I've been meaning to comment here for quite some time now, epecially since you've been doing motorsport shots too.
I love all the shots you have here, they all have some action or something going on to draw the viewer in. Your panning shots are, I would say pretty much perfect, especially the second to last one in the post above mine. 👍 I'm loving your PP at the minute looks very professional and gives your photographs a certain feeling to them. The only thing I would say is that in post #109 the last shot isn't particularly framed well, I don't know if you could crop it or something to make it better, other wise it would be a nice shot.
Concerning the hundreds of shots, well, welcome to motorsports! I seem to take loads of shots each time I set out onto a racing track, admitidly I have taken less at more recent events (Cadwell Park events mainly) due to the fact I'm shooting RAW but as soon as I get myself another memory card that will change again! I tend to go and process all of my shots and then see what I like best out of my selection and if theres any shots I'm unsure of then I put them on FlickR so then people can look if they want too.
Anyway great shots, hope to see more Motorsport work from you! You have a knack for it! 👍