"Tag, you're it!" "... I'm what?"

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That's it. Society has failed.


Elementary school outlaws tag at recess

ATTLEBORO, Mass. Tag, you're out.

Students at Willett Elementary School in Attleboro can no longer play tag during recess. Same goes for touch football and other unsupervised "chasing" games.

The school's principal says there's too much risk of injury to children during games like tag.

Parents are divided.

Debbie Laferriere -- who has two children at the school -- says playing tag is part of being a kid. She tells the Sun-Chronicle of Attleboro that unsupervised games help children develop social skills that can be valuable later in life.

Other parents say it's ironic that schools are banning games like tag at a time of rising concern over childhood obesity.

But another parent, Celeste D'Elia, says she's witnessed a lot of "near collisions" between children and supports anything that makes the playground safer.
As people get smarter, they also get stupider. :rolleyes:

While we're at it, lets all start a petition banning the use of swings on playgrounds. They can result in serious hard the the swinger and/or those walking in and around the area of swing. Heck, lets also take away glue during art time, kids can eat it and even worse, get stuck to something.

1. Jjacks
British bulldogs was great, I used to play that all the time in priamry school, set me up for playing rugby in high school :lol:. It's all stupid banning gmaes, they'll be banning football soon because you may get hit by the ball.
Wow. That is pitiful, and why was this even considered rational thinking? Maybe they should get rid of lockers, they can trap little idiots who mess with bullies, or maybe stairs, you can fall down those, and ooh, how about not saying the kids names, what if you were to offend them by mis-pronouncing it? Gah, what morons.
Jesus. I can see them ban walking in schools as its too risky and the risk of getting injured is too high.
how about not saying the kids names, what if you were to offend them by mis-pronouncing it? Gah, what morons.
Actually....... For some reason I always get pissed off when people pronounce my name eev-en instead of ev-an.

British bulldogs was great, I used to play that all the time in priamry school, set me up for playing rugby in high school :lol:. It's all stupid banning gmaes, they'll be banning football soon because you may get hit by the ball.
Yeah British Bulldogs was awesome, and eventually led to us playing rugby on the yard. Not I'm all for rugby, but having a maul on concrete is always gonna end up with someone being crushed on the concrete.

And the primary school I used to go to, has now put big fencing around a yard so that the football won't hit other people. Except now the Yr3 have to play with the Yr6. Which seems to be even more trouble.
A lot of schools banned Red Rover for being dangerous (what's dangerous about clothes-lineing little kids? I mean, come on!). That was smart. Banning tag is stupid. If you ask me, children need more minor injuries (which doesn't include broken necks, as sustained in Red Rover). Why? Whenever a kid scrapes his knee and starts crying, a lifelong wuss is born.
A lot of schools banned Red Rover for being dangerous (what's dangerous about clothes-lineing little kids? I mean, come on!). That was smart. Banning tag is stupid. If you ask me, children need more minor injuries (which doesn't include broken necks, as sustained in Red Rover). Why? Whenever a kid scrapes his knee and starts crying, a lifelong wuss is born.

Agreed. Tag doesn't bring life threatening dangers and as Kyle said, little kids need to experience these kind of "dangers" in order for them to develop and learn about being careful and all.

Agreed. Tag doesn't bring life threatening dangers and as Kyle said, little kids need to experience these kind of "dangers" in order for them to develop and learn about being careful and all.
They don't even need to be careful! I mean, what can really happen playing tag? A bruise? They should just get rid of recess altogether if they want to avoid such severe traumas.
That's ridiculous. Actually, it's beyond ridiculous. Tag is a game every kid should grow up playing. It's great because it's fun, takes only 2 or 3 people to play, and you can pretty much play anywhere.

Honestly, I thought the cuts and bruises were pretty cool because you could always show them off to your friends back in primary school :lol:.
While we're at it, let's replace schools with in-home deprevation tanks that teach lessons via cassete, so children can grow up learned without the trauma of physical and social contact/interaction!

But another parent, Celeste D'Elia, says she's witnessed a lot of "near collisions" between children and supports anything that makes the playground safer.
That sums it up for me.... it's a PLAY GROUND, missus... you know? A ground for play... ?

play·ground (plā'ground')

1. An outdoor area set aside for recreation and play, especially one containing equipment such as seesaws and swings.
2. A field or sphere of unrestricted pleasurable activity: “Foreign affairs had been T.R.'s personal playground during his Presidency” (John Dos Passos).

Maybe someone should tell people like Celeste D'Elia that you don't even need to play tag to risk injury in the playground... I found that even mentioning the fact that the school bully's nickname was 'Pongo' was enough to guarantee a chase and/or a dead arm at the end of it...

Banning tag is pointless. I can't remember any childhood games, inside or outside of school, that didn't involve some form of slight physical risk... one game in particular, "Everybody jump on Paul" was particularly physical - especially for Paul. :crazy:
Society has failed. This is pathetic.


In the future, when I'm a parent, if this were to happen at my kids school, I would be VERY vocal in going against it. :rolleyes: 👎
jeez.....they are actually cutting recess in quite a few schools altogether. the amount that must be taught to have students pass a lot of standardized tests is quite a load of information.

florida has some obscene amount of testing done on 3rd graders. the FCAT or something, its basically the deciding factor in passing a student into the 4th grade, getting A's and B's has no impact if they fail the test, they are automatically retained in the 3rd grade.
British bulldogs was great, I used to play that all the time in priamry school, set me up for playing rugby in high school :lol:. It's all stupid banning gmaes, they'll be banning football soon because you may get hit by the ball.

You used to play it? - i still play it, sometimes even on my own, sometimes with my imaginary friend.
...sometimes even on my own, sometimes with my imaginary friend.
Now it's called the internet.

Kids rarely complain about injuries happeneing from play; it's a part of life, and they teach lessons...like when to run, when to look out, what not to do if you're stupid.
Kids rarely complain about injuries happeneing from play; it's a part of life, and they teach lessons...like when to run, when to look out, what not to do if you're stupid.

Totally. Playing like that is all about finding your physical limits.
Its amazing I am still alive after all the risks and hazards I have faced....

But hey ...who wants to die healthy anyway ?
And they wonder why little boys have all kinds of extra energy during school and symptoms of ADD. They can't play anything to get rid of that energy. Sheesh...
Wow. That is pitiful, and why was this even considered rational thinking? Maybe they should get rid of lockers, they can trap little idiots who mess with bullies, or maybe stairs, you can fall down those, and ooh, how about not saying the kids names, what if you were to offend them by mis-pronouncing it? Gah, what morons.
But they could get stuck in an elevator shaft...
Ok, schools must be only one story high.
wait, what if a tornado comes? ok, they must have a basement shelter, that you can go to, without stairs, or an elevator, or jumping, and obviously no fireman poles.....hm....
We'll need to start morphing like it's star-trek.... but wait, you can get lost in those, and end up on planet helion prime..... I'll need help solving this one, guys...........:dunce:
I'm so glad I grew up in po'dunk Kentucky. We had monkey bars, a merry-go-round, a wooden fort type thing (with rope ladders, a cargo net, and whatnot), and a spiral slide on my elementary school playground. At least once a year someone broke an arm. Once a kid got knocked under the merry-go-round and was bleeding from a head wound. I went by there the other day and every one of those objects was still there and there were kids playing on them.

The only thing that was ever done to "protect" the kids was dirt was used to fill in under the merry-go-round so you couldn't fit underneath it.

Oh, I also had old-school lawn darts with the metal tips and learned how to shoot a gun at 4H summer camp when I was like 8. It could have been 10, it was elementary school.

Some people needto get a grip. Kids can do all kinds of things safely, but occasionally someone will get hurt. THEY'RE KIDS!!! Why do you think Band-Aids with cartoon characters sell so well?
When I was a kid we played FOOTBALL in a huge parking lot...asphalt ...rough touch. And Softball ...same place called the Aquarama lot ...for those familiar with Phila.

I also ran with scissors...I cant believe I survived .