Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

Thanks for the comments guys. I'm going to have a talk to the organisers about getting a media pass next time so I can get some shots a little closer to the start line.
Verry nice! Also the way you edit your photos is verry nice.. But, tilt shift, please, don't. Haha!

Goodluck with building that rig, want to see some photos while using it!
Verry nice! Also the way you edit your photos is very nice.. But, tilt shift, please, don't. Haha!

O come on there's nothing like a good tilt shift and believe me, that picture is nothing like....... only joking :)

I guess it's like HDR you either like them or you don't.
Thanks for the comments guys, appreciate it.

I was just experimenting a little with the tilt shift shot as there has been a lot of discussion and interest in them on most forums of late from what I can tell. Anyway, it’s not something that I am looking to pursue really but it is nice to know how to get the effect with a little playing around in PS. As far as I can tell from the comments, it’s debatable whether I actually managed to achieve the desired result, never the less I really do appreciate that you all took the time to look at it and give me your thoughts.

On another note, a few of you might remember that I mentioned a few pages back (I think it was October 08) that I covered the Harley Owners Group National Rally for my employer. Some of the many shots that I took at the event have been published in their benefits guide and I thought I'd share it with you all.

hmmm.. no comments? okay then, moving along. I was setting up for a shoot at work, just a boring group shot of training staff, that I won’t bore you all with, anyway I decided it would be pretty cool to wheel out a destroyer to place in front of the group… oh and give me an opportunity to take a few snaps of it as well. It looks so cool, I might have to transport it off site for a shoot one time. Anyway, here is quick shot of the bike (not using the lighting setup).


For anyone interested at all, here is diagram I did of my lighting setup when I was doing the group shot. I’ve decided to start doing these diagrams so I can better analyze my lighting setup and see what works and what doesn’t for different locations etc…


And last of all here is just a quick snap of the lights as I was setting them up.

I love that vintage tone you give your shots. Your whole gallery is inspiring.
If you don't mind saying what really got you into photography and how did your find your way into the profession?
Thanks dude. My Grandfather was an avid photographer so that is where I originally had my first taste of it. He bought me my first Minolta SLR when I was about 10 and as he had a darkroom, I was snapping away and developing shots at a pretty young age. We also have a few family friends that are full time fashion photographers for magazines like Vogue so I guess it’s something that I’ve grown up being around a fair bit.

As to being in the profession, that I guess simply came to be as I’ve always only done photography for myself (pretty unhealthy obsession to some extent) but I kept getting asked by people who said they where willing to pay, to take shots, so I registered a company (easier than you think really) and I was on my way. Also helps if you tell anyone and everyone what you do. Self promotion is essential.

At this stage I still don’t derive all my income from photography, I also have a full time job working in import/distribution. However I’m working on that and hope to change that soon.

Oh and by unhealthy obsession I mean that even when I’m driving to and from the office each day (3 hours) I listen to photography podcasts and when I’m in the office I spend way to much time on photography forums or reading photography journals. There isn’t a day that I don’t do something photography related in some way. Some call it an obsession but I prefer to term passion… :lol:
I spend about 3 hours in the car going to and from the office each day. It can get very boring so for a bit of fun I rigged the camera to the rear passenger window. A wider angled lens would probably have worked a little better but the result isn't as bad as I originally anticipated.

Nice one Syntax, now just replace the background with a straight mountain road in the Alps and your sorted! :lol:

Nice read on the previous post as well, it must have been great to have so many influences around the family.
I like the moving shot, I know how difficult it can be to get moving shots without the whole thing blurring to death! Have you tried combining a long exposure with a flash for moving car shots yet? I love images taken like that 👍
Thanks for all comments guys.

SweetshopUnion, Cheers, I like that idea. I might have to go for a scenic drive now. 👍

Thanks Moglet, there was a fair bit of vibration, I lost probably two thirds of all the shots I took. Letting off a strobe would actually probably improve the likely hood of getting a sharp interior shot. Thanks for the suggestion, I might have to give it a go later this week.

GTP_Grenade, thanks dude. Appreciate the comments. Here is another Harley shot. This one is not as flash as the Destroyer but I had some time to play around with it so I had a chance to set it up in a decent location and get the lighting on it properly.

VRSCA pre-production model:

Thanks dude. Appreciate the feedback. I played around a bit with it in ps and this was the result... looks almost studio :lol:

Thanks for the feedback guys. 👍 It is amazing what a few minutes of cleaning up in photoshop can do.
Thanks mate, I'm looking forward to spending some time playing with it over the weekend :D I was actually gunning for a 1Ds MkII but I got such a good offer on the 5D with an L lens that I simply couldn't pass it up.
I like the shot in post 74.

Thanks TVR. 👍

On another note, I've finally taken the 5D and my new 70-200 f/4 L out of their boxes, fantastic stuff. I'm looking forward to taking them out for a spin over the weekend... if the weather holds.
Thanks semilife :)

I haven't had a chance to build a new boom yet (hopefully this weekend if I get time) but one of the guys at work said he's keen to head out with me for a quick go with the painter's pole. I had to basically hold the camera the entire time as the pole flexed way too much. This caused some major issues with getting sharp image and since I was so damn worried about the camera, I didn't get a chance to concentrate on getting the lighting right.

We’ll be giving it ago again with this car in a few weeks time (in a new location) so keep an eye out for take two.... fingers crossed that it’s more successful.



Last shot is sexy. Love the PP, though that speck of dust is annoying me. :)
2nd and 3rd shot are really nice Syntax. Even while your worrying about the camera your shots are great. 👍. Can't wait to see more.
Loving the bike shots on the last page, a real professional feel to them. The rig shots are nice too, should be excellent once they become slightly more sharp. Good work and keep it up!
Thanks for all the feedback guys.

I've just ordered a ND filter as I sorely need one. Hopefully I can get some better lit rig shots happening soon.

Oh and I think I might need to clean my
I actually like the first shot the best. It's much more creative than the others, I think. I love it's grain. I wouldn't change it at all. It's perfect. The second one is also very good. ^^

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