Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

Awesome pictures Syntax! I love them! :D Every time I see any pics of Oran Park it sends shivers down my spine, love that track.
I hope you can get your sensor fixed soon.

I love all these images but my absolute favourite is this:


I like that time of day so much, the colours are flawless and the composition is wonderful. I cannot find a single fault in this, even your scratch blends in!
Awesome pictures Syntax! I love them! :D Every time I see any pics of Oran Park it sends shivers down my spine, love that track.

Thanks Madison. It is indeed an awesome track. I really am going to miss it once it shuts.

I hope you can get your sensor fixed soon.

I love all these images but my absolute favourite is this:


I like that time of day so much, the colours are flawless and the composition is wonderful. I cannot find a single fault in this, even your scratch blends in!

Thanks. It was one of the few shots that didn't even need me to clone the scratch out. Although one thing that is perplexing me as that the scratch looks far less defined at low aperture. I would have thought the scratch would remain the same regardless of the setting. I hope to have it fixed soon in any event. Problem is I have a fair few jobs in the next few weeks so I'm tossing up going ahead with it in it's current condition and working extra hard to clone out imperfections or to hire another camera and get this fixed now....
I love my new 150-500! Went to Oran Park earlier today to shoot the Honda RJAY series. Love how close I can get now. Still getting the hang using it, for starters, the lens itself ways 2 kilos so it was a bit of a struggle holding it still with no monopod. Anyway I had to make a hasty retreat early as the heavens opened but here are a few shots from today. Oh and the rest are on flickr:





Attended the festival of Sporting Cars @ Wakefield Park Raceway on Sunday the 2/11/09. It was a boiling hot day and I’m fairly certain I ended up with heat stroke, but it was worth it. Had a ton of fun, the guys put on a great show and a lot of fantastic racing was had. Hats off to the organizers. Full set is now here on flickr:









Oh and this one was sitting out the back in the paddock :drool:

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Ohhh 240Z's - nice cars and nice shots.

The Cobra shot at the end is stunning, the saturated car stands out well against the washed out background.


Love the Zs, amazing how you got them together (tricky stuff!), and with great composition too (though I expect nothing less from you :sly:).

I also like the 3rd shot. It looks very dynamic; the way the driver is leaning in to the corner, as well as the car...

Great work. ^^
Amazing work on the last shots, Syntax error! I'm impressed by how great they look. 👍

Thanks Nenad :cheers:

Ohhh 240Z's - nice cars and nice shots.

The Cobra shot at the end is stunning, the saturated car stands out well against the washed out background.



Thanks Scaff. I tried to not edit the cobra too much but yeah I have it some de-saturating work, thankfully as the car itself was actually more of a dark blue, the uniform de-saturation of the entire shot thankfully didn't rob all the blue colour from the car. I also did a bit of dodging as it was the cars shadowy side of the vehicle. I'm fairly pleased with the end result. As always, I appreciate your feedback.

Love the Zs, amazing how you got them together (tricky stuff!), and with great composition too (though I expect nothing less from you :sly:).

I also like the 3rd shot. It looks very dynamic; the way the driver is leaning in to the corner, as well as the car...

Great work. ^^

Cheers LongbowX. I'm a sucker for the Zds. I've owned two at various points in the past (280ZX & Z32), but when I say this pair on the track duelling, I had to keep tracking them and I think I ended up with about 50 shots of them lol.

I love the fourth, the fifth, and the last shots. Also, the first shot from the bike update is nice too. Great stuff Syntax.

Thank you MM. I think you are the first to comment on the bike shots. I know they are not spectacular or full of action but I was pretty happy with the fact that I didn't have to crop the shots with the new lens.
As some of you may know, I was down in Launceston (or Inceston as it is affectionately known by most Australians) for the National HOG Rally. Over the next few weeks some of my shots should be appearing in different media outlets not sure which mags have picked them up yet but I have been told Australian Motorcycle News is in print this week with a stack of my shots, I will be interested to see which are in there. Anyway I haven't gone through all the shots yet so keep posted on those, however I thought I'd share some shots first up that I took while I had the opportunity down in Launcetston to hang out with stunt rider Matt Mingay and shoot him doing a few of his signature stunts.

I did some editing of these shots as they are normally a little mundane being that we were in an enclosed area with a big crowd watching so I "grunged" them up a bit to give it a little more flare, although it was pretty exciting doing the shoot as I had Matt doing burnouts about 30 centimetres from me and chunks of rubber were hitting my face as I was shooting. Suffering for my art lol.






Love the tones in the first and fifth shots. The overexposure in shots 2, 3, and 4 work well. Also, I love the last shot, the composition and out-of-focus BG are fantastic.
Choice shots!👍

I know I'd have a hard time trying to work in those confined conditions and not make everything look like snapshots, and you seemed to have pulled it of just right once again.

The last one is great :D.
Choice shots!👍

I know I'd have a hard time trying to work in those confined conditions and not make everything look like snapshots, and you seemed to have pulled it of just right once again.

The last one is great :D.

Thanks mate, It is hard. Especially since I didn't want to waste the opportunity of having access inside the barricades that others didn't have the privilege of doing. He only did 4 shows that lasted about 5 minutes at a time so I only had a small window of opportunity to make the shots count. Certainly felt the pressure :lol:

Heaps of shots from the rally to come soon, I've been pretty busy processing them but I thought I'd throw in a sneak peak.... this made me laugh pretty hard, I did put my body on the line, I was standing on the road (I did have a hi-vis vest on) this shot is not cropped and is at 100mm. Needless to say, I scampered out of the way pretty fast after the shot.

I'm not really a fan of the extreme grunge style in some of these photos but I really like the first, second to last and the last photo of Matt.

The shot above though is awesome. 👍
I'm not really a fan of the extreme grunge style in some of these photos but I really like the first, second to last and the last photo of Matt.

The shot above though is awesome. 👍

Thanks mate. The latest crop of HD advertisements have been of a more grunge nature of late, mostly to tie in with our "Dark Custom" line of bikes of which the Nightster (the bike being used in the tricks) is part of. That was part of the motivation behind the high contrasty stuff. I'm in two minds about the shots, sometimes I look at them and think cool... other times I feel like they are a little over worked.


Very nice indeed. 👍

+2 👍 Looks great!

Thanks guys :cheers:
Keep them coming, Syntax. I enjoyed the dusk/night shots a few posts back. 👍 I do hope to see more landscape shots. The ones you posted were great (and more my style... I was never good at shooting cars ;))
Keep them coming, Syntax. I enjoyed the dusk/night shots a few posts back. 👍 I do hope to see more landscape shots. The ones you posted were great (and more my style... I was never good at shooting cars ;))

Thanks mate. I usually only get to do landscape shots when I'm on holidays. My schedule has been really flat out lately and it doesn't look like I will be having holidays for a long time to come unfortunately. Oh well.....

On another note, I posted this news the other day in the Announcements thread in the Infield but for the benefit of all my non premo friends here, I thought I'd share the news here as well. Plus as you can imagine, I've been telling pretty much anyone who cares to listen.

December issue of Australian Motorcycles News magazine hit the stands yesterday with a 4 page feature article on the National HOG Rally, all the shots from the article are by yours truly.




As I've said before, awesome effort mate.

Looks great and I'm sure this will propel you to greater things photography wise.

As I've said before, awesome effort mate.

Looks great and I'm sure this will propel you to greater things photography wise.


Fingers crossed. Heavy Duty Magazine and HOG Magazine have both picked up my shots as well for their multiple page articles but I'm yet to see the level of participation I have in these.

Excellent stuff! Well done! I can only ever hope that something like that happens to me! 👍

Keep at it. I think your good enough, now all you need is to build some contacts. Knowing the right people is really important. I'm still working hard on this, but very slowly getting there. It has taken a lot of beer drinking though :lol:

Excellent stuff, SE. 👍

Thanks dude :cheers:
Congrats on the magazine work! That's just awesome. You deserve it. ^^

Like the vintage look given to those vintage machines. The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th are my favourites. I couldn't narrow it down any more than that. :lol: Love the openness of the 3rd, and the curves are just so beautiful in the 4th. I wish I had a racetrack with such perfectly laid out curves.

It makes me want to go there badly, I might add. But I know my photos wouldn't be nearly as good.

Great job as always. ^^
Loving all those shots, Syntax. They may look simple, but they're great. Exposure and composition are great. 👍

Thanks mate. I've been working on getting some nice clean and simple shots of late. I really am loving my new lens as I find that I am not doing any post production cropping any more.

Congrats on the magazine work! That's just awesome. You deserve it. ^^

Like the vintage look given to those vintage machines. The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th are my favourites. I couldn't narrow it down any more than that. :lol: Love the openness of the 3rd, and the curves are just so beautiful in the 4th. I wish I had a racetrack with such perfectly laid out curves.

It makes me want to go there badly, I might add. But I know my photos wouldn't be nearly as good.

Great job as always. ^^

:cheers: thanks dude. Tell you the truth, I didn't really do much to the colours, there was a red hue from the dust at the circuit.... worked in my favor this time around though :lol:

Oh and don't be silly dude, you've got great talent, I love your motorsport shots. 👍

Mannnn...I really need to get my license so I can go to these things!:drool:

Come on, get cracking and get that license. There are races on every weekend somewhere in Sydney. Another thing worth looking at is the CAMS site's events list. You will be surprised to find that there are all sorts of car related events even up in the Northern Beaches. Clubs host CAMS approved motorkhanas in car parks, car shows, cruises, hill climbs etc.