of the PS2 controlling 3/4 of the console market are long gone. GT5 won't sell anywhere near the kind of numbers that GT3/GT4 did. It couldn't possibly simply because Sony hasn't sold near enough PS3 consoles. GT5 may help Sony sell consoles but it's not going to help them sell another 30 million of them. And I'm sure Sony is all too aware of this. It's something they'd love to rectify. But it probably won't happen anymore with the current generation of consoles. The best they (and MS) can hope for is to be at parity with the Wii in another 2 years. And with the current state of the world economy, even that's looking mighty doubtful.

* nothing to do with Amar's winds. ;)
I'm currently in the store and I'm really disappointed that they're actually showcasing the E3 demo with a 2 minute time limit and all. There's really nothing new here. It's all Playstation Move and 3D all the way. I wont even bother taking videos now that the real stuff is out there. My gf is having the time of her life though. lol
GT5 won't sell anywhere near the kind of numbers that GT3/GT4 did. It couldn't possibly simply because Sony hasn't sold near enough PS3 consoles.
I think you're going to be surprised. When GT4 was the highest selling Playstation game for six months, I believe there were roughly the same number of PS2s sold as there are PS3s now. And it sold 11 million copies.

Remember that GT5 Prologue was a platinum pre-seller, and sold more copies than Forza 2 or 3. And this was when the 360 was in the lead by a substantial margin.

Even though Kaz may have an irritating habit of delaying Gran Turismo more than any other game besides a handful of vaporware like Duke Nukem Forever - which is now coming out - he does know how to make a game which sells like tacos. And GT5 is going to be more like a feast.
Well I just came from the event in New York. Nothing really exciting happened in the event. They had the same old GT5 demo from this year's E3. But I had an interesting conversation with one guy working in the event, and I asked him about the GT5 delay. So this is how the conversation went:

Me: So, you know when GT5 is coming out?
Guy: It's definitely coming during the holidays of this year, probably this month.
Me: You mean during "thanksgiving'?
Guy: Maybe (with a smile) Because you know, This game was supposed to come out in October first, then after they released the trailer it was definitely supposed to come on "November 2nd", and we ask the guys (PD) are you sure you guys are ready to release the game on time in November 2nd? And they yes.
Me: I see...
Guy: The reason of the delay was because "Kaz" wants to make sure the game is perfect on the PS3. But still he said the PS3 wasn't powerful enough to handle GT5. That's why started working on GT6 right away.
Me: Perhaps they'll release it on the PS4?
Guy: I don't know about that...(laughing) But GT5 it's definitely coming out this year.
Me: Thank you for your time.
I think you're going to be surprised. When GT4 was the highest selling Playstation game for six months, I believe there were roughly the same number of PS2s sold as there are PS3s now. And it sold 11 million copies.

Well, I hope you're right. For any number of reasons. But personally, I think you're delusional. :sly: Even Sony doesn't think GT5 is going to be the console seller it once was. Times have changed. The best selling game for the PS3 is currently COD:MW2. The 2nd best is Grand Theft Auto. The next 3 are all FPS style games. And in a year from now, I expect it to remain so. That's what sells now-a-days. GT5 is going to be a big seller, I have no doubt. But I'll be very surprised if it breaks into the top 5.
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Just came back from the Playstation Lounge & I thought it was fun, thought it had the E3 demo. I didn't expect anything new to come out of GT5 from there anyways since its just a place, where you can call your friends up & play there for hours lol.
Well, I hope you're right. For any number of reasons. But personally, I think you're delusional. :sly: Even Sony doesn't think GT5 is going to be the console seller it once was. Times have changed. The best selling game for the PS3 is currently COD:MW2. The 2nd best is Grand Theft Auto. The next 3 are all FPS style games. And in a year from now, I expect it to remain so. That's what sells now-a-days. GT5 is going to be a big seller, I have no doubt. But I'll be very surprised if it breaks into the top 5.

You are missing the big picture here, you are counting on the kids that play all night long insulting each other over some fictional war they come and go and don't have loyalties and they eventually outgrow that kind of game...
In the other hand most of those same people will buy GT5 just beacause it's "the next great thing" and then you have the real car lovers/enthusiasts, us car geeks will NEVER get tired of cars!
Guess what is the greatest racing game ever? I know I bought a PS3 just for GT5-P the same way I boght a PS2 just for GT3 and a PS1 for GT1 and there's still a lot of people that will only use a console for GT5....
You are missing the big picture here, you are counting on the kids that play all night long insulting each other over some fictional war they come and go and don't have loyalties and they eventually outgrow that kind of game...
In the other hand most of those same people will buy GT5 just beacause it's "the next great thing" and then you have the real car lovers/enthusiasts, us car geeks will NEVER get tired of cars!
Guess what is the greatest racing game ever? I know I bought a PS3 just for GT5-P the same way I boght a PS2 just for GT3 and a PS1 for GT1 and there's still a lot of people that will only use a console for GT5....

Like me :). I bought my PS3 for GT5 and only for GT5, I built up to 8 games in a year. All of those game are getting sold once GT is here (other than Prologue and Guitar Hero 5(my wifes)), My prior 2 Sony consoles were bought for GT also. PS2 for GT3-GT4 and PS1 I got to play GT1 on a demo disc that was given to me (god I miss those demo disc's).
Sadly I couldn't make it, I had to wait forever at the UPS center for my Driving Force Gt, and I live in Queens so I would of gotten there by the time it either closed or was about to close. I may go later today, but I just gotta ask, does anyone know if the GT5 demo will still be there or was it just there for today?
Well, I hope you're right. For any number of reasons. But personally, I think you're delusional. :sly: Even Sony doesn't think GT5 is going to be the console seller it once was. Times have changed. The best selling game for the PS3 is currently COD:MW2. The 2nd best is Grand Theft Auto. The next 3 are all FPS style games. And in a year from now, I expect it to remain so. That's what sells now-a-days. GT5 is going to be a big seller, I have no doubt. But I'll be very surprised if it breaks into the top 5.
I don't think he is delusional but realistic. Like has been mentioned GT5P sold 5 million copies and this occured when the PS3 wasn't as popular as it is now. I know many people on FM3 who are planning on buying a PS3 for GT5 because Forza 3 has been a complete an utter flop.

What makes Gran Turismo unique is it appeals to all types of gamers. For example I have a neighbour who doesn't normally buy racing games and prefers FPS but he will buy GT5 because he knows PD produce exceptional games.

My prediction of the future is GT5 will sell around 10-11 million copies and the Forza franchise will finish due to poor sales of FM4.
Well, don't misunderstand me, I really hope you're all correct and GT5 truly does turn out to be the all time best selling game on the PS3 and helps to generate a lot of new console sales for Sony. Let's face it, with a 6 year development cycle and a cost of $60~$80 million, Sony will probably rethink it's strategy for GT6 and beyond if it doesn't meet sales goals. Precisely what those sales goals are is open to question. I'm sure they'd be happy to sell 5 million in the next year. And I'm sure it will. But to move 11 million units? I don't know. That really seems kind of a lofty goal and it would effectively mean about 1 copy for every 4 PS3s out there (not accounting for new sales).

You guys are talking about reversing a trend in gaming which has been happening for quite some time. I'll keep my fingers crossed but I just don't see it happening.

I don't think he is delusional but realistic. Like has been mentioned GT5P sold 5 million copies and this occured when the PS3 wasn't as popular as it is now...

Not to nit-pick but this is factually incorrect. GT5 Prologue has sold roughly 5 million copies TO DATE and continues to sell. That's the total sales over it's lifetime. And it is impressive. But on the PS3 sales charts, Prologue barely squeaks into the top 10.
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