Syntax's Gallery - Updated 09/08/2011 some boring couples shots... no cars here :(

Very nice first take! I can't wait to see take two (clean sensor and all :D).

You mentioned that you've done advertisement work and I would have guessed that judging from the quality of your photos. The last image in the Peugeot series is amazing.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.

I was playing around with one of the shots that didn't turn out too blurry, anyway I thought I'd share a before & after image... There is still a little too much shadow on the bonnet, I might remove it later.



yep... super dirty sensor. I did clean it last night however so it's as good as new now.
Took a trip out to Oran Park raceway today. Seriously didn't realize it was only 15 minutes drive up the road from my house. I think I will be heading out there on a frequent basis from now on.

Anyway I went to take a few shots of the formula Vee series and to test out the 5D with the new 70-200 f/4 L but was treated to a few production car races as well. First time using AI servo mode as well which was pretty cool (although I might need a bit more practice with it). Here are only a few of the many shots I took...








Thanks for all the comments guys 👍 greatly appreciate it.

SweetshopUnion, yeah I was pretty lucky (the driver not so much) that it occurred right when I was following the car with the lens, I saw it go into a tank slap as it came around the corner at the top of the hill and well... the pictures tell the rest of the story.

Here is another quick one that I've been working on today: (this Lotus smashed all the Porsches in the Sports Production class).

Thanks S-Line Audi Fan 👍 Appreciate the feedback.

Here is another shot from the track day. This guy was in the same group as the lotus, but somewhere in the middle of the pack. I just finished processing the shot so I thought I'd share:

Testing out the slightly improved boom, still alot of flex in it but a little better than before. I just tested it on my car, but next week I'll be re-shooting the S2000 again.

Anyway, here is one of the better shots from today.

Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. I'm still not entirely happy with the rig, but it's getting better with each attempt.
Was out at the Formula Xtreme bike series at Eastern Creek Raceway. Here is just a very small batch of the hundreds of shots from just the few hours I spent out there.






Thanks for the comments guys. It was great fun. I will definitely be making an effort to head out to more bike races. Far harder to get good clean panning shots with the bikes as apposed to shooting cars, but really satisfying getting that good shot. Also I found that the shot seem to have more of a feeling of action in them.

Here is another shot from the day:

Been going through the remainder of the shots from last weekend and I thought I'd post up a few more. These ones aren't as visually interesting but I do love the clarity and crispness of the 5D so I thought I'd share.






I've been meaning to comment here for quite some time now, epecially since you've been doing motorsport shots too.

I love all the shots you have here, they all have some action or something going on to draw the viewer in. Your panning shots are, I would say pretty much perfect, especially the second to last one in the post above mine. 👍 I'm loving your PP at the minute looks very professional and gives your photographs a certain feeling to them. The only thing I would say is that in post #109 the last shot isn't particularly framed well, I don't know if you could crop it or something to make it better, other wise it would be a nice shot.

Concerning the hundreds of shots, well, welcome to motorsports! I seem to take loads of shots each time I set out onto a racing track, admitidly I have taken less at more recent events (Cadwell Park events mainly) due to the fact I'm shooting RAW but as soon as I get myself another memory card that will change again! I tend to go and process all of my shots and then see what I like best out of my selection and if theres any shots I'm unsure of then I put them on FlickR so then people can look if they want too.

Anyway great shots, hope to see more Motorsport work from you! You have a knack for it! 👍
Hey Syntax very nice set of action shots posted recently. Quick question the azp logo in bottom right corner of recent pics, is that your company logo?
Thanks Adam, appreciate the feedback. 👍 Been working hard trying out different pp techniques so that I end up with something just a little different from the rest of the crowd.

semilife, Thanks mate, I didn't really have a company logo but I designed it as more of a watermark so people can recognize my shots easily, but I suppose that's exactly what a logo is :lol: so yeah I guess it is now.
Thanks S-Line Audi Fan.

Now for some general ramblings….

Well a few of you seem pretty interested in seeing some of the stuff I get up to so I thought I’d give you all a bit of an idea on what type of mayhem my weekends are usually like, this one will be especially busy for me.

Saturday is going to be general mayhem as I will be heading out to Oran Park Raceway early in the morning to cover the Historic Sports and Racing Car Associations trial events. Afternoon is reserved to attend the Imaging technology Show (I would recommend this for any Sydney-siders that are interested in photography) and then to squeeze in some time with my wife (before she kills me for neglecting her).

I was hoping to have a good sleep in on Sunday before heading out to spend the day with family for lunch but I got a call from a few mates that are racing in the Formula Xtreme TT series and they will be out on track at Eastern Creek in the morning so now I will be up at the crack of dawn (probably freezing) at the track after which I will probably have to do a mad dash so that I’m not late for lunch!

I don’t think I will get to process any shots over the weekend but if I do get to squeeze in a little time, I’ll post up a few shots.

On another note, one of my mates at work is upgrading his old Canon EOS 50E 35mm camera to a 450D and he graciously gave it to me for free as he was just going to trash it anyway. The latch on the back is broken (nothing a bit of electrical tape can’t fix) and it needed a new battery. Anyway, I’ve been inspired of late to take it out, so I decided that I will attach one of the L’s on it this weekend and take it to the track as well. I’m kind of excited to see what results I’ll get from a film camera, as it has been years since I have really used one.
All I know is film SLRs. I have used them alot when I tour oversees. They were my parents (both architects and interested in photography). I am considering a Nikon DSLR (more lenses to use :sly:) and I'd be lying if this gallery didn't help to inspire me to get back into photography.

Epic stuff man - all of it, just awesome 👍
Thanks 80Y 2C2. I'm glad you feel inspired by my work. 👍

I was brought up on film as well originally but I haven’t really had a chance to use it for a few years now as digital is just so convenient. I think that’s partly the reason I’m excited about taking this rig for a spin on the weekend, it’s going to be a nice challenge.
ok ok i know im slow, i just stumbled upon here.

All i can say is WOW. Great panning work. Love the post processing touch you add too. These photo's almost look "Tourist Trophy-like".

One thing im not sure about is the excessive fake vignetting
My favourite here is definately bike 131, the angle, speed sensation and PP is spot on, mabye the vignetting is slightly excessive as Bubble Bunny said but everyone does that at some point. 👍

I'm looking forward to your film work too, I'd love to do some shots with film but I've never used one before so I don't think I'll have the money to waste developing rolls while I learn.
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Thanks guys, I like vignetting but I think you guys are right, I may well have over done it a little too much this time.

I ended up ditching the photo imaging expo as there where some massive delays at the race track today, ended up sitting around for 3 hours waiting for the racing to get underway. Oh well I think I would have just been tempted to buy more camera junk if I'd have gone anyway. :lol:

This (on the plus side) gave me time to drop into my local printers and get a roll of film developed that I took to the track today. Got to say that it was bloody hard, I felt blind not being able to look at the screen and see immediately if my shot was any good. I did take a lot of digital images as well, but I don't have time to process them tonight so I'll post a few of those up at a later date.

Here are a few of the "decent" shots I got off from the historic races today in film:




