Same here. Oh well, it was a rush while it lasted.just got an email with a cancellation 15 mins after my confirmation
this here too i got no email but card chargedSo I ordered 2 but no confirmation email yet. My order history says nothing, but the card was charged.
Really hoping they honor this.
this here too i got no email but card charged
Well i have status pending. anyone else?
Just picked mine up at the store.
and also with youSame here. May Kaz be with you friend.
I own the Logitec Driving Force GT already, and have no need for 2 wheels.
Is the T500RS worth buying a new wheel alltogether for 150 and getting rid of my old one? Or is this a case of it was overpriced to begin with and the 75% off is just reverse sticker shock?
Anyone get cancelled after having status say routed?
i dropped it to 2, there are lots of good guys on here that deserve one if they are really available