T&L racing - OPEN EVENTS

  • Thread starter Marchbrown

Race time - wednesday race series - whats your choice?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Attention all, the event's hour has changed and is now 22.00 GMT. I hope Jukka may be able to attend now! :)

Other important infos:

1 - One hour before the event marchbrown will open the lounge and will host two warm up races where people can test the car, settings, check the stability of the lounge, whatever else needed to make the event run smoothly.

These events will be:
Pre race 1: Arganil up side down
Track: Tokyo reverse
Quali: 10 min
Race: 7 laps - no pit
Weather: sunny

Pre race 2: Arganil at trial
Track: Trial Mountain
Quali: 10 min
Race: 7 laps - no pit
Weather: sunny

So, from 21.00 GMT tomorrow just look for marchbrown's lounge! Meet you there! :)
RACE SATURDAY No 8 - The Italian Job



Time: Saturday 04.06.11 at 21:00 GMT - 30 min qualifying

Track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Weather: Sunny only
Race admin: Warren

Duration: 40 laps roughly xx minutes of driving + qualifying
Pitstops: 1 mandatory pitstop required between lap 20 & 39

Post your name to take part in the race.


Alfa Romeo Giula TZ2
Bhp limit: 230 bhp - 98,4% power limit
Weight : 620 kg
Performance points: 539
Tyres: Sports soft


* ABS 0

The use of the Green Area at the start and end of the last chicane Can be used.All other chicanes Green Areas can not be used.


the Car
Built at Carlo Chiti's Autodelta, the TZ2 benefited from the engineer's experience as well as a strong relationship with Alfa Romeo and it's president Giuseppi Luraghi. Encouraged by the sucess of the TZ1, also built by Autodelta, Alfa Romeo purchased the firm to take over its competition wing.

The newely reformed Autodelta became responsible for all of Alfa Romeo's race development and team management. One of their first jobs was upgrade the TZ1, a lightwight, spaceframe race car, into a more lighter, lower and more powerful machine for factory racing. So the team at Autodelta, which included Carlo Chiti, Oarzio Satta and Guisseppe Busso, took the TZ1 and transformed it into what many have called a 'mini Ferrari GTO'.

The racing career of the TZ2, while brief, was very successful. In 1966 the car ran in five international events, of which it took first class every time. Autodelta did take a stab at LeMans in 1965, but none of the three cars managed to finish.

Due to their high cost, only 12 to 14 original TZ2s were manufactured. Many of the old TZ1 cars were upgraded which further complicates the issue of just how many TZ2s were created. Two particularly interesting chassis were sent to Bertone and Pininfarina to flirt with the idea of what a road going version might look like. The Canguro by Bertone was a magnificent piece, but far to expensive to produce.....



According to Top Gear's highly spurious and questionable scientific knowledge, playing car racing games for hours makes you an 88 per cent better human being. And a better driver.
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Because of race time questions Ive added a poll to out thread. I also wonder to expand our race saturdays to be held every saturday. If we do I suggest to fill these new dates with race series. Atm Im thinking about 3 series:
1. Raising the bond series - will take 3 race evenings
2. GT500 / GT300 series - will take 10 race evenings
3. Last but probably the one that would make the most fun - a TEAM race series.

Id like your feedback on this.
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Because of race time questions Id added a poll to out thread. I also wonder to expand our race saturdays to be held every saturday. If we do I suggest to fill these new dates with race series. Atm Im thinking about 3 series:
1. Raising the bond series - will take 3 race evenings
2. GT500 / GT300 series - will take 10 race evenings
3. Last but probably the one that would make the most fun - a TEAM race series.

Id like your feedback on this.

Last nights team event was excellent fun, I'd love to see something like that running again. Big thanks to you guys for organising it :cheers:
Because of race time questions Ive added a poll to out thread. I also wonder to expand our race saturdays to be held every saturday. If we do I suggest to fill these new dates with race series. Atm Im thinking about 3 series:
1. Raising the bond series - will take 3 race evenings
2. GT500 / GT300 series - will take 10 race evenings
3. Last but probably the one that would make the most fun - a TEAM race series.

Id like your feedback on this.

Hey Jon, 👍

I'd love to take part but 9pm kick off rules it out for me as I have to be up at 5am for work and by 9.30pm I'm thinking about bed because I'm no good without a proper nights sleep... getting old now :scared:

Either way you've set up a great series here and I hope you all have fun. 👍
Team event series:

To take part in the T&L Team event series you will need to follow these steps:

1. Post your name and co drivers name. Mark the post TES.

Apr - Team event series - Matt - 02.04.11
Apr - Team event series - Rune - 16.04.11
May - Team event series - Bjørn - 14.05.11
May - Team event series - Warren - 28.05.11
Jun - 24hrs team event series, NS - Jon - 25.06.11

1st place - 20 points
2 - 15 p
3 - 11 p
4 - 8 p
5 - 6 p
6 - 5 p
7 - 4 p
8 - 3 p

Fastest Lap - 1 p
Pole Position - 1 p
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I had music for the intro (grid scene) . A very EPIC music I might add. But Youtube took it away due to copyright issues so I replaced it with generic music YT provides :indiff:

Hope you like this anyway. :)
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Right, this is long overdue, but ever since Saturday night I didn’t have the proper time to sit and think about a decent writeup for our event. But if had just two words for what happened last Saturday night I would describe it as: “SIMPLY AWESOME”!

But of course I have more than two words to describe this. Let’s start with the – very impressive – lineup of top gtplanet drivers attending (well, if you don’t count me LOL).

Driver1 – marchbrown
Driver 2 - GTP_JvM

Driver 1 – Theewar
Driver 2 - GTP_Tzayed

Driver 1 - GTP_Hun
Driver 2 – GTP_Synwraith

Driver 1 - GTP_Stealthwinnr
Driver 2 – GTP_Graffen_T-L

Driver 2 – D34NO_33

Driver 1: GTP_PASM
Driver 2: GTP_spyrrari1

Driver1: GTP_DGiant2000
Driver2: GT5rs_Wayne

Sadly, we lost Wayne (first) and Stealthwinnr (later) during the race, and that effectively put a premature end to their team’s races, therefore classified 7th and 6th.

Now, a lap-by-lap account of the race.

Lap1 - was a bit messy for all but Theewar (2.07,528) and GTP_PASM (2.11,229). All others hit problems, after all pack racing is not easy and even if you don’t do mistakes you can be seriously hampered by other’s mistakes. Yours truly, although with a very poor 2.18,674 in this first lap, managed to jump from 6th to 3rd, after the drivers above mentioned. Not bad or so I thought ;)

Lap2 - witnessed the beginning of the lightning speeds at the front, with both Theewar and PASM hitting 2.05 times. I was 3rd and did a poor 2.09 … marchbrown breathing on my neck did a 2.10.

Lap3 - while PASM in second repeats a 2.05, Theewar shows who’s boss and manages a 2.04 … he was flying away from everyone else. As for me … oh well, marchbrown got me and my 3rd place. Third fastest in this lap was GTP_STealthwinnr, with a 2.10. And he was 5th, now behind me in 4th. We were quite busy fighting among ourselves, that much I remember LOL

Lap 4 – By the end of this lap, the “shuffle” between drivers started. Theewar in 1st, PASM in 2nd, and FINGERSANDTHUMBS in 6th, decide it’s time to pit. Theewar was so much in front after just 4 race laps that his team mate (GTP_Tzayed) manages to leave pit lane right in front of the pack of the so far three fighters for 3rd place: marchbrown, myself and GTP_Stealthwinnr. Running order than becomes: 1st – GTP_Tzayed; 2nd – marchbrown; 3rd – GTP_Hun; 4th GTP_Stealthwinnr; 5th GTP_spyrrari1; 6th GTP_DGiant2000; 7th D34NO_33

Lap 5 – Marchbrown managed to overtake GTP_Tzayed during this lap but his lead didn’t last long because he also (as me, GTP_Stealthwinnr and GTP_DGiant2000) had to pit. So, GTP_Tzayed recovered the lead, followed by GTP_spyrrari1. Since I managed to overtake marchbrown in the pits … :D … GTP_Synwraith rejoined the track in 3rd position!

Lap 6 – Nothing special happens in this lap, all #2 drivers are on track now doing their first stint. Running order is now:
1st – GTP_Tzayed
2nd – GTP_spyrrari1
3rd – GTP_Synwraith
4th – GTP_JvM
5th – GTP_Graffen
6th – D34NO_33
7th – GT5rs-Wayne

Lap 7 – GTP_Synwraith is now the fastest driver on the track, quickly closing on GTP_spyrrari and GTP_Tzayed. Not enough to gain positions though, the only change in this lap is made by D34NO_33, he overtook GT_Graffen from 6th to 5th

Lap 8 – All drivers keep “at it”, but GTP_spyrrari1 pits (making his team be the first to do it twice). GTP_PASM returns the car to the track in 4th place, behind Tzayed, Synwraith and JvM.

Lap 9 – Now Tzayed and Graffen pit also, thus making Theewar and Stealthwinnr start also their second stints. Team strategy is slowly becoming a major issue in the race now, and clearly the positions on the track have now become a mere indicator of what’ REALLY happening. Anyway, the running order is now this:
1st – GTP_Synwraith
2nd – GTP_JvM
3rd – Theewar
4th – GTP_PASM
5th – D34NO_33
6th – GTP_Stealthwinnr
7th – GT5rs_Wayne

Lap 10 – And the order is again shuffled. GTP_Synwraith, GTP_ JvM, D34N0_33 and GT5rs_Wayne also pit. Theewar and PASM return to 1st and 2nd places, but the “chasing” teams of Jon/JvM and Hun/Synwraith benefited from the excellent “Driver #2” stints and are very close to the leaders now. Stealthwinnr, Fingers and DGiant2000 fell back a bit though …

Lap 11 – Drama hits the race, Theewar crashes heavily, spins and while trying to regain the track he loses not only the lead to PASM, but also 2nd place to me. Marchbrown is 4th, Fingers 5th, Stealthwinnr 6th and DGiant 7th.

Lap 12 – Head down and doing his best, Theewar his – by far – the fastest man on the track with a 2.04 … gaining two full seconds against both PASM (1st) and me (2nd), we both doing a 2.06 lap. All others keep their positions.

Lap 13 – PASM pits, I become race leader, Theewar gains two more seconds and is now all over my rear view mirror … I’m losing my tyres … oh boy oh boy … I’ll stay out another lap, trying to make life harder for Warren and easier for my team mate !

Lap 14 – Well, I suck at this when it really matters. Tyres worn out, Warren goes by and I … CRASH … I don’t lose 2nd position, but my “I’m not fast so I’ll try to be consistent” looked a bit flawed by now …. Meanwhile we have in this lap our first casualty, Wayne disappears and that means DGiant, without a team mate, can no longer keep on racing. We’re one team down now! In this very eventful lap, marchbrown, Stealthwinnr … and myself … we all pit and our team mates hit the track for a second time.

Lap 15 – Nothing special happens in this lap, Theewar and Spyrrari are 1st and 2nd, then Synwraith, and JvM. Fingers pits in 5th for D34NO’s second stint, Graffen remains last, in 6th position.

Lap 16 – Theewar pits finally and again a blistering fast pace from him allowed Adam to regain the track in the lead. Nothing else changes.

Lap 17 – spyrrari’s turn to pit, they are doing shorter stints and this means that PASM is about to start his LAST stint (or so he thought … ) only one lap after Theewar – also a driver 1 - finished his second one. It seems tyre management can indeed play a role in this race. PASM regained the track in 4th place, behind Synwraith (2nd) and JvM (3rd).

Mid-race reached! Time, maybe, for a little recap! So, we have:

1 - Theewar/GTP_Tzayed – race leaders. Theewar completed two stints, Adam is doing his second. Theewar is giving a show of fast driving, but made one costly mistake. They made a short first stint, and apparently bigger middle stints are the option. Tzayed, freshly returned to GT5 and with little knowledge of the track, is holding his ground and keeping the car up there.

2 – GTP_Hun/GTP_Synwraith – Maz is Maz, he delivers and has been doing it this race also. As for me, well, not at all bad, but a stupid mistake could’ve and should’ve been avoided. Second place is nice, we are definitely in contention. We did longer first stints than the leaders, but shorter second stints.

3 – marchbrown/GTP_JvM – Fast but hard to drive car, a difficult first stint for marchbrown, this team is made of two very fast drivers, not used to give up. No mistakes allowed, these boys mean business and want to win. Funnily, they did so far exactly the same pit strategy as we did.

4 – GTP_PASM/GTP_Spyrrari1 – PASM’s performance was nothing short of jaw –dropping (and his best lap was yet to come). He was immediately on the pace, and in the second half he did in fact do the best lap of all the race. Considering the length of the track, and that it was entirely new to him … it was an amazing performance. Spyrrari’s performance was also very good, but in spy's case he clearly didn’t feel at ease with the car/track combo as quickly. In any case, a very solid performance from this team. Was to be expected, but its always nice to see quality driving from the usual suspects.

5 – FINGERSANDTHUMBS/D34NO_33 – This team had a very hard time in this race. Not only their car was not an easy one (although it had the best sound, hands down), but their main problem was that for some reason their tire supplier took the wrong spec of tyres to the track (racing hard instead of medium). All things considered, their pace was amazing. To get 2.08 laps with hard tyres … in a Ford GT … is not something I thought possible!

6 – GTP_Stealthwinnr/GTP_Graffen_T-L – Again in this team we had a mix. Both drivers are GT5P veterans, GTR Evolution veterans, and very evenly matched. Both were also returning to online serious activities and neither knew the track. Apparently, Stealthwinnr - being immediately on the pace - adapted quicker than Graffen. In any case, Graffen got better with each stint he did and he, the greatest “It’s only a game” philosophical player I know, didn’t seem too bothered anyway.

7 – GTP_DGiant2000 / GT5rs_Wayne - Wayne simply didn’t know the track, in fact he wasn’t supposed to take part in the race itself, he would just drive the pace car to lead the installation laps . But Dgiant’s team mate (GTP_Eriba) couldn’t connect to the lobby so Wayne accepted this last minute job, only way that would make it possible for DGiant to take part. Fair play to you Wayne! Sadly … the team had his race cut short also when Wayne himself lost connection. So … we never got to see what some mileage could do to them.

To be continued …
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I'm honored to dedicate my 300th post to this amazing race!
All I can say about this race (and your YouTube video and write-up for that matter, Mario):

It was...


Wait for it



To celebrate this I shot some pictures from the start of the race. 👍

LEGENDS of ARGANIL: starting grid by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

Formation lap with the #1 drivers by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

The pack of #2 drivers making their way to the pits by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

Shot of DGiant through the high speed banked corner by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

The final formation coming up the hill by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

Hurtling down the hill, race start is not far away by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

Formation flying through the last corner by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

AND WE'RE OFF! by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

Race time! by GTP_PASM, on Flickr

Theewar leads from marchbrown and DGiant by GTP_PASM, on Flickr​
Part II

Quick recap of race positions by the end of lap 17

Driver in car --- GTP_Tzayed (Team's driver #2)

Driver in car - GTP_Synwraith (Team's driver #2)

3rd - HONDA MOBIL 1 NSX Team
Driver in car - GTP_JvM (Team's driver #2)

Driver in car - GTP_PASM (Team's driver #1)

5th - FORD GT LM SPec II Team
Driver in car - D34NO_33 (Team's driver #2)

Driver in car - GTP_Graffen_T-L (Team's driver #2)

Out of the Race - Technical problems

... resuming ...

Lap 18 – Since this is an outlap for PASM, I would’t under normal circumstances mention it. However … this stint (supposedly PASM’s latest) proved to be the most amazing of all. And it started in this very outlap. PASM did an astounding 2.11.469, by far the fastest outlap of the entire race. Tzayed was leading, Synwraith hunting him hard, JvM on his tail (fastest guy in this lap with a 2.07) … D34NO also excels himself in this moment, extracting a 2.08 from the Ford GT, with Graffen still close to him in sixth position. A nice battle might be brewing here!

Lap 19 – Synwrath pits, and again JvM follows him into pitlane. These two teams did an entire race nose-to-tail, regardless of what drivers were in their cars. And PASM regains 2nd position in style, doing the fastest lap of the entire race in this lap of his most ferocious stint. 2.03,284 !!!! D34NO again does a 2.08, and is now managing to put some distance between him and Bjorn. Great show! Tzayed doesn’t try to be the fastest on track, instead he’s caring for the car, not making mistakes and calmly holding his ground in 1st position

Lap 20 – D34NO pits, PASM does again a great lap (2.05), Tzayed keeps his pace but the main news is that Stealthwinnr lost his connection :ouch: . Graffen is still on the track, but without a teammate to hand over the car when his stint finishes, he is forced to retire. A sad end for their effort ... :indiff:

Lap 21 – The battle between the FAIRLADY Z, now driven by me, and the MOBIL 1 NSX, now driven by marchbrown, peaks in this stint. In this lap I lose the 3rd place to him, with both doing 2.07 laps (Hun-2.07,394 – marchbrown 2.07,012).
In other news, PASM is again with a out-of-this-world pace, doing a 2.05 for a second consecutive lap and now coming very close to Tzayed. Fingers does his outlap, but with the retirement of Graffen/Stealthwinnr’s car, this team’s race is now only about getting the car to the finish line, they’re too far back to realistically think of reaching 4th place.

Lap 22- And Adam finally pits from a very long stint of six full laps. PASM pitted also, with just 5 laps in. It is now apparent this team will hit problems by the end of the race. Just keep this in mind:

TOYOTA CASTROL – Theewar (Driver 1) is now starting his last stint
FAIRLADY Z – Hun (Driver 1) is doing his last stint
MOBIL 1 NSX – marchbrown (Driver 1) is doing his last stint
FORD GT – Fingersandthumbs (Driver 1) is doing is last stint

All these teams have one pitstop yet to do.
But PASM is Driver 1 from his XANAVI NISMO team. And he already ended his (supposed) last stint. Will spyrrari, now in 1st position, be able to manage the car until the end of the race and take the victory home?

Stay tuned … :)
Great work Mario and an excellent post match report.

I look forward to the next instalment .

The track , The car , The level of driving was all top class.

Thanks for a very entertaining and well thought out evenings racing.
Thanks Mat! :)

And now to end this ... the final laps recap!

Lap 23 – Ok, everything happening from now on and until last race-lap (that’ll be lap 28) is very fast-paced. In this lap we have:
1st – marchbrown in the MOBIL 1 NSX, closely followed by …
2nd – GTP_Hun in the FAIRLADY Z LM, closely followed by …
3rd – Theewar in the CASTROL SUPRA, doing his outlap, followed not-so-closely by …
4th – GTP_spyrrari1 in the XANAVI NISMO Z, doing his outlap also, and already a long distance away …

However, all cars have still to go to the pits ONCE. All? No, not spyrrari. So, although the XANAVI NISMO Z is in 4th place, he is still very much a strong candidate for the race win … If his tires last the distance that is …

Lap 24 – The board is set, the pieces start falling into place. Marchbrown pits in this lap, and I pit also. Again, the MOBIL NSX crew doesn’t act as quickly as ours and Synwraith leaves the pits in 3rd place, while JvM is on his tail in 4th place. Theewar leads, and he does his BEST LAP of the entire race here (final push to a awesome 2.04,070:crazy: 👍 ) but he must pit before the end, that much we know ...

Running order now –
1st - Theewar
2nd – spyrrari
3rd - Synwraith
4th - JvM
5th - FingersandThumbs

Lap 25 – And so it happens! Theewar, in his TOYOTA CASTROL car that took the race lead for more laps than any other car so far, pits with 3 laps to go and despite his best efforts, the late charge of the NISMO Z, FAIRLADY Z and NSX teams allows the first of them to take the lead, and both the FAIRLADY and the NSX are right behind. Amazingly, in the last few rounds we face again a situation of pack-racing! :scared: . Fingers also pits and hands the beautiful FORD over to D34NO for a last time!

So, Tzayed leaves the pits in 2nd place and this leader change is the first “dramatic”end of race moment. Wouldn’t be the last though … :sly:

Running order now –
1st – GTP_spyrrari1
2nd – GTP_Tzayed
3rd – GTP_Synwraith
4th - GTP_JvM
5th – D34NO_33

Lap 26 – In this lap, several very important things happening. First, Synwraith managed to overtake Tzayed,still doing his outlap in cold tires, and assumed second place. And then … the BIG moment came when Spyrrari, already 4 laps into his stint and eventually losing a bit of grip with every corner he took, eventually lost control of his car in the most twisty section of the track, and this triggered a series of events, like this:
1 – Synwraith put his great skill to use in the “avoiding trouble” department and went through to the lead unharmed.
2 – Adam, second to hit the danger zone, already clouded, wasn’t so lucky and directly hit spy’s car, losing not only time in the process, but another race position, this time to JvM.
3 – The flying NSX driver and finn goes up from 4th to 2nd and after what must have been a scary moment, resumed his hunt for the lead, chasing Synwraith!

Running order now –
1st- GTP_Synwraith
2nd - GTP_JvM
3rd – GTP_Tzayed
4th – GTP_spyrrari1
5th – D34NO_33

PS - To fully understand what happened in this lap, it needs to be said that Synwraith did a 2.06,702 lap, JvM a 2.08,248, Tzayed a 2.20,747 and spyrrari a 2.30,251. D34NO meanwhile, was on his own doing an outlap calmy at the back.

Lap 27 (penultimate lap) – Spyrrari, with his tires now shot after 5 laps and all the spinning and rubber-burning from the crash he had, probably unware that he was starting his last lap, or possibly too downhearted to keep at it (remember, he was the race leader with 2 laps to go), decided to pit at the end of this lap. Truth be told, no race position was now at stake (the three front runners were out of his reach by now, and the FORD GT was doing a lonely race in D34NO’s hands, almost a full lap behind). While Tzayed also looks conformed with third place, the race for the win gets hotter though between the leading FAIRLADY (driven by Synwraith) and the chasing NSX (driven by JvM). Synwraith does a respectably fast 2.06,851, but JvM decides this the time for ALL or NOTHING and clocks his (and his team’s) best lap in the entire race with a impressive 2.05,080 !!! :ill:

Both cars, 2 seconds apart from each other, roar into the main straight ENTERING THE LAST LAP. Yours truly, from the pit wall, could only watch and bite his nails … :nervous: :dopey:

Running order now –
1st- GTP_Synwraith
2nd – GTP_ JvM … 2.314 secs
3rd – GTP_Tzayed
4th – GTP_PASM
5th – D34NO_33

Lap 28 (LAST LAP) – And so the race, as all races, comes to an end. And WHAT AN END! JvM is pushing like never … ( “his tires must be suffering” I thought/hoped ;) ), getting closer and closer. Split one goes through … Split two is passed … they’re entering the hilly, twisty, devilishly tricky section that saw almost all “happenings” in this race, from almost all drivers (yes, me too, go check lap 14 …. ) and then ... I see it my screen …. JUKKA’S LITLE ARROW SPINNING !!!!!!!!! It’s a FAIRLADY WIN !!!!! WOWOWOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!! :) 👍 :cheers: :D :sly: :cheers: :gtplanet: :dopey:

(… ahem …. sorry … I’ll resume the commentator’s role now … )

So, Jukka finally had his off, didn’t lose second place though, and Synwraith brought the car home to a well deserved win by the FAIRLADY TEAM, followed very closely and battling throughout the entire race with the NSX MOBIL 1 TEAM. :cheers:

Special mention to the TOYOTA CASTROL Team, race leader for so long, to the XANAVI NISMO Z Team, very unlucky in the end, to the FORD GT TEAM, some epic, although to the end lonely driving from them (in fact, D34NO did his and the team’s best lap in the last lap, managing a awesome 2.07,633 lap!!!)

And of course, great shame that the other two GTR teams didnd’t make it to the end. Special mention to them though, (Stealthwinnr / Graffen / DGiant / Wayne ) for the sportsmanship revealed by just sticking around with us until the very end!

My closing words. Im very proud of this event (it shows, I know), and I feel that way not because of belonging to the winning team (it’s a nice feeling though ;) ), but because it was possible to achieve this with a group of friends and fellow racers of the highest quality. I truly don’t think GT5 online can really get much better than this.

Thank you all, T&Lers, SCCers, friends and fellow racers !


(team points are equally divided among each of the team's drivers)


1st - FAIRLADY Z LM Team - 24 T&Ls
2nd - MOBIL 1 NSX Team - 22 T&Ls
3rd - CASTROL TOM'S SUPRA Team - 20 T&Ls
4th - XANAVI NISMO Z Team - 18 T&Ls
5th - FORD GT LM SPEC II Team - 16 T&Ls
6th - YELLOWHAT GT-R Team - 14 T&Ls
7th - XANAVI/YELLOWHAT Team - 12 T&Ls


GTP_Hun - 12 T&Ls
GTP_Synwraith - 12 T&Ls
marchbrown - 11 T&Ls
GTP_JvM - 11 T&Ls
Theewar - 10 T&Ls
GTP_Tzayed - 10 T&Ls
GTP_spyrrari1 - 9 T&Ls
D34NO_33 - 8 T&Ls
GTP_Stealthwinnr - 7 T&Ls
GTP_Graffen_T-L - 7 T&Ls
GT5rs_Wayne - 6 T&Ls
DGiant2000 - 6
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Great write up Mario. You can do one for every race weekend now.

You wish :lol: when I started I thought "...well, it's a small race, it would be nice to do a lap-by-lap account ..." 💡

A few (many) :ill: moments later ... I came to the conclusion that lap-by-lap accounts are NOT a good idea after all! :crazy:

Excellent write up, pics and video Mario and Bart 👍 Despite my teams problems, I thoroughly enjoyed the event and will be looking to find a partner to participate again, epic fun :cheers:
Fantastic event, a wonderful evening and a truly excellent write up. Your passion and enthusiasm for team racing and this event permeates through your write-up and your simply brilliant Arganil circuit :bowdown:

It was a pleasure to race with you, sirs.

All the best
Fantastic Write up 👍

And Huge fun with that new type of event, real congratulations to all who participated.

As I said, I just discovered the track & event while I connected to your Lobby just before the warm up races and was not really supposed to take part as I was just learning this GREAT track and was way behind anyone and a little :nervous: about not being able to compete.

As Eriba had connection problem, I was pleased to help and join DGiant team.

As I explained last night, I didn't get disconected during the race but has like a freeze as Eriba quit or was disconected from the lobby and just found myself alone on the track :scared:

First I thought everybody was disconected but as I could hear you, I just discovered that you all were still racing your way, and I alone was going on my lonely race ????

Anyway that was a great event, a bit frustrating for me at the end but that's part of the Online joys 👍
Fun on the Run

10.03.11 22.30 GMT

Track: Fun on the Run
Weather: Sunny only
Race admin: Jon

Duration: 10 laps roughly 30 minutes of driving + qualifying
Pitstops: 1 mandatory pitstop required between laps 5 & 9


GT 300
Bhp limit: 320
Weight : >1100 kg
Tyres: Sports soft

* NO AIDS - ABS 1According to Top Gear's highly spurious and questionable scientific knowledge, playing car racing games for hours makes you an 88 per cent better human being. And a better driver.
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Results bavarian legends lap 28

1st Jukka
2nd Jon
3rd Warren
4th Mat
5th Deano
6th Laurent
7th Volcano
8th Bjørn
9th Matt -DC
10th Stig -DC
11th Rune -DC
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Looks like some of us will have problems with the car choice of tonight. Ill suggest the use of the regular Merc 190E for those who havent got the DTM.
RACE WEDNESDAY No 9 - Massively over-engineeredOPEN T&L EVENT

Mercedes 190E 2,5 -16 EVO2 Touring,92
Bhp limit: 437
Weight : 980 kg ????
Tyres: Race hard

I got my stoc Merc a little to late, but i have it now.
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Good racing yesterday guys 👍 I had really fun and even if i had no traffic it wasnt boring one sec! I really felt the preasure from both theewar and fingersandthumbs all the way to the finnish:D

And i must say im very impressed by your consistency and speed with no ABS Warren 👍

See you guys on track:)

Edit: I watched bits of the replay of yesterdays race and when I tried to watch one of you guys from onboard cam then it was very laggy... is that normal?
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Good racing yesterday guys 👍 I had really fun and even if i had no traffic it wasnt boring one sec! I really felt the preasure from both theewar and fingersandthumbs all the way to the finnish:D

And i must say im very impressed by your consistency and speed with no ABS Warren 👍

See you guys on track:)

Edit: I watched bits of the replay of yesterdays race and when I tried to watch one of you guys from onboard cam then it was very laggy... is that normal?

To be fair I was not the only one with no ABS,Fingersandthumbs aka Mat was also running no ABS....A very good race right through to the end.Thanks to Bjorn for putting this event together. :)
Results added in the TDATM race.
Cool racing guys 👍 Maybe living up to its name too. :D

Thanks everyone who took part :cheers:
Nice racing in the TDATM! Had a nice "several laps long" battle with Fingers&Thumbs but it ended when my tyres went Kaput towards the final laps.

Did a BIG mistake going for a 1 pitstop strategy. Not that it would make much difference in the ending result, but definitely, it was a poor strategy call!
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