Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

Some more fantasitc shots here Syntax.

That teamate shot - how the hell do you get so lucky?!?!?! Even if that happened to me, I'd stuff it up anyway but making it blurry or something.

If I was going to pick a favourite, it'd probably be that - especially because the angles of the cars are the same.

Good job. 👍
Haha you think that's lucky? You wouldn’t believe it but I was on my way across the track to leave as I had prior engagements that I had to attend, and I had just finished filling up the 8 gig memory card... well the camera was saying it had space for 1 last shot (turns out there was actually enough for 3).... I stopped for a sec and thought, I'll just fill the card and grab one last shot.... and bam! The car came off the track and I hit the shutter button only for that to happen... the image capture gods must have been smiling upon me that day.... :lol:
Thanks Madison, I'll be keen to see the vids. Next time give me a wave!

:lol: I was going to but didn't want to freak you out with this kid waving at you.:lol:

Great shots once again though.
Here is a few Aussie Racing Car videos:
Great work as always and I have to add that my pick is also the 'dial before you dig' twin 'off'.

Captured the moment perfectly and the teams choice of sponsor also helps make the shot as the dig the run-off area up.

Nice work.

Thanks Scaff, the irony wasn't lost on me either :lol:

Cheers SweetshopUnion :)

Haha fair enough Madison. I hope to make a few more trips for the remaining couple of smaller events, I might be out there on the 28-29th of Oct for the St George Motorcycle club as I have a few guys wanting shots, although I'm now torn between that and the Festival of Sports Cars at Wakefield on the same weekend... anyway I went off on a tangent, give me a wave next time, I'll keep in mind it's probably you :lol:

This is what happens when a friend asks me to take a photo for .... i get a little carried away and can't just take a simple side on shot... needless to say, the car sold in one day, I like to think the photo helped seal the deal :lol:

Thought I'd share this one.... just finished editing a few more of my New Zealand shots, I liked this one in particular so here it is, although I'm a little angry with myself for not paying attention to slightly overexposed part of the car.

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No wonder it sold in a day, most shots used on car sales websites are utter rubbish, while that looks great.

I like the new New Zealand shot, but some bugger seems to have dumped a Yaris at the side of the road, LOL. I do however share your dislike of missing a bit of burn-out, just like slide film of old you just can't do a damn thing with it, at least shadows you may be able to pull something out of.


:lol: Thanks Scaff.

I played around with it a little and after a lot of clone and healing I got this result:

Great work on that last one. 👍

The colours used almost look like they are from a Toyota brochure using that almost rustic country side they sometimes use.
The VW is cool, great ambient color. I also believe the photo helped to sell the car.

The last picture is also quite nice. The only drown back for me is the car itself. It would look much nicer without any car at all, to emphasize the natural mystic look the road and the overall ambient of that place has. The car seems a little out of place.
Great work on that last one. 👍

The colours used almost look like they are from a Toyota brochure using that almost rustic country side they sometimes use.

Thanks mate, I stopped to stretch my legs after a few hours of driving on the fantastic deserted windy rouds and I just couldn't pass up taking a few photos when I had a good look around. Thanks for the nice comments dude and i'm glad you like the pp I put into it. :)

The VW is cool, great ambient color. I also believe the photo helped to sell the car.

The last picture is also quite nice. The only drown back for me is the car itself. It would look much nicer without any car at all, to emphasize the natural mystic look the road and the overall ambient of that place has. The car seems a little out of place.

haha thanks mate, not sure how much of my work actually helped sell the VW.

I've got a lot of shots of the area with out the yaris as well, I might post a few more in the next few days once I finish processing all the NZ shots.

(but its still a Yaris).

Touché :lol:
Thanks mate, I stopped to stretch my legs after a few hours of driving on the fantastic deserted windy rouds and I just couldn't pass up taking a few photos when I had a good look around. Thanks for the nice comments dude and i'm glad you like the pp I put into it. :)

No probs 👍

Its those great roads that you stumble upon that make you wish that you had something with more guts.

I swear when I get my hands on anything with sporting credentials, I'm heading straight down to the Megalong (Spelling?!) Valley in the Blue Mountains. The entrance of from Blackheath has an AMAZING road with uber cool surroundings.
haha thanks mate, not sure how much of my work actually helped sell the VW.
I don’t doubt. The Picture seems to enhance well the car and it bring more to life.
Sometimes a picture or a good advertise sells better than a thousand words. Also, that picture would do a great advertisement.

I've got a lot of shots of the area with out the yaris as well, I might post a few more in the next few days once I finish processing all the NZ shots.

Looking forward to that.👍
I was out at Western Sydney International Dragway today on a small assignment. I felt that the job went well however I was going to take a few shots of races for a bit of fun, but I encountered a few issues, one of which was mold on the inside of the lens element of my 300mm the other being I couldn't seem to pick a good spot for some reason. Shooting drag races reminds me exactly why I prefer to shoot circuit racing events any day of the week.

Anyway, next week are the drift Nationals at the circuit up the road from me so that should be more fun. So... on to a few shots from the day:

Here is the full set on flickr







Oran Park hosted the Drift Nationals last weekend. I do prefer normal circuit racing however this was pretty spectacular stuff. Below is a small batch of my favorites but you can see the rest here on my flickr account.







Nice shots mate! Would've loved to be there yesterday, look forward to your next shots!👍

These are great - especially the billowing the plumes.

:lol: I'm fairly certain it was an S14.... for the most part. When are you going to post your shots up dude?

Nice shots mate! Would've loved to be there yesterday, look forward to your next shots!👍

It was good fun. Too hot though. I think I was suffering from a bit of dehydration by the end of the day. I was going to go to Wakefield this coming weekend but I remembered that you need a bloody big lens to get anything semi decent there and I've left it too late to hire a lens now, so I might skip it for the NSWRRC enduro at Oran Park this weekend instead. Man I need a 600mm :lol:

Wow... Loving those shots... 👍

Thanks mate 👍
Thanks Scaff 👍 I was really struggling with a few things on the day, one being the smoke which caused a lot of haze, the other being the really harsh sunlight I was getting. I was working hard to get some good composition at least but even that was really difficult as there was a big crowd and only a small portion of the track used. I think that’s why I prefer shooting normal circuit stuff at Oran Park, smaller crowds and more locations.
:lol: I'm fairly certain it was an S14.... for the most part. When are you going to post your shots up dude?

HSC in T minus 4 weeks :( :( :(. But I have been playing with some of them. I have 1244 shots from that day, so sifting through them for good ones is also time consuming.
I haven’t seen this new set yet, and I have to say that the shots are really nice. My favorites are the third and the fifth. I think those two are the most action oriented shots on the set, the ones that cause more impact. But, nevertheless, they are all quite nice 👍