Suzuka :First Turn Screens GTP5, GTR2, Forza

  • Thread starter nafai23
Now you only need a photo of the real Suzuka track (first turn), to compare it with these photos.
The lighting in Forza looks alot better, but the car designs and track look more realistic in GT5. The pc version probably has the best lighting of both. So far the only problem i have with GT:P is that the game is to bright in certain areas and realllll dark in others. Like the track is bright, but when you see the audience and barriers etc... it kills the realism, its like they place the sun were it suppose to be sun set.
Interestingly, the best shot I could not post because the video starts after the first turn and that is an TGS off screen video.
Just imagine the first shot with the lighting fixed and no flicker on the back of the cars.
I hope we get that version when it is released.

For me
(1. the TGS video) :)
2. GTR2 ( it ain't accurate at all but it is pretty, it is a user track anyway)
3. GT5P
Close close 4th. Forza 2

With the lighting doubt!

As expected, GT5p demo is the closest to the real "thing".
@nafai23 - I've merged your last two posts together. In future could you please make use of the Edit button to add information to your last post, rather than posting twice in a row.


I would say the "lighting" is better in GT5P or at least more next gen....
While GTR2 is an old engine game.

It is just the contrast is messed up for some reason or another.
Actually Ifind them much more realistic the way they are shown on GT5. Making the skid marks darker would make them look cartoony and overdone.

As far as lighting, we'll have to wait 'a bit' more to compare finished products.
If you look closely at the GT5P one and Real one, those skid marks are nearly in the same pattern and look like they're about in the same spot. and it's not too "fake" at all, it blends in very well. I can agree on the shadows of GT5P being a bit overdone, but this is a demo of a demo even though we have a lot to bicker about now, it's still far more impressive then GTHD nd GT4 :)
For the Forza shot, does your TV have a "Freeze" feature? For example, on my Westy, there's a Freeze button that holds the current frame. So if you're driving, just hit that button... perfect pause without having to stop the game. Of course, your car will run right off the track since you can't see it anymore, but it's for science, so it's okay. :)
IMHO, I don't think the GTR2 shot should really count. It's a 3rd Party track, so anyone with the skills could do something different.
Forza lighting looks so washed out? And the GTR2 lighting looks a little too bright as well. Shadows are overly done on GT5P-D one. But i would say the GT5P-D screen provides the best representation of the track. Even little touches like the crash barriers on the inside of the corner, and the gravel traps looks more real and authentic.
The Forza 2 track looks like somebody painted it with a $5 watercolor set. The tire marks are over done like alot of things in Forza 2

You can't tell much from the GTR2 shot, but from what I can see it looks to lack the detail and accuracy of the GT5:P track.

Oveall, the GT5:P version looks closer to the real track then the other two games, and that's what I think you should base this 'competition' off of
It's an interesting comparison but some people are reading way more into this than is fairly possible based on the setup.

Snaphots of an LCD screen are not an ideal way to compare image and graphics quality of anything. Talking about objects and placement of stuff on the track is fine. However, all talk of lighting is useless because it has as much and more to do with the camera's settings and sensor than the game. The forza snapshot is obviously overexposed by the camera/photographer. And the reason the shadows look overdone and with the darks too dark and the brights too bright (as someone else pointed out) is due to the limited dynamic range of digital cameras - only about 5 stops ;) The only true comparison would be in person - back to back or simultaneously.

At this level of graphics between all, I care more about physics accuracy. So I hope there is a big improvement or I may give up on gran turismo. It's pretty nice but compared to Live for Speed (PC) the physics of GT4 feel like project gotham. LFS feels like a car and you can feel what every tire is doing individually. GT4 in comparison feels like driving an understeering brick with rudimentary and limited physics.

edit: and GTR2 too - much better physics, although I prefer LFS slightly to GTR2 physics wise. I've never played any of the forzas. I've been playing around in GT4 lately and while fun, it just feels sadly arcadey compared to those titles on the PC.
Physics are physics whether the content is real or imagined. Real cars of Gran Turismo and "fake" cars of LFS both only exist as a list of parameters in the software. It's just weight, suspension geometry, tires, etc. All just a bunch of numbers. I don't know the details but I would guess out of my ass that LFS uses more parameters than GT, and we know where the tire modeling stands between the two. I would argue that the "made up" cars of LFS are more real than the cars of GT in the form that we get to experience them. I race mainly the formula xr in LFS:

which is basically a 200hp Formula Renault:

and it feels real enough to me.
And while I was comparing them, I do realize the difference in vintage. My only point was that I hope there is a big improvement in GT5 from GT4. A sentiment shared by many.
All in all I find your misspelling of ridiculous ridiculous.
Physics are physics whether the content is real or imagined. Real cars of Gran Turismo and "fake" cars of LFS both only exist as a list of parameters in the software. It's just weight, suspension geometry, tires, etc. All just a bunch of numbers. I don't know the details but I would guess out of my ass that LFS uses more parameters than GT, and we know where the tire modeling stands between the two. I would argue that the "made up" cars of LFS are more real than the cars of GT in the form that we get to experience them. I race mainly the formula xr in LFS:

which is basically a 200hp Formula Renault:

and it feels real enough to me.
And while I was comparing them, I do realize the difference in vintage. My only point was that I hope there is a big improvement in GT5 from GT4. A sentiment shared by many.
All in all I find your misspelling of ridiculous ridiculous.

I agree with the tire simulation. Esp. the flat spots.
No point comparing LFS to GT5, they are totally different. Even the GTL will beat GT5 to pulp in terms of physics, let alone comparing to LFS which is one of the top sims around.
No point comparing LFS to GT5, they are totally different. Even the GTL will beat GT5 to pulp in terms of physics, let alone comparing to LFS which is one of the top sims around.

That's expected, considering the focus of LFS is physics, as it only has 19 fictional cars and 7 fictional tracks. The focus of the Gran Turismo series is visuals and sheer quantity and variety of cars, tracks, modes, in which it beats most if not all PC sims to pulp. I don't expect the physics to ever rival the hardcore PC sims, as physics are not the focus of Polyphony Digital. I think expectations of the physics wouldn't be so high if people realized that.

Personally, if I want a ultra realistic driving experience I'll load up NASCAR 2003 by Papyrus or rFactor. If I want the best balance of realism and fun, I'll load up Gran Turismo.
That's expected, considering the focus of LFS is physics, as it only has 19 fictional cars and 7 fictional tracks. The focus of the Gran Turismo series is visuals and sheer quantity and variety of cars, tracks, modes, in which it beats most if not all PC sims to pulp. I don't expect the physics to ever rival the hardcore PC sims, as physics are not the focus of Polyphony Digital. I think expectations of the physics wouldn't be so high if people realized that.

Personally, if I want a ultra realistic driving experience I'll load up NASCAR 2003 by Papyrus or rFactor. If I want the best balance of realism and fun, I'll load up Gran Turismo.

Thats exactly what I am trying to say all along. I love pc race sims and I also love GT series and for a different reason. They are totally different games on a totally different platform and targeted for different players.

So enjoy the game and have fun.
That's expected, considering the focus of LFS is physics, as it only has 19 fictional cars and 7 fictional tracks. The focus of the Gran Turismo series is visuals and sheer quantity and variety of cars, tracks, modes, in which it beats most if not all PC sims to pulp. I don't expect the physics to ever rival the hardcore PC sims, as physics are not the focus of Polyphony Digital. I think expectations of the physics wouldn't be so high if people realized that.

Personally, if I want a ultra realistic driving experience I'll load up NASCAR 2003 by Papyrus or rFactor. If I want the best balance of realism and fun, I'll load up Gran Turismo.

Why cant the physics be a main part of PD focus?....I mean you either should go all the way in developing the best physics possible or not try at all (eg PGR).Also peoples expectations are a product of the claims that PD and its fans recon its THE best driving sim (and I stress the word sim) ever.But I guess like you I'll also have to go and load up a 5+year old game on my old PS2 to get my fix of the most realistic and fun driving game(talkin EPR).
Why cant the physics be a main part of PD focus?....I mean you either should go all the way in developing the best physics possible or not try at all (eg PGR).Also peoples expectations are a product of the claims that PD and its fans recon its THE best driving sim (and I stress the word sim) ever.But I guess like you I'll also have to go and load up a 5+year old game on my old PS2 to get my fix of the most realistic and fun driving game(talkin EPR).

Graphics have always been the main focus of PD with quanity second. That is what sells their games.

People look at the Gran Turismo games and say "wow, that looks nice and it has a ton of cars to race, I'm buying"

They don't look at it and say "I wonder how the physics transfer weight now? How are the tire models? Is throttle oversteer possible now?"

The tagline "The Real Driving Simulator" is a marketing tool. Don't take it too seriously. However Gran Turismo does do a good job in letting you feel the difference between the different types of cars and their performance. It is a driving simulator. Have you raced the GT5:P demo yet? The physics seem very realistic to me. So maybe it has finally reached your standards?

If a poorly known, poorly reviewed game with no sequel for a reason is the best balance of realism and fun then go ahead, load it up 👍
A little off topic but I keep hearing about this EPR game and a lot of people say it's really good while others would beg to differ. I saw it at Best Buy for $10 the other day, should I buy it or is it not worth even the $10 dollars?
Graphics have always been the main focus of PD with quanity second. That is what sells their games.

Have you raced the GT5:P demo yet? The physics seem very realistic to me. So maybe it has finally reached your standards?

If a poorly known, poorly reviewed game with no sequel for a reason is the best balance of realism and fun then go ahead, load it up 👍
Your dead right on the graphics and quantity side of PD, it hooks me every time!!!! To answer the demo I dont own PS3 yet (waiting for GT5 or maybe even prologue to come out) so I sort of gotta rely on you guys for the info as far as physics go.I here there comeing along just fine (for a demo), but others say they fall a little more discussion on this is greatly appreciated (although maybe on a different thread:idea:). As for my standards, which are that of hopeing that PD make GT5's physics the most acurrate driving sim on a console ever, I will try to remain optomistic:tup: