- The swear filter exists for a reason, and will only be amended when Jordan decides that it should be.
- Anyone who displays a pattern of posting that does not follow the AUP is disciplined for it in some way or another. Anyone.
- Scaff is not the type of person to hold a "grudge" or "vendetta" against anyone. In fact, I believe he is one of the most knowledgable, helpful, and friendliest members of GTP, and the fact that LeadSlead#2 has spent 5 pages trying to prove the opposite is simply unbelievable.
- Arguing about semantics is rather pointless. Arguing with forum moderators about semantics in the context of the AUP's rules, which every single one of us agreed to in registering, is very pointless.
- Why in the world is this thread still going?
- Anyone who displays a pattern of posting that does not follow the AUP is disciplined for it in some way or another. Anyone.
- Scaff is not the type of person to hold a "grudge" or "vendetta" against anyone. In fact, I believe he is one of the most knowledgable, helpful, and friendliest members of GTP, and the fact that LeadSlead#2 has spent 5 pages trying to prove the opposite is simply unbelievable.
- Arguing about semantics is rather pointless. Arguing with forum moderators about semantics in the context of the AUP's rules, which every single one of us agreed to in registering, is very pointless.
- Why in the world is this thread still going?