Hi Mr Latte, just a personal observation, you are taking the tactile/immersion way, way, way over the top. You drove Berney Villers (Simcommander/SimVibe) inventor from this site. You tried telling him you were right and he was wrong. That he didn't know what he was talking about. Then that wasn't enough, you came over to iRacing forum, (Berney's stomping grounds) and you proceeded to tell him that you were right and he was wrong (again).
It got you banned from iRacing (which is rare). As Berney stated over their, you are on some kind of power trip where you are trying to impress. I've been at this for many years and have never seen such a debacle. Tactile immersion with SimVibe does not need to be complicated, an amp and a transducer. Low/mid/high end. Minimum amount of money or maximum amount of money. Personally the mid range is what I prefer.
For those that are serious about sim racing and tactile experience we are talking about PC's and SimVibe. My first setup was over 10 years ago, before SimVibe but I made it work. There is this myth that you need a expensive soundcard and big ticket amps and transducers to have a great system. This is not true, a cheap Dayton amp and Aura transducer is all you need. I did an article at iRacing on various options and in the next day or two I write it here.
Rodney, (Mr Latte) I suggested once to you and I will one more time, you don't need to reinvent the wheel, get your rig built and get out and race. There are many good racing games out there, so get strapped in and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Your very much incorrect on some of the things you say and how you present them Left888 and I know what I have managed to achieve from my own tactile journey. Yet I dont and never have stated I am an expert, others tend to do that and I generally feel uncomfortable with it.
@5 Years ago BV was challenged to show proof/test data that his SE model, performed better as he claimed it did. It is nothing close to resemble being labelled a "Re Design" as it was advertised. By adding acoustic foam which eventually compresses by the piston, does not quantify it being better even if it helped reduce the piston noise.
The debate sir was in how he was advertising it and he did not like being challenged on it. Nor did he appreciate when I opened 3 BK models to see their internals and discover what the only difference was. I dont like BS from companies it was nothing personal to BV but quite frankly he did not handle it well neither and things at the time escalated.
I have never tried to tell people that they need XYZ
to enjoy tactile. I have 43 pages of PMs on these forums alone mostly in dealing with helping people over the years for all budgets and types of tactile. Why, because I enjoyed doing it and the topic. I have probably helped promote/sell my fair share of his software and his shakers rather than be a thorn in his side.
My own interest then, as it still is.... Was to experiment and push the boundaries of what is possible with tactile. Im an enthusiast, so I didnt want to settle with average/normal. I enjoy futtering around with it as much as I do the racing or usage of it. Some people have a hard time understanding that. Having owned a great deal of various hardware over the years I was able to relate to differences and abilities of such hardware and experiment.
Ideally however, the person that is content and happy with what they have is likely happier than someone with much more and not content.
Your welcome to your own views of course but at least respect that some of us can have differing opinions and ideas nor necessarily like the whole way that BV went about Simvibe keeping so much of it unknown. Still today for many people, frustration and lack of proper understanding of its operation. No profiles produced by SimXperience, no attempt to teach people how to build or make good profiles.
I dont have to agree with BV, on all he says. Yet I can respect him for what he did achieve but I don't need to drop to name calling or slandering and making personal attacks. I dont need to be accused of potential reverse engineering of his software neither doing nothing wrong in connecting a soundcard output into a Digital Audio Interface.
Did I go beyond the average user and seek to understand Simvibe, yeah and likely more than most but not to spite the guy but to learn stuff about it as their was nothing detailed on its effects and operation. Like I said Im an enthusiast, we like to experiment...
As for i-racing, I was not banned from i-racing forums whatsoever. You have no right to say such false statement....
I just never played it much and even to this day havn't. Few people were interested in messing around with tactile @ iracing back then as most seemed happy to just go with budget options and were satisfied enough with them. Im not a dedicated racer and more of a casual gamer, so i-racing is hardly best suited for me.
Trust me when I tell you that different sound-cards have a good variation in the amplitude and signal strength they output. Just as using XLR and balanced cables is better than a $2 RCA off ebay. I know this as I can monitor the outputs directly on equipment and professional audio DAW software. Their is a BIG difference from . one end of the spectrum to the other. An Asus Essence compared to a 10$ USB soundcard in the intensity of their output are not similar.
Is it a big factor for the average user, not really as the person can increase the volume on an amp to compensate but the point you missed then, as you seem to still is that some people want "little gains were possible" to use "better" hardware options not just whats average. To them that care, its important. To those that don't, then it doesn't matter.
I have no problem with people buying an SMSL amp and set of Pucs with $30 soundcard. If they enjoy it, fair play to them. Its a different thing to say, buying better isnt any or much better. Just like BV says their isn't much performance difference with the majority of tactile. Something again him/I clash on, as its not what I personally have felt and experienced for myself.
Hes entitled to his opinion, Im entitled to mine, just as you are to yours
A while back I decided to stop posting here much and on other forums as I was spending too much time reading or responding to posts. I only really bother now with Race Department forums but yes still try to chat about tactile, help others and seek to push enjoyment of it beyond the norm.
Take Care