Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

Sorry about the slow responses. I've been busy..... ummm..... I won't lie, I've been playing Fallout 3 & Oblivion :lol:

That last MX5 is amazing! Someone needs to do that on a street car......with wantanabes......and an enthusiastic engine. :D

As for the shots, on par as always. 👍

Cheers, dude :cheers: Some massive negative camber to go with those watanabes? hehe

I like the latest set. All pictures show a lot of action (blurred backgrounds), but the cars are still looking clean and sharp. This is what I always like about your shots. Can't wait for more shots from the Kerrick Cup, showing off more (and like you say, very cool :P) cars. 👍

Thanks dude. I did finally get all the shots on to flickr just last night, damn computer games are too addictive lol. I'll pick a few of the better ones from the Kerrick cup later tonight to post up. 👍 Thanks for the kind words.

Heh. Bored! At a racing event! Geez. :P

Faves are 3,4,5,8 and 9. Special mention to 9 because that is mind-blowing. I want to try more close-ups if I have the chance this year. Though I forget how fast those ALMS cars are every year (....this was easier when I was just thinking about it...). And sweet angles as always.

Hehe Thanks Chris. The Mazda shot is a bit of a cheat, I was standing in the pit entrance and caught all three cars coming in at the same time to pit so they weren’t exactly running at speed when I took the shot.

Compared to your Bathurst Photos the main difference for me is composition. You seemed to have played it safe a little with this shoot but I understand that the surrounds don't allow for wider shots. It looks like it was overcast too?

Brilliant panning as usual! 👍

Thanks SSU. I think you are right. The scenery was pretty boring and overcast as well giving the entire place a very flat and uninteresting look. I find the circuit is too flat and open plus even on the racing side of the fence (where I was) you have to stand a very long way from the track so the subject ends up far too small. You really do need to use the full length of the 500mm to get any decent shots there, which is a shame.

Brilliant set, has usual. My favorite is the first shot, great panning there.

Thanks mate 👍
Well I guess when you get a call from an F1 team to come shoot Lewis Hamilton doing a media stunt, there isn't really any other answer than Hellz yeah!

Vodafone gave Lewis a chance to skipper the Team Vodafone Americas Cup Yacht in Sydney Harbour. As you can see, it was a little overcast but it did give some dramatic light. We were originally meant to be a big catamaran however they put us on a little water taxi instead so that we'd be more maneuverable and could get closer to the yacht.




Great atmosphere in that first shot, and the last one, with Lewis at the wheel is excellent. Shooting a moving object from a moving object is always hard - great job!
Nice, he really lined up for the shot there. 👍

Thanks mate, we were allowed a few very close passes on the water taxi and he did some posing for us as well :lol:

Great atmosphere in that first shot, and the last one, with Lewis at the wheel is excellent. Shooting a moving object from a moving object is always hard - great job!

It was very different to what I'm usually used to and it certainly present a set of challenges, especially with the overcast conditions. Mostly just making sure I don't drop thousands of dollars worth on equipment into the harbour was enough of a challenge, and holding on every time the wake from passing boats would hit us :lol:.

Brilliant! I love the first shot. 👍

Cheers dude. I'm actually really happy with that shot (for a change). I was really lucky to get such dramatic clouds into the shot. Even still I'm a little disappointed I had to tilt the camera so much, but the yacht wouldn't have fit in to the shot otherwise.... and that was at 24mm :s

I love the first shot, aswell. Great update. 👍

:cheers: Thanks mate.

Fantastic Mate! really loving the last shot, as far as i can make out, its just about perfect!

Thank you. I had a fair few attempts at getting a good close shot of him with the wheel but that one was my pick anyway. There are plenty more here on my flickr account as well for those interested.
I'm meant to be at Bathurst today but last night my daughter was teething so I got no sleep. The joys of parenthood. Anyway, too tired to face 6 hours of driving and 8 hours of racing so I took a few photos of the culprit that kept me up.... now it's off to bed for me!

Acting all innocent and point to the sore spot:

Trying to eat everything she comes in contact with:
Well thats a shame.

I was going to say it on Facebook, but I guess I can say it here: I'd love to see what you do for your daughter's 21st. She'll be absolutely roasted with all these baby shots!
It is a little disappointing but I guess this wasn't a paying gig so not too terrible. I was looking forward to experimenting up at Mt Panorama as there would have been no pressure to deliver shots. Oh well, next time.

Haha Only a very small portion of the shots ever make it to facebook as well, so yes she will be in for a massive roasting on her 21st. :lol:
Well over the weekend I was asked to cover the Harley-Davidson Drag & Brag event put together by the Sydney dealers. It was certainly an interesting event, got to shoot plenty of bikes racing.... although I could almost walk faster than the Ultras :lol: Also got to shoot Matt Mingay again, which is always good fun.

Here are some slightly artier versions I created, but all shots are here on my flickr:






That last one is amazing, it really captures the whole event. 👍 Really like the first one too. :)
Last picture is awesome, I love how you can see the eyes of the guy. Also, is that thing running a turbo?
That last one is amazing, it really captures the whole event. 👍 Really like the first one too. :)

Thanks mate, that guy is donig the burnout is actually a good friend of mine. Thanks, For some reason the first shot is probably my favorite from the entire days shoot, yet it has no bike or action in it :lol:

Last picture is awesome, I love how you can see the eyes of the guy. Also, is that thing running a turbo?

Thanks Cano. It's a straight out of the box Destroyer so no turbo. It has no muffler just straight pipes and a massive air shifter that gets mistaken by a lot of people for a NOS bottle lol

Looks great, SE. 👍

:cheers: Thanks mate.

Brilliant shots, love the tones you've got there. They're dramatic yet they don't fall into that trap of those overdone, Top Gear-esque shots with heavy vignettes.

Thanks dude. The vignetting is for a change straight from the camera. I seem to get a fair bit of it with the 5D being wound out to 24mm for some reason.

They are all awesome as usual, with 3-5 being definate stand-outs - along with the one from you flickr that Sweetshop quoted.

Loving the tones in 3 and 5, with 4 being awesomely framed.

Good work.....again. :P 👍
Thanks Alastair. The tones are a bit of a phase I'm going through at present, so you may see more with similar style in the near future :lol:
Thought I'd share as I'm a little chuffed, my Destroyer shot some of you may remember from a few pages back, ended up as a large print in the service department of a Harley-Davidson Dealership in Mackay. Not a terrible good photo of it I know but the dealer principal just sent it to me via an mms.

It is pretty awesome indeed, thanks Alastair. It's actually built into the wall as an installation so it's fairly permanent feature. It will look a bit better once the shop is fully fitted out this weekend, I'll be grabbing some proper shots of it in the shop at that point which will hopefully do it a bit more justice than the camera phone shot I received today :lol:
Thanks Guys :cheers: & :lol: SSU's image.

Today I was out at Eastern Creek for the Historics. This was a tough one for me as I have now shot the Historics a few times at the Creek and I am really starting to run out of ideas for fresh stuff to do as the cars and locations are the same. Here is what I came up with, and the full set is here if anyone is interested:







