Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

The editing on the bike photo is really impressive 👍
By the way, congrats with your daughter and I am glad she is well now.

Thanks Franz. Haven't seen you around in a while... but then again I haven't stayed into the photomode sub forum in a long time. Hope you are keeping well. didn't have to say that, but thank you. That was very kind (despite it being not true! :sly:) . It's not my even my birthday.

You say I'm to nice and I say you're too modest. :lol:
Well my motorsport season kicked off today with the NSW Road Racing Club holding the last ever series race at Oran Park before it’s demolition in the next few weeks. Oran Park will only be holding one more event which will be a two day multi club meet on the 23-24th. Anyway back to the super sprint series, the full set can be found here on flickr:

Here are a few of my favourites from the day:







The MX5 one is excellent, as are the rest. 👍 👍

I had a look at the website and could see anything on this, only the one on the 23-24 or whatever. I would have liked to go.

And I'm seeing longer panning blur than I usually see from you. 👍
Always love how vibrant your shots are. And I agree, the MX-5 shot is unique and interesting. My favourite might be the GT-R shot, however - I think the way the slope and the line of cloud in the sky lines up is really something...
Excellent update. 👍

Thanks dude 👍

Sweet Update Syntax. That Radical shot is inspiring, really makes you think twice about composition.

Cheers SSU. I think that's something that alot of people forget when shooting motorsport. People tend to get carried away with shooting the car and forget it can be handled like any other subject from a composition stand point.

Always love how vibrant your shots are. And I agree, the MX-5 shot is unique and interesting. My favourite might be the GT-R shot, however - I think the way the slope and the line of cloud in the sky lines up is really something...

The GT-R was damn sweet. I really like the shot as well. I've never really had a chance to shoot one till then so I took alot of photos of it..... really alot :lol:
Thanks Cano.

On that topic, I went out to do a rig shot with a mates Honda S2000 however we had some dramas with the vacuum mounts not attaching to the car properly. Anyway we didn't much feel like wasting the day so I got out the lighting gear and got to work. I haven't looked at all the shots yet however hear is a sneak peak of one shot I did finish editing.

Mm. Well this is unexpected. Wicked awesome though!

My only slight niggle is the fact the wheels aren't lit enough (I think), but I don't know if that's the look you were going for. ^^;
That makes splits the difference between "Awesome" and "mind-blowing"... The black wheels just get absorbed into shadows if they aren't lit...they are the most difficult wheels to shoot I think.

I look forward to more. Keep up the great work...
Wow. :drool:


hehe Thanks dude.

Nice work, can't wait to see the rest.

Cheers, Hopefully I'll get them finished this week, although I'm going into preparation mode over the next few days for this weekends Bathurst 12 hour as that's going to be probably the biggest race yet for me to cover.... well certainly the longest :lol:

Oh God, this is so amazing. I love the position of the car in frame and the "light focus". 👍

Thanks mate :cheers:

Amazing! :drool: 👍

Thanks for the kind words Nenad.

Mm. Well this is unexpected. Wicked awesome though!

My only slight niggle is the fact the wheels aren't lit enough (I think), but I don't know if that's the look you were going for. ^^;
That makes splits the difference between "Awesome" and "mind-blowing"... The black wheels just get absorbed into shadows if they aren't lit...they are the most difficult wheels to shoot I think.

I look forward to more. Keep up the great work...

Ahhh... you noticed. The wheels are actually a dark bronze and I was trying to light them, however I was having some dramas getting my 430EX's to slave. My original intention was to have a speedlight on each wheel as well as the two strobes that I used to light the rest of the shot. Appreciate the feedback 👍
Ahhh... you noticed. The wheels are actually a dark bronze and I was trying to light them, however I was having some dramas getting my 430EX's to slave. My original intention was to have a speedlight on each wheel as well as the two strobes that I used to light the rest of the shot. Appreciate the feedback 👍

Ah, well...I figured you knew - I just wondered. :ouch: I'm sorry for pointing it out. And yes, dark bronze I can see it on the rear wheel - my bad.

I hope it works better for you in the future.

Good luck at the 12 hour, can't wait to see some of those. ^^
Ah, well...I figured you knew - I just wondered. :ouch: I'm sorry for pointing it out. And yes, dark bronze I can see it on the rear wheel - my bad.

I hope it works better for you in the future.

Good luck at the 12 hour, can't wait to see some of those. ^^

Don't be silly. I appreciate that you took the time to look and give constructive feedback.

The 12 hour should be good. I can see I'll be absolutely dead tired by the end of it but I'm looking forward to the early morning and late afternoon sections of the race as "fingers crossed" there should be some dramatic lighting.
Don't be silly. I appreciate that you took the time to look and give constructive feedback.

The 12 hour should be good. I can see I'll be absolutely dead tired by the end of it but I'm looking forward to the early morning and late afternoon sections of the race as "fingers crossed" there should be some dramatic lighting.

Well, I haven't done anything like that - so I'm not in a position to give constructive feedback. :lol:

I am determined to go to Le Mans one year and stay up the entire 24 hours. ^^; I imagine I would probably be dead by the end, but it would be worth it!

I hope the light works in your favour. I'm looking forward to a sunset race here at some point...and hopefully it'll work in my favour too. I might take a film camera too, just to give it a shot since I never really do that.
I am determined to go to Le Mans one year and stay up the entire 24 hours. ^^; I imagine I would probably be dead by the end, but it would be worth it!

Presuming all the cars haven't switched to diesel by then it shouldn't be too hard :lol:

You should have an amazing time covering the 12h Syntax, I wish I got to attend some races at sunset/sunrise. Good Luck!
Ah, I was gonna point out exactly the wheels issue, but having read the entire stuff proves I was beaten to death by it. Cool stuff tough, I SO need to get me some lights. It's killing me, really. But money is scarce -_-

any more pics of the S2000?
Cheers, Hopefully I'll get them finished this week, although I'm going into preparation mode over the next few days for this weekends Bathurst 12 hour as that's going to be probably the biggest race yet for me to cover.... well certainly the longest :lol:

The 12 hour should be good. I can see I'll be absolutely dead tired by the end of it but I'm looking forward to the early morning and late afternoon sections of the race as "fingers crossed" there should be some dramatic lighting.

I hate you. :grumpy:
Well, I haven't done anything like that - so I'm not in a position to give constructive feedback. :lol:

I don't think it puts you in any less position to give feedback at all. Plus I think your model work proves that you are capable of doing so.... This is just on a slightly larger scale really.

You should have an amazing time covering the 12h Syntax, I wish I got to attend some races at sunset/sunrise. Good Luck!

Looking forward to it, although I must admit, I am a little nervous. The 12 hour is a pretty big event and certainly the largest I'll have ever done.

Ah, I was gonna point out exactly the wheels issue, but having read the entire stuff proves I was beaten to death by it. Cool stuff tough, I SO need to get me some lights. It's killing me, really. But money is scarce -_-

any more pics of the S2000?

I've found that ebay is rife with cheap lighting equipment. The lights don't have to be the best in the world. I deliberately buy cheap lighting equipment as I'm a little clumsy usually and tend to break my lights far too often :lol: hopefully some more pics to come soon.

I hate you. :grumpy:

Don't hate the player... hate the game.. :lol: So it’s a no go for you I take it?

I know that fixing stuff in photoshop is never as good as getting it right on the spot, but I layered the rims and lightened them up a little..... any thoughts?

Don't hate the player... hate the game.. :lol: So it’s a no go for you I take it?


Yeah. Couldn't have done it because the parentals are taking my brother back to uni.

Besides - I now have paintball on that day :D.

Annnnyways, as for the shot, I prefer the first one. People are whining about the wheels and such, but I think the dark wheels add to the mood and the setting of the shot, so I prefer the first one. 👍
I don't think it puts you in any less position to give feedback at all. Plus I think your model work proves that you are capable of doing so.... This is just on a slightly larger scale really.

I know that fixing stuff in photoshop is never as good as getting it right on the spot, but I layered the rims and lightened them up a little..... any thoughts?

A lot larger scale! Can't use LED flashlights then (which I had out when I shot that Daytona to light the right side.).

I like this version better. I think maybe the rear wheel could actually be darkened a tad. That's all. Otherwise, I really like it.

And 80Y- I'm not whining. :P I just think...technically it's better. Though it does lose a little bit of mood, I agree.
Yeah. Couldn't have done it because the parentals are taking my brother back to uni.

Besides - I now have paintball on that day :D.

Annnnyways, as for the shot, I prefer the first one. People are whining about the wheels and such, but I think the dark wheels add to the mood and the setting of the shot, so I prefer the first one. 👍

Ahh.. paintball. That is a suitably awesome replacement to the race 👍 Thanks I'm torn between the two shots myself.

I like this version better. I think maybe the rear wheel could actually be darkened a tad. That's all. Otherwise, I really like it.

And 80Y- I'm not whining. :P I just think...technically it's better. Though it does lose a little bit of mood, I agree.

Thanks dude. I appreciate the feedback on it :cheers:

Anyways I've been playing around with a few more of the shots, I've been trying to go for a dark but high contrasty look.... although I think sometimes I loose a bit too much detail around the roof of the car from the black soft top..... anyway, C&C are allways welcome guys.



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I agree, the third one is head-explodingly good. And the first is right up there with it (covered with brains). Like the reflection on the headlight, and of course the lighting on the hood.

The second seems a tad busy to me, though - even if the roof/ceiling wasn't in the shot.

What a sickly awesome set, bravo.
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The last one has to be my favourite. Nice exposure and lighting. The car is also very clean and sharp and the angle is good, too. Keep it up, buddy! 👍
Wow, the lighting on the last is phenomenal, I dig the reflection of the car so much 👍

I agree with Longbow regarding the second image though, something in it is distracting me but I have no idea what.