As expected, GT5p demo is the closest to the real "thing".
Physics are physics whether the content is real or imagined. Real cars of Gran Turismo and "fake" cars of LFS both only exist as a list of parameters in the software. It's just weight, suspension geometry, tires, etc. All just a bunch of numbers. I don't know the details but I would guess out of my ass that LFS uses more parameters than GT, and we know where the tire modeling stands between the two. I would argue that the "made up" cars of LFS are more real than the cars of GT in the form that we get to experience them. I race mainly the formula xr in LFS:
which is basically a 200hp Formula Renault:
and it feels real enough to me.
And while I was comparing them, I do realize the difference in vintage. My only point was that I hope there is a big improvement in GT5 from GT4. A sentiment shared by many.
All in all I find your misspelling of ridiculous ridiculous.
No point comparing LFS to GT5, they are totally different. Even the GTL will beat GT5 to pulp in terms of physics, let alone comparing to LFS which is one of the top sims around.
That's expected, considering the focus of LFS is physics, as it only has 19 fictional cars and 7 fictional tracks. The focus of the Gran Turismo series is visuals and sheer quantity and variety of cars, tracks, modes, in which it beats most if not all PC sims to pulp. I don't expect the physics to ever rival the hardcore PC sims, as physics are not the focus of Polyphony Digital. I think expectations of the physics wouldn't be so high if people realized that.
Personally, if I want a ultra realistic driving experience I'll load up NASCAR 2003 by Papyrus or rFactor. If I want the best balance of realism and fun, I'll load up Gran Turismo.
That's expected, considering the focus of LFS is physics, as it only has 19 fictional cars and 7 fictional tracks. The focus of the Gran Turismo series is visuals and sheer quantity and variety of cars, tracks, modes, in which it beats most if not all PC sims to pulp. I don't expect the physics to ever rival the hardcore PC sims, as physics are not the focus of Polyphony Digital. I think expectations of the physics wouldn't be so high if people realized that.
Personally, if I want a ultra realistic driving experience I'll load up NASCAR 2003 by Papyrus or rFactor. If I want the best balance of realism and fun, I'll load up Gran Turismo.
Why cant the physics be a main part of PD focus?....I mean you either should go all the way in developing the best physics possible or not try at all (eg PGR).Also peoples expectations are a product of the claims that PD and its fans recon its THE best driving sim (and I stress the word sim) ever.But I guess like you I'll also have to go and load up a 5+year old game on my old PS2 to get my fix of the most realistic and fun driving game(talkin EPR).
Your dead right on the graphics and quantity side of PD, it hooks me every time!!!! To answer the demo I dont own PS3 yet (waiting for GT5 or maybe even prologue to come out) so I sort of gotta rely on you guys for the info as far as physics go.I here there comeing along just fine (for a demo), but others say they fall a little more discussion on this is greatly appreciated (although maybe on a different thread:ideaGraphics have always been the main focus of PD with quanity second. That is what sells their games.
Have you raced the GT5demo yet? The physics seem very realistic to me. So maybe it has finally reached your standards?
If a poorly known, poorly reviewed game with no sequel for a reason is the best balance of realism and fun then go ahead, load it up 👍