Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

Well I attended the V8SC Telstra 500 yesterday. From a photography stand point, this was a really hard race to shoot. Seriously it was Fence city. The track looked a little boring too. I think this event was more a carnival were a race occurred at the same time instead of the race being the main attraction. I would have preferred it at Eastern Creek. Anyway, I managed to get myself a few decent fenceless shots:





I love the last two updates. Like Longbow said, the classic feel to the shots works well in the first update. In the newest one, the second and fourth shots are my favorites, although I must admit I didn't know utes were raced in the V8SC series :lol:
Come on, get cracking and get that license. There are races on every weekend somewhere in Sydney. Another thing worth looking at is the CAMS site's events list. You will be surprised to find that there are all sorts of car related events even up in the Northern Beaches. Clubs host CAMS approved motorkhanas in car parks, car shows, cruises, hill climbs etc.

*V8SC Shots*


*Head explodes*

Good job with the shots. I was watcing it on TV and, yeah, apart from the roof of the pit lane building, there isn't much places for a panning shot. You have suprisingly little fence featuring in your photos, which is impressive in itself - and the composition is mixed up enough, which'd also be hard to accomplish.

although I must admit I didn't know utes were raced in the V8SC series :lol:


Thanks dude. I have to say, the Ute guys are considerably less restrained than the SC guys. There were a lot of smashed panels from the guys.


*Head explodes*

Good job with the shots. I was watcing it on TV and, yeah, apart from the roof of the pit lane building, there isn't much places for a panning shot. You have suprisingly little fence featuring in your photos, which is impressive in itself - and the composition is mixed up enough, which'd also be hard to accomplish.


Thanks. I had to think a bit on my toes. Three of those shots (1, 2 & 4) are from the same location. I managed to talk my way onto one of the grand stands for a while so I took them from there with the 500mm.

The first ute shot I took at turn 5 in the runoff area, I talked my way into a media spot that was a little past the public section but still behind the fence however I got to stick the camera right up against the fence and shoot through it.

The last shot was a ninja skillz one, I worked my way through security sneakily and made my way to the top of Acer Arena's car park. It was meant to be closed off to everyone past the third level. I got a few shots of turn 4 in there. :lol:
Love the grungy sort of look on them. And they're all so...action-packed! You can definitely feel the intensity. The second and the fourth are probably my favourite. But...they are all so good. They are good without even knowing about the difficulty in shooting there. Knowing about it makes me admire them all the more, though.

GREAT, AWESOME shots!:lol::drool: The Kelly nose dive shot is sweet.:D

Thanks mate, they were really barrelling through that corner, it was pretty impressive stuff to see.

I love all those shots mate! Fantastic work! 👍

Thanks Madison :cheers:

Awesome shots! :drool: 👍

Nice new avatar. :P

Thanks Nenad. That was something I have so far only announced in the Infield, but I am now a CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) accredited photographer. It's sounds pretty fancy but really it means that I shoot to standards they deem of a level that is acceptable for media coverage and that they will cover my public liability insurance. Also gives me extra access to some events that are not always open to other media togs.

Love the grungy sort of look on them. And they're all so...action-packed! You can definitely feel the intensity. The second and the fourth are probably my favourite. But...they are all so good. They are good without even knowing about the difficulty in shooting there. Knowing about it makes me admire them all the more, though.


Thanks mate. It was an exceptionally brutal track, probably due to it's pretty simplistic design. As much as I love a good clean race, there is a certain part of me that loves watching them smash their way through the circuit. It certainly lends itself for good photography. :lol:
Thanks Nenad. That was something I have so far only announced in the Infield, but I am now a CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) accredited photographer. It's sounds pretty fancy but really it means that I shoot to standards they deem of a level that is acceptable for media coverage and that they will cover my public liability insurance. Also gives me extra access to some events that are not always open to other media togs.

I forgot to congratulate you on that..:dunce:..Sorry. That's awesome! (My Premium just ran out! Drat! I'll be getting it again soon, though.) I'm thinking of registering for the ALMS race at Mosport next year. Maybe for the Vintage Event too. It would likely be easier for the Vintage event...and it would be fun. But who knows, likely I won't be able to. But I can hope. And yes, "Confederation of Australian Motor Sport accredited photographer", does sound fancy. And it sounds like it has some real perks along with sounding good... Congrats again!

Thanks mate. It was an exceptionally brutal track, probably due to it's pretty simplistic design. As much as I love a good clean race, there is a certain part of me that loves watching them smash their way through the circuit. It certainly lends itself for good photography. :lol:

'Welcome. And it is very entertaining to have the smash there way though. :sly: Capturing that destruction and aggression effectively takes skill and talent - which you a lot of both. Thanks for showing us your amazing work. :dopey:
Thanks guys.

Well I promised some shots from the National HOG Rally some time ago but I've been pretty flat so I'm only just getting around to it now. It was a pretty eventful weekend that had me hanging out with stunt rider Matt Mingay, shooting a few concerts and also breaking my 5D. The camera is in for repair at present but thankfully I went prepared and I took a backup rig just in case. Anyway a "small" portion of the shots is here on flckr:

Here are a few shots from the weekend.



Visited a bike wrecking/parts facility at the local harley dealer

Media attention at the Dyno drag simulator.

Jimmy Barnes performed at the rally.


The most anticipated part of the rally.... The thunder run:


Some fantastic shots, I took the chance to look through the whole set (something unusual for when I see such a huge set of photos!). Really loving your style at the moment, I can only hope to achieve something similar (but to my own style) at some point. I saw your V8 Supercar shots too, I can appreciate the lack of shooting angles for larger motorsport events (Hello Rockingham Speedway!) but you coped really well, they still feel like your normal style.

Must say every time I come into your gallery I feel more and more impressed, seriously great work 👍
Some fantastic shots, I took the chance to look through the whole set (something unusual for when I see such a huge set of photos!). Really loving your style at the moment, I can only hope to achieve something similar (but to my own style) at some point. I saw your V8 Supercar shots too, I can appreciate the lack of shooting angles for larger motorsport events (Hello Rockingham Speedway!) but you coped really well, they still feel like your normal style.

Must say every time I come into your gallery I feel more and more impressed, seriously great work 👍

Thanks Speedster. I appreciate that you took the time to look through all the shots I uploaded. The original set is closer to 600 shots but even I don't have the patience to upload all of them let alone expect anyone to go through all of them. :lol:
Thanks Nenad. That was something I have so far only announced in the Infield, but I am now a CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) accredited photographer. It's sounds pretty fancy but really it means that I shoot to standards they deem of a level that is acceptable for media coverage and that they will cover my public liability insurance. Also gives me extra access to some events that are not always open to other media togs.

Congratulations on that then, buddy! :cheers:

Nice new update. 👍
Well it is sort of the quiet period for racing in general so I don't have any new race shots at present but I have spend a bit of time taking some shots for myself. Some of you might know that my daughter was born a few days before Christmas. She suffered from a bit of Jaundice unfortunately so had to spend a few days in an incubator under blue lights. She is well now and has been home for well over a week.

I took this shot of her with a Minolta XG-M film SLR with a 2F 45mm prime.

Under blue lights (this one is with a DSLR)

The car park of the hospital had some awesome light going for it when visiting hours were over

I'm fairly certain I've posted this shot before but I have been doing a fair bit of post production on this shot for a customer/friend that actually purchased this very bike. Anyway I've done a fair bit of cleaning dodging,burning and colour correction to warrant a repost. C&C is always welcome.
Wow man great skills! All shots have some special quality that stands out. 👍
It would be nice if GT5 was already out now, I can't wait for you and other's galleries.

Also congratulations with your daughter!
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Congratulations on the birth of your Daughter Syntax!

Lovely photos too, my favourite is the first probably because it's film and I love the quality and feel you get with film.
Love the bike shot. 👍 Good to hear your daughter is well. :)

Thanks mate, I love shooting this bike and will hope to again shortly. I have been asked to do a big shoot with it down the track later this year so I'll be working hard on getting a good location and lighting for it as I really want to do something magical with it.

I love the bike shot, too! The car park shot is awesome :drool: Glad to hear your daughter is well. :) 👍

Thanks Nenad. The car park shot was a funny one cause I walked out of the hospital and said to myself, this looks awesome. haha Such a mundane location but what the hell, I'll take a shot anyway.

Wow man great skills! All shots have some special quality that stands out. 👍
It would be nice if GT5 was already out now, I can't wait for you and other's galleries.

Also congratulations with your daughter!

Oh hey Sej, haven't seen you around for a while now, mind you a prettty much just hang out in this sub forum now :lol: I guess we'll have to wait and see if I get any spare time to play GT5, what with the new little handful. haha

Congratulations on the birth of your Daughter Syntax!

Lovely photos too, my favourite is the first probably because it's film and I love the quality and feel you get with film.

Thanks SweetshopUnion. I had a roll sitting in my study and as I was heading out to the hospital I thought, what the hell, and I picked up the closest film camera that was at arms length. I've always loved my old Minolta and the prime is just too damn cool to play with. Film just has that certain warmth to it that digital is missing.

Also I'd like to say thanks to all the well wishes I have received from all you guys :cheers:
Yea I've been lurking around the GT5 section and played the Demo a bit, waiting for GT5 to finally drop. But you have alot more responsibilities now ofcourse. Maybe you can spend some quality time with your daughter playing GT5, then she can get acquainted with GT, and you can still have a GT5 gallery hahaha. ;)
Thanks Nenad. That was something I have so far only announced in the Infield, but I am now a CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) accredited photographer. It's sounds pretty fancy but really it means that I shoot to standards they deem of a level that is acceptable for media coverage and that they will cover my public liability insurance. Also gives me extra access to some events that are not always open to other media togs.

Dude, congratulations!!! I wish Mexico had something like CAMS, I'd indeed try!! and of course, the acreditation is more than deserved. Your pictures are inspiring. Over here in Mexico I've had precious few chances of shooting in a couple of somewhat aesthetic circuits. after watching your pictures (and several other from other photographers) I now think that I threw out the window those opportunities. haha, I suck.

congratulations dude, more than deserved.
Aw. Congratulations on a beautiful daughter. That is very special. I'm amazed you found the time to post on here. :P

I am drawn to the vibrant blue of the second shot, it has a lovely feel to it. And I agree with what was said before about the first shot on film. There's something that film's got...

For the bike shot...I really like it, the only thing I don't like is how all the detail is lost in the background in the blacks, particularly the seats. It might just be my monitor though... The shot in itself is spectacular, of course.

Congratulations again. :dopey:
Maybe you can spend some quality time with your daughter playing GT5, then she can get acquainted with GT, and you can still have a GT5 gallery hahaha. ;)

:lol: We'll see. I will certainly encourage a healthy interest in cars. Fingers crossed hehe

Dude, congratulations!!! I wish Mexico had something like CAMS, I'd indeed try!! and of course, the acreditation is more than deserved. Your pictures are inspiring. Over here in Mexico I've had precious few chances of shooting in a couple of somewhat aesthetic circuits. after watching your pictures (and several other from other photographers) I now think that I threw out the window those opportunities. haha, I suck.

congratulations dude, more than deserved.

Thanks Cano. A quick search of the FIA website lists Organizacion Mexicana Del Deporte Automovilistico International (OMDAI) as the National Sporting Authority for motor racing in Mexico. Might be worth contacting them. You never know. You certainly are talented enough for it.

Aw. Congratulations on a beautiful daughter. That is very special. I'm amazed you found the time to post on here. :P

I am drawn to the vibrant blue of the second shot, it has a lovely feel to it. And I agree with what was said before about the first shot on film. There's something that film's got...

For the bike shot...I really like it, the only thing I don't like is how all the detail is lost in the background in the blacks, particularly the seats. It might just be my monitor though... The shot in itself is spectacular, of course.

Congratulations again. :dopey:

Thanks Chris. I've taken up insomnia as a hobby now that I'm a parent. It's amazing how much time I can waste on GTP now that I don't sleep :lol: The original shot of the bike had the background properly exposed but I found that the bike itself didn't really pop out of the shot enough. I ended up burning the background and applying dodging to the bike a little. Thanks for the feedback :cheers:
Thanks Chris. I've taken up insomnia as a hobby now that I'm a parent. It's amazing how much time I can waste on GTP now that I don't sleep :lol: The original shot of the bike had the background properly exposed but I found that the bike itself didn't really pop out of the shot enough. I ended up burning the background and applying dodging to the bike a little. Thanks for the feedback :cheers:


Insomnia is only fun for a little while! :lol: Then you start feeling like this: :banghead:

Heh. Well, I figured you did something along those lines, I just wish the bikes had a little bit more detail and less burning - particularly on the left side. I don't think it would detract very much for the main focus on the bike. But that is only my non-professional opinion. :dunce:
I love how I congratulate you on the license, then completely forget about congratulating you on the small ball of love!! Yo know you love it too!!

well, it was because I clicked the quote button from the previous page and didn't read that your daughter was fine and with you. Congratulations dude. Go take a bus so you can sleep.

Insomnia is only fun for a little while! :lol: Then you start feeling like this: :banghead:

Heh. Well, I figured you did something along those lines, I just wish the bikes had a little bit more detail and less burning - particularly on the left side. I don't think it would detract very much for the main focus on the bike. But that is only my non-professional opinion. :dunce:

I appreciate the feedback. The original just felt bland and the bike didn't stand out enough for me. But that's just my opinion. I think photography is quite a subjective matter and having seen some of your work, I certainly don't see anything non-professional looking about the shots that you take 👍

Anyway here is the original:


I love how I congratulate you on the license, then completely forget about congratulating you on the small ball of love!! Yo know you love it too!!

well, it was because I clicked the quote button from the previous page and didn't read that your daughter was fine and with you. Congratulations dude. Go take a bus so you can sleep.

Hehe Thanks Cano. :cheers:
The editing on the bike photo is really impressive 👍
By the way, congrats with your daughter and I am glad she is well now.
I appreciate the feedback. The original just felt bland and the bike didn't stand out enough for me. But that's just my opinion. I think photography is quite a subjective matter and having seen some of your work, I certainly don't see anything non-professional looking about the shots that you take 👍

Anyway here is the original:

Oh there is no question the edited version is much improved, to the degree of "mind-blowing". Just that teeny part bugged me, but it certainly doesn't inflict any damage to the work as a whole. It's brilliant work as usual. didn't have to say that, but thank you. That was very kind (despite it being not true! :sly:) . It's not my even my birthday.